different between casual vs heedless



Alternative forms

  • casuall (obsolete)
  • (shortening, informal) cazh


From Middle French casuel, from Late Latin c?su?lis (happening by chance), from Latin c?sus (event) (English case), from cadere (to fall) (whence English cadence).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?ka?u?l/, /?ka?ju?l/, /?kazju?l/, /?ka??l/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /?kæ?u?l/, /?kæ?w?l/, /?kæ??l/
  • (General New Zealand) IPA(key): /?k????l/, /?k???l/
  • (obsolete) IPA(key): /-uæl/
  • Hyphenation: ca?su?al, cas?ual, casu?al


casual (comparative more casual, superlative most casual)

  1. Happening by chance.
    • casual breaks, in the general system
  2. Coming without regularity; occasional or incidental.
    • a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture
  3. Employed irregularly.
  4. Careless.
    • 2007, Nick Holland, The Girl on the Bus (page 117)
      I removed my jacket and threw it casually over the back of the settee.
  5. Happening or coming to pass without design.
    • 2012, Jeff Miller, Grown at Glen Garden: Ben Hogan, Byron Nelson, and the Little Texas Golf Course that Propelled Them to Stardom
      Hogan assumed the entire creek bed was to be played as a casual hazard, moved his ball out and assessed himself a one-stroke penalty.
  6. Informal, relaxed.
  7. Designed for informal or everyday use.


  • (happening by chance): accidental, fortuitous, incidental, occasional, random; see also Thesaurus:accidental
  • (happening or coming to pass without design): unexpected
  • (relaxed; everyday use): informal


  • (happening by chance): inevitable, necessary
  • (happening or coming to pass without design): expected, scheduled
  • (relaxed; everyday use): ceremonial, formal

Derived terms



casual (plural casuals)

  1. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A worker who is only working for a company occasionally, not as its permanent employee.
  2. A soldier temporarily at a place of duty, usually en route to another place of duty.
  3. (Britain) A member of a group of football hooligans who wear expensive designer clothing to avoid police attention; see casual (subculture).
  4. One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong; a vagrant.
  5. (video games, informal, derogatory) A player of casual games.
  6. (fandom slang) A person whose engagement with media is relaxed or superficial.
    • 1972, Lee C. Garrison, "The Needs of Motion Picture Audiences", California Management Review, Volume 15, Issue 2, Winter 1972, page 149:
      Casuals outnumbered regulars in the art-house audience two to one.
    • 2010, Jennifer Gillan, Television and New Media: Must-Click TV, page 16:
      Most often, when a series is marketed toward casuals, the loyals feel that their interests and needs are not being met.
    • 2018, E. J. Nielsen, "The Gay Elephant Meta in the Room: Sherlock and the Johnlock Conspiracy", in Queerbaiting and Fandom: Teasing Fans Through Homoerotic Possibilities (ed. Joseph Brennan), page 91:
      Treating a gay relationship as a puzzle that must be pursued by the clever viewers and hidden from “casuals” until a narrative reveal at the eleventh hour seems antithetical to the idea of normalized representation that TJLCers claim as the main reason they want Johnlock to be canon, []
  7. (Britain, dated) A tramp.


Related terms

  • casualty
  • case


  • casual in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.


  • Calusa, casula, causal



casual (masculine and feminine plural casuals)

  1. casual
  2. unplanned

Derived terms

  • casualitat
  • casualment



casual m or f (plural casuais, comparable)

  1. casual (happening by chance)
    Synonym: fortuito
  2. casual (coming without regularity)
    Synonym: ocasional
  3. casual (designed for informal or everyday use)



  • Rhymes: -al


casual (plural casuales)

  1. casual
  2. accidental
  3. coincidental, chance

Derived terms

  • casualmente


  • ? Cebuano: kaswal

Further reading

  • “casual” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014.

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heed +? -less


  • IPA(key): /?hi?dl?s/


heedless (comparative more heedless, superlative most heedless)

  1. Unaware, without noticing; careless, inattentive.
    Antonym: heedful

Derived terms

  • heedlessly
  • heedlessness


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