different between characteristic vs genus




From Ancient Greek ??????????????? (kharakt?ristikós), from ??????????? (kharakt?ríz?, to designate by a characteristic mark), from ???????? (kharakt?r, a mark, character).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?kæ??kt????st?k/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /?k???kt????st?k/
  • Rhymes: -?st?k
  • Hyphenation: char?ac?te?ris?tic


characteristic (comparative more characteristic, superlative most characteristic)

  1. Being a distinguishing feature of a person or thing.


  • distinctive
  • exclusive
  • idiosyncratic
  • indicative
  • representative
  • signature
  • specific
  • typical


  • uncharacteristic
  • untypical

Derived terms

  • characteristic function
  • characteristicness



characteristic (plural characteristics)

  1. A distinguishing feature of a person or thing.
  2. (mathematics) The integer part of a logarithm.
    • 1830, Solomon Pearson Miles, Thomas Sherwin, Mathematical Tables: Comprising Logarithms of Numbers, [] , page 69,
      It is evident, moreover, that as the logarithms of numbers, which are tenfold, the one of the other, do not differ except in their characteristics, it is sufficient that the tables contain the fractional parts only of the logarithms.
    • 1911, F. T. Swanwick, Elementary Trigonometry, Cambridge University Press, page 60,
      As the sine and cosine are always proper fractions their logarithms are negative, i.e. have negative characteristics. When we are given an angle, it is impossible to say, from inspection of the angle, what the characteristic of the logarithm of its sine, cosine or tangent may be; so the characteristics have to be printed with the mantissae.
    • 1961, Principles and Applications of Mathematics for Communications-Electronics, [U.S.] Department of the Army, page 69,
      Similarly, the characteristic for .003 is ?3, and the characteristic for .0003 is ?4.
  3. (nautical) The distinguishing features of a navigational light on a lighthouse etc by which it can be identified (colour, pattern of flashes etc.).
  4. (algebra, field theory, ring theory) For a given field or ring, a natural number that is either the smallest positive number n such that n instances of the multiplicative identity (1) summed together yield the additive identity (0) or, if no such number exists, the number 0.
    • 1962 [John Wiley & Sons], Nathan Jacobson, Lie Algebras, 1979, Dover, page 289,
      In this chapter we study the problem of classifying the finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0.
    • 1992, Simeon Ivanov (translator), P. M. Gudivok, E. Ya. Pogorilyak, On Modular Representations of Finite Groups over Integral Domains, Simeon Ivanov (editor), Galois Theory, Rings, Algebraic Groups and Their Applications, American Mathematical Society, page 87,
      Let R be a Noetherian factorial ring of characteristic p which is not a field.
    • 1993, S. Warner, Topological Rings, Elsevier (North-Holland), page 424,
      Traditionally, a complete, discretely valued field of characteristic zero, the maximal ideal of whose valuation ring is generated by the prime number p, has been called a p-adic field. In our terminology, the valuation ring of a p-adic field is a Cohen ring of characteristic zero whose residue field has characteristic p, and consequently a p-adic field is simply the quotient field of such a Cohen ring.


  • (distinguishing feature of a person or thing): attribute, hallmark, idiosyncrasy, mannerism, quality, tendency, trademark, trait
  • See also Thesaurus:characteristic

Coordinate terms

  • (part of a logarithm): mantissa

Derived terms

  • defining characteristic

Related terms

  • characteristically


See also

  • mantissa

Further reading

  • characteristic in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • characteristic in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.



characteristic (not comparable)

  1. characteristic

Related terms

  • characteristica

characteristic From the web:

  • what characteristics
  • what characteristics do bureaucracies share
  • what characteristics make a good leader
  • what characteristic is common to metamorphic rocks
  • what characteristic unique to shake
  • what characteristic is associated with lithography
  • what characteristics are possessed by the best salespeople
  • what characteristic should be considered the most




Borrowed from Latin genus (birth, origin, a race, sort, kind) from the root gen- in Latin gignere, Old Latin gegnere (to beget, produce). Doublet of gender, genre, and kin.


  • (UK) enPR: j?n’-?s, j?n’-?s, IPA(key): /?d?i?n?s/, /?d??n?s/
  • (US) enPR: j?n’-?s, IPA(key): /?d?i?n?s/
  • Rhymes: -i?n?s


genus (plural genera or (both nonstandard) genuses or genusses)

  1. (biology, taxonomy) A category in the classification of organisms, ranking below family (Lat. familia) and above species.
    1. A taxon at this rank.
    All magnolias belong to the genus Magnolia.
    Other species of the genus Bos are often called cattle or wild cattle.
    There are only two genera and species of seadragons.
  2. A group with common attributes.
  3. (topology, graph theory, algebraic geometry) A natural number representing any of several related measures of the complexity of a given manifold or graph.
  4. (semantics) Within a definition, a broader category of the defined concept.

Usage notes

  • (biology, taxonomy, rank in the classification of organisms): See generic name, binomial nomenclature.


  • See also Thesaurus:class


  • (topology, graph theory): Euler genus

Derived terms

Related terms


See also

  • (semantics): differentia
  • (biological taxa):
  • domain
  • kingdom
  • phylum/division
  • class
  • order
  • family
  • supergenus
  • genus
    • subgenus, section, series
  • species

Further reading

  • genus in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • genus in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.


  • Negus, negus



Borrowed from Latin genus.


  • IPA(key): /?e?nus/, [???e?nus]


genus n (plural indefinite genus or genera)

  1. (biology, taxonomy) genus
    Synonym: slægt
  2. (grammar) gender
    Synonym: køn

Further reading

  • genus on the Danish Wikipedia.Wikipedia da



Borrowed from Latin genus.


  • IPA(key): /??e?.n?s/
  • Hyphenation: ge?nus


genus n (plural genera)

  1. (botany) a rank in a taxonomic classification, in between family and species.
    Synonym: geslacht
  2. (botany) a taxon at this rank
    Synonym: geslacht
  3. (linguistics) gender
    Synonym: geslacht

Derived terms

  • subgenus
  • supergenus



  • IPA(key): /??enus/, [??e?nus?]
  • Rhymes: -enus
  • Syllabification: ge?nus



  1. (botany) Synonym of suku (genus)
  2. (topology) genus
    Synonym: suku




  • (Classical) IPA(key): /??e.nus/, [???n?s?]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /?d??e.nus/, [?d????nus]

Etymology 1

From Proto-Italic *genos, from Proto-Indo-European *?énh?os (race), from Proto-Indo-European *?enh?- (to produce, beget); compare also g?ns, from the same root. Cognates include Ancient Greek ????? (génos, race, stock, kin, kind), Sanskrit ???? (jánas, race, class of beings), Proto-Celtic *genos (birth; family), and English kin.


genus n (genitive generis); third declension

  1. birth, origin, lineage, descent
  2. kind, type, class
  3. species (of animal or plant), race (of people)
  4. set, group (with common attributes)
  5. (grammar) gender
    • 6th century, Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus (attributed): Commentarium de oratione et de octo partibus orationis. In: „Patrologiae cursus completus sive Bibliotheca universalis, integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium ss. patrum, doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum qui ab aevo apostolico ad innocentii III tempora floruerunt; [] . Series prima, in qua prodeunt patres, doctores scriptoresque ecclesiae latinae a tertulliano ad gregorium magnum. Accurante J.-P. Migne, cursuum completorum in singulos scientiae ecclesiaticae ramos editore. Patrologiae tomus LXX. Cassiodori tomus posterior. – Magni Aurelii Cassiodori senatoris, viri patricii, consularis, et vivariensis abbatis opera omnia in duos tomos distributa, ad fidem manuscriptiorum codicum emendata et aucta, notis, observationibus et indicibus locupletata, praecedente auctoris vita, quae nunc primum in lucem prodit cum dissertatione de ejus monarchatu. Opera et studio J. Garetii monarchi ordinis sancti Benedicti e congregatione sancti mauri. Nobis autem curantibus accesserunt complexiones in epistolas b. Pauli quas edidit et annotavit scipio Maffeius. Tomus posterior. – Parisiis, venit apud editorem, in via dicta d'amboise, près la barriere d'enfer, ou petit-montrouge. 1847“, p. 1225
      Genera nominum sunt sex: masculinum, ut hic Cato; femininum, ut haec musa; neutrum, ut hoc monile; commune duorum generum, ut hic et haec sacerdos: trium generum, ut hic, et haec, et hoc felix; epicoenon, quod Latine promiscuum dicitur, ut passer, aquila.
      Nouns have six genders: masculine, e.g. hic Cato 'this man Cato'; feminine, e.g. haec musa 'this muse'; neuter, e.g. hoc monile 'this necklace'; common to two genders, e.g. hic et haec sacerdos 'this priest or priestess'; of three genders, e.g. hic, et haec, et hoc felix 'this lucky man, woman or thing'; epicene, called promiscous in Latin, e.g. passer 'sparrow', aquila 'eagle'.
    • 16th century, Andreas Semperius (a.k.a. Andreas Sampere, Andreu Sempere): Andreae Semperii Valentini Alcodiani, doctoris medici, prima grammaticae latinae institutio tribus libris explicata, Majorca/Mallorca, 1819, p.19
      Genera nominum, septem sunt. Masculinum, cui praeponitur hic: ut hic Dominus. Foemineum, cui praeponitur haec: ut haec musa. Neutrum, cui praeponuntur hoc: ut hoc templum. Commune, cui praeponuntur hic, & haec: ut hic, & haec Sacerdos. Omne, cui praeponuntur hic, haec, hoc, vel per tres varias voces inflectitur: ut hic, haec, hoc felix, bonus, bona, bonum. Dubium, quod modo masculinum, modo faemineum, apud Oratores etiam invenitur: ut hic, vel haec dies. Promiscuum, in quo sexus uterque per alterum apparet: ut hic passer, haec aquila, hic lepus.
      Nouns have seven genders. Masculine, which you can precede with hic: hic dominus 'this Lord'. Feminine, which you can precede with haec, e.g. haec musa 'this muse'. Neuter, which you can precede with hoc, e.g. hoc templum 'this temple'. Common, which you can precede with hic and haec: hic & haec sacerdos 'this male or female priest'. Universal, which you can precede with all three of hic, haec, hoc, or which vary in three forms, e.g. hic, haec, hoc felix 'this lucky man, woman, thing', hic bonus, haec bona, hoc bonum 'this good man, good woman, good thing'. Doubtful, which in the orators can be found to be sometimes masculine, sometimes feminine, e.g. hic, vel haec dies 'this day'. Promiscuous, in which a gender appears instead of another, e.g. hic passer 'this sparrow' (always masculine), haec aquila 'this eagle' (always feminine), hic lepus 'this rabbit' (always masculine).
  6. (grammar) subtype of word

Third-declension noun (neuter, imparisyllabic non-i-stem).

  • (grammar, genera nominum): [genus] f?min?num, [genus] mascul?num, [genus] neutrum, genus comm?ne, genus omne
  • (grammar, genera verborum): [genus] ?ct?vum, [genus] pass?vum, [genus] neutrum, [genus] comm?ne, [genus] d?p?n?ns, [genus] medium
Derived terms

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the main entry.



  1. genitive singular of gen?


  • genus in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • genus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • genus in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • Carl Meissner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book?[1], London: Macmillan and Co.

Norwegian Nynorsk


From Latin genus.


genus m or n (definite singular genusen or genuset, indefinite plural genera or genus, definite plural genera or generaa or genusa or genusane)

  1. (biology, taxonomy) genus
  2. (grammar) gender
  3. (grammar) voice


  • “genus” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.



genus n

  1. (grammar) gender (division of nouns and pronouns)
  2. (social) gender, sex (social issues of being man or woman)

Usage notes

  • Biological gender is called kön. The Latin word genus is used for grammar and more recently for gender studies.



  • (grammar): kön

Related terms


  • genus in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)


  • sugen, unges

genus From the web:

  • what genus are humans in
  • what genus do humans belong to
  • what genus is a fox
  • what genus are dogs in
  • what genus is a bear
  • what genus are birds
  • what genus are raccoons
  • what genus are humans in apex

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