different between blind vs inconsiderate



Alternative forms

  • (archaic) blinde


From Middle English blind, from Old English blind, from Proto-West Germanic *blind, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.


  • IPA(key): /bla?nd/
  • Rhymes: -a?nd


blind (comparative blinder, superlative blindest)

  1. (not comparable, of a person or animal) Unable to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
    Synonym: sightless
    Antonyms: seeing, sighted
    • 1883, Robert Louis Stevenson, Treasure Island,
      He was plainly blind, for he tapped before him with a stick, and wore a great green shade over his eyes and nose...
  2. (not comparable, of an eye) Unable to be used to see, due to physiological or neurological factors.
  3. (comparable) Failing to see, acknowledge, perceive.
  4. (not comparable) Of a place, having little or no visibility.
  5. (not comparable) Closed at one end; having a dead end; exitless.
  6. (not comparable) Having no openings for light or passage; both dark and exitless.
  7. (in certain phrases, chiefly in the negative) Smallest or slightest.
  8. (not comparable) Without any prior knowledge.
  9. (not comparable) Unconditional; without regard to evidence, logic, reality, accidental mistakes, extenuating circumstances, etc.
    • 1787–1788, John Jay, The Federalist Papers
      This plan is recommended neither to blind approbation nor to blind reprobation.
  10. (sciences) Using blinded study design, wherein information is purposely limited to prevent bias.
  11. Unintelligible or illegible.
  12. (horticulture) Abortive; failing to produce flowers or fruit.
  13. (LGBT, slang) Uncircumcised

Derived terms


See also

  • invisible (unable to be seen)
  • anosmic
  • deaf
  • print disabled


blind (plural blinds)

  1. A covering for a window to keep out light. The covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass.
  2. A destination sign mounted on a public transport vehicle displaying the route destination, number, name and/or via points, etc.
  3. Any device intended to conceal or hide.
  4. Something to mislead the eye or the understanding, or to conceal some covert deed or design; a subterfuge.
  5. (military) A blindage.
  6. A halting place.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Dryden to this entry?)
  7. (rugby, colloquial) The blindside.
  8. (baseball, slang, 1800s) No score.
  9. (poker) A forced bet: the small blind or the big blind.
  10. (poker) A player who is forced to pay such a bet.


  • (destination sign): rollsign (mainly US)

Derived terms

  • big blind
  • blinders
  • small blind
  • Venetian blind
  • blind map


See also

  • curtain
  • jalousie


blind (third-person singular simple present blinds, present participle blinding, simple past and past participle blinded)

  1. (transitive) To make temporarily or permanently blind.
    • May 9, 1686 (date of preaching), Robert South, The Fatal Imposture and Force of Words (sermon)
      A blind guide is certainly a great mischief; but a guide that blinds those whom he should lead is [] a much greater.
  2. (slang, obsolete) To curse.
    • 1890, Rudyard Kipling, The Young British Soldier
      If you're cast for fatigue by a sergeant unkind,
      Don't grouse like a woman, nor crack on, nor blind;
      Be handy and civil, and then you will find
      That it's beer for the young British soldier.
  3. To darken; to obscure to the eye or understanding; to conceal.
    • 1676, Edward Stillingfleet, A Defence of the Discourse Concerning the Idolatry Practised in the Church of Rome
      The state of the controversy between us he endeavored, with all his art, to blind and confound.
  4. To cover with a thin coating of sand and fine gravel, for example a road newly paved, in order that the joints between the stones may be filled.

Derived terms

  • blind with science
  • blinder
  • blinding
  • blindness



blind (comparative more blind, superlative most blind)

  1. Without seeing; unseeingly.
  2. (colloquial) Absolutely, totally.
  3. (poker, three card brag) Without looking at the cards dealt.
  4. (cooking, especially in combination with 'bake') As a pastry case only, without any filling.





From Dutch blind, from Middle Dutch blint, from Old Dutch *blint, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.


  • IPA(key): /bl?nt/


blind (attributive blinde, comparative blinder, superlative blindste)

  1. blind (unable to see)

Derived terms

  • blindheid



From Old Norse blindr, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.


  • Rhymes: -end



  1. blind



  • “blind” in Den Danske Ordbog



  • IPA(key): /bl?nt/
  • Hyphenation: blind
  • Rhymes: -?nt

Etymology 1

From Middle Dutch blint, from Old Dutch *blint, from Proto-West Germanic *blind, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.


blind (comparative blinder, superlative blindst)

  1. blind (unable to see)
Derived terms
  • blinde vink
  • blinde vlek
  • blindheid
  • verblinden
  • Afrikaans: blind

Etymology 2

From blinden.

Alternative forms

  • blinde f


blind n (plural blinden, diminutive blindje n)

  1. window shutter
  • luik



From Middle High German and Old High German blint, from Proto-West Germanic *blind.


  • IPA(key): /bl?nt/


blind (comparative blinder, superlative am blindesten)

  1. blind
  2. (of a mirror or windowpane) cloudy
    • 1918, Elisabeth von Heyking, Die Orgelpfeifen, in: Zwei Erzählungen, Phillipp Reclam jun. Verlag, page 9:


Derived terms

  • blinder Passagier
  • farbenblind
  • nachtblind

See also

  • blenden

Further reading

  • “blind” in Duden online

German Low German


From Middle Low German blint, from Old Saxon blind. Cognate to Dutch blind, German blind.


blind (comparative blinner, superlative blinnst)

  1. blind





  1. inflection of blindur:
    1. feminine singular nominative strong positive degree
    2. neuter plural nominative strong positive degree
    3. neuter plural accusative strong positive degree

Middle English

Alternative forms

  • blynd, blend, blin


From Old English blind, from Proto-West Germanic *blind.


  • IPA(key): /bli?nd/, /blind/



  1. blind, sightless


  • English: blind
  • Scots: blind, blynd
  • Yola: blin


  • “bl??nd, adj.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.

Norwegian Bokmål


From Old Norse blindr, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.


blind (neuter singular blindt, definite singular and plural blinde)

  1. blind

Derived terms


  • “blind” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk


From Old Norse blindr, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz. Akin to English blind.


  • IPA(key): /bl?n?/, /bl?nd/


blind (masculine and feminine blind, neuter blindt, definite singular and plural blinde, comparative blindare, indefinite superlative blindast, definite superlative blindaste)

  1. blind

Derived terms



  1. imperative of blinda


  • “blind” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.

Old English


From Proto-West Germanic *blind.


  • IPA(key): /blind/



  1. blind
  2. (substantive) a blind person


Related terms

  • blindnes
  • blendan
  • blindl??e


  • Middle English: blind, blynd, blend, blin
    • English: blind
    • Scots: blind, blynd
    • Yola: blin

Old Saxon


From Proto-West Germanic *blind.



  1. blind




From Old Swedish blinder, from Old Norse blindr, from Proto-Germanic *blindaz.



blind (comparative blindare, superlative blindast)

  1. blind; unable or failing to see


Derived terms

  • blindgång
  • blindgångare
  • blindbock
  • blindstyre
  • färgblind

blind From the web:

  • what blind people see
  • what blinds are best
  • what blinds are in style 2020
  • what blinds an oracle
  • what blindness looks like
  • what blind eyes look like
  • what blinds are best for sliding doors
  • what blinds are easiest to clean




From in- +? considerate.


  • IPA(key): /??nk?n?s?d???t/, /???-/


inconsiderate (comparative more inconsiderate, superlative most inconsiderate)

  1. Not considerate of others.
    Synonyms: thoughtless, unthoughtful
    Antonyms: considerate, thoughtful
    • 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Boston: John P. Jewett, Volume 1, Chapter 15, p. 241,[1]
      “It’s very inconsiderate of you, St. Clare,” said the lady, “to insist on my talking and looking at things. You know I’ve been lying all day with the sick-headache; and there’s been such a tumult made ever since you came, I’m half dead.”
    • 1922, Willa Cather, One of Ours, New York: Knopf, Book 1, Chapter 16, pp. 89-90,[2]
      Bayliss and his father were talking together before dinner when Claude came in and was so inconsiderate as to put up a window, though he knew his brother hated a draft.
    • 1988, Anne Tyler, Breathing Lessons, New York: Knopf, Part 1, Chapter 1, p. 13,[3]
      “Ann Landers claims drop-in visits are inconsiderate,” he said.
  2. (obsolete) Not giving enough consideration to one's actions, conclusions, etc.; acting too quickly without considering the risks and consequences.
    Synonyms: hasty, inattentive, rash, unreflecting
    • c. 1596, William Shakespeare, King John, Act II, Scene 1,[4]
      And all the unsettled humours of the land,
      Rash, inconsiderate, fiery voluntaries, []
      Have sold their fortunes at their native homes,
      Bearing their birthrights proudly on their backs,
      To make hazard of new fortunes here:
    • 1689, John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, London: Thomas Basset, Book 1, Chapter 4, § 15, p. 32,[5]
      [] the wise and considerate Men of the World, by a right and careful employment of their Thoughts, and Reason, attained true Notions in this, as well as other things; whilst the lazy and inconsiderate part of Men, making the far greater number, took up their Notions, by chance, from common Tradition, and vulgar Conceptions, without much beating their heads about them.
    • 1709, Aaron Hill, A Full and Just Account of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire, London: for the author, Chapter 7, p. 51,[6]
      They Pray with Fervour and a fix’d, Attention, never turning like too many Inconsiderate Christians in our Noisy Churches, to behold what People pass behind them;
    • 1777, William Hutchinson, A Treatise on Practical Seamanship, Liverpool: for the author, p. 137,[7]
      [] the most danger is from those inconsiderate and unexperienced pilots, who think a ship may be managed and conducted with equal ease and safety among shoals, as their own small vessels to which they have been accustomed,
    • 1815, Jane Austen, Emma, London: John Murray, Volume 1, Chapter 8, p. 141,[8]
      [] Mr. Elton might not be of an imprudent, inconsiderate disposition as to money-matters; he might naturally be rather attentive than otherwise to them;
  3. (obsolete) Resulting from insufficient consideration.
    Synonym: unconsidered
    • 1593, Gabriel Harvey, Pierces Supererogation or A New Prayse of the Old Asse, London: John Wolfe, p. 175,[9]
      I am ouer-ready to pardon young ouersights, and forgiue inconsiderate offences:
    • 1665, Robert Boyle, New Experiments and Observations Touching Cold, London: John Crook, The Authors Preface Introductory,[10]
      And having given us this inconsiderate Description of Cold, they [the Classick Authors] commonly take leave of the subject, as if it deserved no further handling, then could be afforded it in a few Lines,
    • 1748, Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, London, Volume 7, Letter 78, p. 267,[11]
      [] to such a choice are many worthy women betrayed, by that false and inconsiderate notion, raised and propagated, no doubt, by the author of all delusion, That a reformed Rake makes the best husband.
    • 1791, Charlotte Lennox, Hermione, London: William Lane, Volume 4, Letter 20, p. 65,[12]
      Do me not the injustice to imagine I now require any particulars to convince me of your innocence, and of my own inconsiderate conclusions.
    • 1857, Anthony Trollope, Barchester Towers, Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1859, Volume 2, Chapter 6, p. 83,[13]
      Charlotte Stanhope did not in the least conceive that her new friend was a woman whom nothing could entrap into an inconsiderate marriage []
  4. (obsolete) Of too little value to be considered.
    Synonyms: inconsiderable, negligible, trifling
    • 1655, Edward Terry, A Voyage to East-India, London: J. Martin and J. Allestrye, pp. 15-16,[14]
      [] when they had sold any one of their bullooks to us, for a little inconsiderate peece of brasse, if we did not presently knock him down, they would by the same call, make the poor creature break from us and run unto them again, and then there was no getting them out of their hands, but by giving them more brasse,
    • 1682, Aphra Behn, The Roundheads or, The Good Old Cause, London: D. Brown et al., Act III, Scene 1, p. 27,[15]
      [] to wrest the Law to our convenience
      Is no small, inconsiderate Work?

Related terms


See also

  • tactless
  • thoughtless


  • containerised, inter-diocesan




  1. feminine plural of inconsiderato



  • (Classical) IPA(key): /in.kon.si?.de?ra?.te/, [??kõ?s?i?d????ä?t??]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /in.kon.si.de?ra.te/, [i?k?nsid??????t??]



  1. vocative masculine singular of inc?ns?der?tus


  • inconsiderate in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • inconsiderate in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • inconsiderate in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette

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