different between carriage vs wynn




From Middle English cariage, from Old Northern French cariage, from carier (to carry).


  • (General American) IPA(key): /?kæ??d?/, /?k???d?/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?kæ??d?/
  • (Marymarrymerry distinction)
  • (Marymarrymerry merger)
  • Rhymes: -æ??d?
  • Hyphenation: car?riage


carriage (countable and uncountable, plural carriages)

  1. The act of conveying; carrying.
  2. Means of conveyance.
  3. A wheeled vehicle, generally drawn by horse power.
    The carriage ride was very romantic.
  4. (Britain) A rail car, especially one designed for the conveyance of passengers.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:carriage.
  5. (now rare) A manner of walking and moving in general; how one carries oneself, bearing, gait.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.i:
      His carriage was full comely and vpright, / His countenaunce demure and temperate [...].
    • 1942, Emily Carr, The Book of Small, "Characters," [1]
      In spite of her erect carriage she could flop to her knees to pray as smart as any of us.
    • 2010, Christopher Hitchens, Hitch-22, Atlantic 2011, p. 90:
      He chose to speak largely about Vietnam [...], and his wonderfully sonorous voice was as enthralling to me as his very striking carriage and appearance.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:carriage.
  6. (archaic) One's behaviour, or way of conducting oneself towards others.
    • 1749, Henry Fielding, Tom Jones, Folio Society 1973, p. 407:
      He now assumed a carriage to me so very different from what he had lately worn, and so nearly resembling his behaviour the first week of our marriage, that [] he might, possibly, have rekindled my fondness for him.
    • 1819, Lord Byron, Don Juan, I:
      Some people whisper but no doubt they lie, / For malice still imputes some private end, / That Inez had, ere Don Alfonso's marriage, / Forgot with him her very prudent carriage [...].
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:carriage.
  7. The part of a typewriter supporting the paper.
  8. (US, New England) A shopping cart.
  9. (Britain) A stroller; a baby carriage.
  10. The charge made for conveying (especially in the phrases carriage forward, when the charge is to be paid by the receiver, and carriage paid).
    Synonyms: freight, freightage, cartage, charge, rate
  11. (archaic) That which is carried, baggage
    • And David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and came and saluted his brethren.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:carriage.


Derived terms


See also

  • carriage on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Appendix:Carriages

carriage From the web:

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  • what carriage of dangerous goods the explosives
  • what carriage return
  • what carriage is the shop on avanti trains
  • what carriage is the toilet on
  • what carriage is first class on a train
  • what carriage return means
  • what carriage is the shop on virgin trains



Etymology 1

From Middle English wynne, winne, wenne, wunne, from Old English wynn (joy, pleasure), from Proto-West Germanic *wunnju, from Proto-Germanic *wunj?, from Proto-Indo-European *wn?h?yeh?, from *wenh?- (desire, wish, love).

Alternative forms

  • uuyn, wen, ?, ?ynn


  • IPA(key): /w?n/
  • Rhymes: -?n
  • Homophones: win, Nguyen


wynn (plural wynns)

  1. A letter of the Old English alphabet, borrowed from the futhark and used to represent the sound of w; replaced in Middle English times by the digraph uu, which later developed into the letter w.

See also

  • eth / edh / eð / ð
  • thorn / þorn / þ

Etymology 2


wynn (plural wynns)

  1. A kind of timber truck, or carriage.



A metathesized borrowing from the plural Aramaic ????????????????????? (*Yawnay?n), itself from Ancient Greek ?????? (I??w?n, Ionian) — compare the later Ancient Greek ?????? (I???n), ??? (Í?n).


  • IPA(key): /w?j?ni?n/


???? m

  1. Greek (person)


  • Coptic: ??????? (oueinin) (Bohairic)


  • Erichsen, Wolja (1954) Demotisches Glossar, Copenhagen: Ejnar Munksgaard, page 80
  • ?erný, Jaroslav (1976) Coptic Etymological Dictionary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ?ISBN, page 213
  • Brugsch, F. Chabas and Eug. Revillout (1911) Revue Égyptologique publiée sous la direction de MM. Vol. XIII, page 107, Paris

Old English

Alternative forms

  • wyn


From Proto-West Germanic *wunnju.


  • IPA(key): /wynn/, [wyn]


wynn f

  1. joy, delight
  2. the runic character ?
  3. the letter wynn: ?, ? (/w/)


Related terms

  • wenian
  • wine

Derived terms

  • wynfæst
  • wynsum
  • wynl??
  • wynfull


  • Middle English: wynne, wunne, winne
    • English: wynn, wen, winne, win
    • Scots: win

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