different between clever vs devious




From East Anglian dialectal English cliver (expert at seizing), from Middle English cliver (tenacious), perhaps from Old English *clifer, clibbor (clinging), or perhaps from East Frisian (compare Saterland Frisian kluftich), or dialectal Norwegian klover (ready, skillful); possibly influenced by Old English clifer (claw, hand). Related to cleave. Perhaps influenced by Welsh celfydd (talented, dexterous, expert).


  • (US) IPA(key): /?kl?v?/
  • Rhymes: -?v?(r)
  • Hyphenation: clev?er


clever (comparative cleverer or more clever, superlative cleverest or most clever)

  1. Nimble with hands or body; skillful; adept.
    • a. 1898, Francis James Child (collator), Child's Ballads, 198: "Bonny John Seton",
      The Highland men, they're clever men / At handling sword and shield,
  2. Resourceful, sometimes to the point of cunning.
    • 1890, Joseph Jacobs (collator), Molly Whuppie, English Fairy Tales,
      The youngest of the three strange lassies was called Molly Whuppie, and she was very clever. She noticed that before they went to bed the giant put straw ropes round her neck and her sisters', and round his own lassies' necks, he put gold chains. So Molly took care and did not fall asleep, but waited till she was sure every one was sleeping sound. Then she slipped out of the bed, and took the straw ropes off her own and her sisters' necks, and took the gold chains off the giant's lassies. She then put the straw ropes on the giant's lassies and the gold on herself and her sisters, and lay down.
  3. Smart, intelligent, or witty; mentally quick or sharp.
    • 19th c, Charles Kingsley, A Farewell,
      Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever; / Do noble things, not dream them all day long: / And so make life, death, and that vast forever / One grand, sweet song.
    • 1912, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Constance Garnett (translator), The Brothers Karamazov, Book V, Chapter 7: "It's Always Worth While Speaking to a Clever Man",
      I would have sent Alyosha, but what use is Alyosha in a thing like that? I send you just because you are a clever fellow. Do you suppose I don't see that? You know nothing about timber, but you've got an eye.
  4. Showing inventiveness or originality; witty.
  5. (anthropology, of an Aboriginal Australian) Possessing magical abilities.
    • 1904, Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Vol. XXXVIII, page 255,
      When a clever man is out hunting and comes across the tracks of, say, a kangaroo, he follows them along and talks to the footprints all the time for the purpose of injecting magic into the animal which made them.
    • 1947, Oceania, Volumes 16-17, page 330,
      Prior to this, the two women, who were “clever,” and possessed a certain amount of magical “power,” [] .
  6. (obsolete) Fit; suitable; having propriety.
    • 18th c, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope (later lines), Imitation of Horace, 1852, Charles Knight (collator), Half-hours with the Best Authors, Volume 4, page 188,
      I can't but think 'twould sound more clever, / To me and to my heirs forever.
  7. (obsolete) Well-shaped; handsome.
    • 1712, John Arbuthnot, The History of John Bull, Undated modern edition, Library of Alexandria, unnumbered page,
      The girl was a tight, clever wench as any was.
  8. (US, dated) Good-natured; obliging.
  9. (Britain, colloquial) Fit and healthy; free from fatigue or illness.


  • (smart, intelligent or witty): quick-witted, sharp-witted
    • See also Thesaurus:intelligent
  • (resourceful, perhaps cunning): cunning, street-smart
  • (nimble or skillful): adroit, talented
  • (showing inventiveness): ingenious
  • (possessing magical powers): magical


  • (smart, intelligent or witty): dull, stupid
  • (resourceful, perhaps cunning): ineffectual, naive
  • (nimble or skillful): clumsy
  • (showing inventiveness):
  • (possessing magical powers): natural

Derived terms



Further reading

  • clever in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • clever in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • clever at OneLook Dictionary Search


  • Clerve



From English clever.


  • IPA(key): [?kl?v?]
  • Hyphenation: cle?ver


clever (comparative cleverer or clevrer, superlative am cleversten)

  1. clever


Further reading

  • “clever” in Duden online

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of clevere

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1590s, "out of the common or direct way," from Latin devius "out of the way, remote, off the main road," from de via; from de "off" (see de-) + via "way, road" (see via). Compare deviate. Originally in the Latin literal sense; the figurative sense of "deceitful" is first recorded 1630s. Related: Deviously; deviousness. Figurative senses of the Latin word were "retired, sequestered, wandering in the byways, foolish, inconsistent."


  • IPA(key): /?di?vi.?s/
    Rhymes: -i?vi?s


devious (comparative more devious, superlative most devious)

  1. cunning or deceiving, not straightforward or honest, not frank
  2. roundabout, circuitous, deviating from the direct or ordinary route
    • 1801, Robert Southey, Thalaba the Destroyer:
      The wandering Arab never sets his tent
      Within her walls; the Shepherd eyes afar
      Her evil towers, and devious drives his flock.
    • 1839, Frederick Marryat, The Phantom Ship:
      Keeping close in to the shore, they discovered, after two hours run, a fresh stream which burst in a cascade from the mountains, and swept its devious course through the jungle, until it poured its tribute into the waters of the Strait.


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