different between awful vs baleful



Alternative forms

  • awfull (archaic), aweful (obsolete), awefull (obsolete)


From Middle English agheful, awfull, auful, a?efull, equivalent to awe +? -ful. Compare Old English e?eful, e?efull (terrifying; awful).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /???f?l/, /???f?l/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /??f?l/
  • (cotcaught merger) IPA(key): /??f?l/
  • Rhymes: -??f?l
  • Homophone: offal (some accents)


awful (comparative awfuller or more awful, superlative awfullest or most awful)

  1. Very bad.
    My socks smell awful.
    We saw such an awful film last night that we left the theater before the end.
  2. Exceedingly great; usually applied intensively.
    an awful bonnet
    I have learnt an awful amount today.
  3. (now dated) Causing fear or horror; appalling, terrible.
    • 1839, J. Sheridan Le Fanu, Schalken the Painter
      There was an air of gravity and importance about the garb of the person, and something indescribably odd, I might say awful, in the perfect, stonelike stillness of the figure, that effectually checked the testy comment which had at once risen to the lips of the irritated artist.
  4. (now rare) Inspiring awe; filling with profound reverence or respect; profoundly impressive.
    • 1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, II.143:
      And then she stopped, and stood as if in awe / (For sleep is awful) [].
  5. (now rare) Struck or filled with awe.
  6. (obsolete) Terror-stricken.
  7. Worshipful; reverential; law-abiding.


  • See also Thesaurus:frightening

Derived terms

  • awfulness
  • awfully



awful (not comparable)

  1. (colloquial) Awfully; dreadfully; terribly.
  2. (colloquial, US, Canada) Very, extremely.
    That's an awful big house.
    She seemed awful nice when I met her yesterday.
    He was blubbering away something awful.


See also

  • awfully

Further reading

  • awful in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • awful in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.

awful From the web:

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Alternative forms

  • balefull (archaic)


From Middle English baleful, balful, baluful, from Old English bealuful, which being equivalent to bealu +? -ful. Surface analysis as bale (evil, woe) +? -ful. See bale for further etymology.


  • IPA(key): /?be?l.f?l/


baleful (comparative more baleful, superlative most baleful)

  1. Portending evil; ominous.
    • 1873, James Thomson (B.V.), The City of Dreadful Night
      The street-lamps burn amid the baleful glooms,
      Amidst the soundless solitudes immense
      Of ranged mansions dark and still as tombs.
    • 1938, Xavier Herbert, Capricornia, New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1943, Chapter XII, p. 194, [1]
      [] he went off alone with his family, and, watched by the day's red baleful eye, pumped the pump-car homeward, []
    • 1949, Naomi Replansky, “Complaint of the Ignorant Wizard” in Ring Song (published 1952):
      I learned the speech of birds; now every tree
      Screams out to me a baleful prophecy.
  2. Miserable, wretched, distressed, suffering.
    • 1674, John Milton, Paradise Lost (Book I), line 56
      round he throws his baleful eyes, that witnessed huge affliction and dismay ...

Derived terms

  • balefully
  • unbaleful


Middle English

Alternative forms

  • balful, baluful, balefulle, balefule, balleful, balefull, balful, balfulle


From Old English bealuful; equivalent to bale +? -ful.


  • IPA(key): /?ba?lful/, /?balful/



  1. evil, horrible, malicious
  2. (rare) dangerous, harmful, injurious
  3. (rare) worthless, petty, lowly

Derived terms

  • balfulli


  • English: baleful


  • “b?leful, adj.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-05-19.

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