different between adoration vs blessing




Borrowed from Middle French adoration, from Latin ad?r?ti?, ad?r?ti?nem (worship, adoration), from ad?r? (beseech; adore, worship), from ad (to, towards) + ?r? (beg).adore +? -ation


  • IPA(key): /?æ.d???e?.??n/
  • Rhymes: -e???n
  • Hyphenation: ad?o?ra?tion


adoration (countable and uncountable, plural adorations)

  1. (countable) An act of religious worship.
    • a. 1779, David Hume, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
      We incessantly look forward, and endeavour, by prayers, adoration, and sacrifice, to appease those unknown powers, whom we find, by experience, so able to afflict and oppress us.
  2. (uncountable) Admiration or esteem.
    • 1890, Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
      [] if she can create the sense of beauty in people whose lives have been sordid and ugly...she is worthy of all your adoration, worthy of the adoration of the world.
  3. (uncountable) The act of adoring; loving devotion or fascination.
    • 1887, H. Rider Haggard, Allan Quatermain
      He adored Sorais quite as earnestly as Sir Henry adored Nyleptha, and his adoration had not altogether prospered.
  4. (historical) The selection of a pope by acclamation and before any formal ballot (excluded as a voting method in 1621 by Pope Gregory XV).


  • disdain

Related terms

  • adorational




Borrowed from Latin ad?r?ti?, ad?r?ti?nem (worship, adoration), from ad?r? (beseech; adore, worship), from ad (to, towards) + ?r? (beg).


  • IPA(key): /a.d?.?a.sj??/
  • Homophone: adorations
  • Hyphenation: a?do?ra?tion


adoration f (plural adorations)

  1. adoration
  2. (religion) adoration

Related terms

  • adorer

Further reading

  • “adoration” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

adoration From the web:

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  • what's adoration prayer
  • what's adoration in spanish
  • what adoration in tagalog
  • adoration what does it mean
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  • what is adoration in the catholic church




From Middle English blessinge, blessynge, from Old English bl?tsung, bl?dsung (a blessing), equivalent to bless +? -ing.


  • IPA(key): /?bl?s.??/
  • Rhymes: -?s??


blessing (plural blessings)

  1. Some kind of divine or supernatural aid, or reward.
  2. A pronouncement invoking divine aid.
  3. Good fortune.
  4. (paganism) A modern pagan ceremony.
  5. The act of declaring or bestowing favor; approval.
  6. Something someone is glad of.
  7. A prayer before a meal; grace.
  8. A group of unicorns.
    • 2008, Betsy Schiffman, "Time To Trash the Intellectual Property System, Says Report", Wired, 11 September 2008:
      And since we’re laying out our wishes, we’d also like a blessing of unicorns and one million dollars.
    • 2009, Andrew Orlowski, "Facebook music dashboard: Revenue at last?", The Register, 13 September 2011:
      Then a blessing of unicorns charged into the studio, and I was carried away to be re-educated.
    • 2011, Suzette Mayr, Monoceros, Coach House Books (2011), ?ISBN, page 94:
      She just wants to talk to her friends on www.unicornwillsaveus.com or write in her journal or flump on her bedroom floor with her blessing of unicorns: her posters, figurines, stickers, temporary tattoos of anatomically correct unicorns.


  • curse

Derived terms




  1. present participle of bless


  • glibness

blessing From the web:

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  • what blessing did isaac gave esau
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