different between casual vs mechanical



Alternative forms

  • casuall (obsolete)
  • (shortening, informal) cazh


From Middle French casuel, from Late Latin c?su?lis (happening by chance), from Latin c?sus (event) (English case), from cadere (to fall) (whence English cadence).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?ka?u?l/, /?ka?ju?l/, /?kazju?l/, /?ka??l/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /?kæ?u?l/, /?kæ?w?l/, /?kæ??l/
  • (General New Zealand) IPA(key): /?k????l/, /?k???l/
  • (obsolete) IPA(key): /-uæl/
  • Hyphenation: ca?su?al, cas?ual, casu?al


casual (comparative more casual, superlative most casual)

  1. Happening by chance.
    • casual breaks, in the general system
  2. Coming without regularity; occasional or incidental.
    • a constant habit, rather than a casual gesture
  3. Employed irregularly.
  4. Careless.
    • 2007, Nick Holland, The Girl on the Bus (page 117)
      I removed my jacket and threw it casually over the back of the settee.
  5. Happening or coming to pass without design.
    • 2012, Jeff Miller, Grown at Glen Garden: Ben Hogan, Byron Nelson, and the Little Texas Golf Course that Propelled Them to Stardom
      Hogan assumed the entire creek bed was to be played as a casual hazard, moved his ball out and assessed himself a one-stroke penalty.
  6. Informal, relaxed.
  7. Designed for informal or everyday use.


  • (happening by chance): accidental, fortuitous, incidental, occasional, random; see also Thesaurus:accidental
  • (happening or coming to pass without design): unexpected
  • (relaxed; everyday use): informal


  • (happening by chance): inevitable, necessary
  • (happening or coming to pass without design): expected, scheduled
  • (relaxed; everyday use): ceremonial, formal

Derived terms



casual (plural casuals)

  1. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand) A worker who is only working for a company occasionally, not as its permanent employee.
  2. A soldier temporarily at a place of duty, usually en route to another place of duty.
  3. (Britain) A member of a group of football hooligans who wear expensive designer clothing to avoid police attention; see casual (subculture).
  4. One who receives relief for a night in a parish to which he does not belong; a vagrant.
  5. (video games, informal, derogatory) A player of casual games.
  6. (fandom slang) A person whose engagement with media is relaxed or superficial.
    • 1972, Lee C. Garrison, "The Needs of Motion Picture Audiences", California Management Review, Volume 15, Issue 2, Winter 1972, page 149:
      Casuals outnumbered regulars in the art-house audience two to one.
    • 2010, Jennifer Gillan, Television and New Media: Must-Click TV, page 16:
      Most often, when a series is marketed toward casuals, the loyals feel that their interests and needs are not being met.
    • 2018, E. J. Nielsen, "The Gay Elephant Meta in the Room: Sherlock and the Johnlock Conspiracy", in Queerbaiting and Fandom: Teasing Fans Through Homoerotic Possibilities (ed. Joseph Brennan), page 91:
      Treating a gay relationship as a puzzle that must be pursued by the clever viewers and hidden from “casuals” until a narrative reveal at the eleventh hour seems antithetical to the idea of normalized representation that TJLCers claim as the main reason they want Johnlock to be canon, []
  7. (Britain, dated) A tramp.


Related terms

  • casualty
  • case


  • casual in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.


  • Calusa, casula, causal



casual (masculine and feminine plural casuals)

  1. casual
  2. unplanned

Derived terms

  • casualitat
  • casualment



casual m or f (plural casuais, comparable)

  1. casual (happening by chance)
    Synonym: fortuito
  2. casual (coming without regularity)
    Synonym: ocasional
  3. casual (designed for informal or everyday use)



  • Rhymes: -al


casual (plural casuales)

  1. casual
  2. accidental
  3. coincidental, chance

Derived terms

  • casualmente


  • ? Cebuano: kaswal

Further reading

  • “casual” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014.

casual From the web:

  • what casual mean
  • what casual shoes are in style 2020
  • what casualties did the animals suffer
  • what casual dating mean
  • what casualty means
  • what casual shoes to wear with jeans
  • what casual dress means
  • what casual relationship mean




From Middle English mechanical, mechanicalle, mechanycalle, equivalent to mechanic +? -al.


  • IPA(key): /m??kæn?k(?)l/


mechanical (comparative more mechanical, superlative most mechanical)

  1. (now rare) Characteristic of someone who does manual labour for a living; coarse, vulgar.
  2. Related to mechanics (the branch of physics that deals with forces acting on mass).
  3. Related to mechanics (the design and construction of machines).
  4. Done by machine.
  5. Using mechanics (the design and construction of machines): being a machine.
  6. As if performed by a machine: lifeless or mindless.
  7. (of a person) Acting as if one were a machine: lifeless or mindless.
  8. (informal) Handy with machines.

Derived terms

Related terms



mechanical (plural mechanicals)

  1. (advertising) Manually created layout of artwork that is camera ready for photographic reproduction.
    • 2009, New York State Sales and Use Tax Law and Regulations
      In order to produce the posters, the advertising agency purchases photographs, composition and artwork and fabricates such property to produce layouts and mechanicals.
  2. One who does manual labor, especially one who is similar to Shakespeare's rude mechanicals
  3. (science fiction) A robot or mechanical creature.
  4. (engineering) A mechanical engineer.
  5. (cycling) An instance of equipment failure.
  6. (music) A stop on an organ that is operated by a hand or foot control rather than having to be manually set up in advance.
  7. (archaic) A machine that performs a job typically accomplished using an animal or manual labor.


  • (camera-ready artwork): pasteup

Further reading

  • "mechanical" in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 201.

mechanical From the web:

  • what mechanical engineers do
  • what mechanical energy
  • what mechanical digestion occurs in the stomach
  • what mechanical boss is the easiest
  • what mechanical keyboard to buy
  • what mechanically breaks down food
  • what mechanical keyboard switch is right for me
  • what mechanically digests ingested food

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