different between communication vs acquaintance




From Middle English communicacion, from Old French communicacion, from Latin comm?nic?ti?nem, accusative singular of comm?nic?ti? (imparting, communicating), from comm?nic? (I share, I impart).Morphologically communicate +? -ion


  • IPA(key): /k??mju?n??ke???n/
  • Hyphenation: com?mu?ni?ca?tion
  • Rhymes: -e???n


communication (countable and uncountable, plural communications)

  1. The act or fact of communicating anything; transmission.
    communication of smallpox
    communication of a secret
  2. (uncountable) The concept or state of exchanging data or information between entities.
    Some say that communication is a necessary prerequisite for sentience; others say that it is a result thereof.
    The node had established communication with the network, but had as yet sent no data.
  3. A message; the essential data transferred in an act of communication.
    Surveillance was accomplished by means of intercepting the spies' communications.
  4. The body of all data transferred to one or both parties during an act of communication.
    The subpoena required that the company document their communication with the plaintiff.
  5. An instance of information transfer; a conversation or discourse.
    The professors' communications consisted of lively discussions via email.
  6. A passageway or opening between two locations; connection.
    A round archway at the far end of the hallway provided communication to the main chamber.
    • 1727, John Arbuthnot, Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures. Explain'd and exemplify'd in several dissertations
      The Euxine Sea is conveniently situated for trade, by the communication it has both with Asia and Europe.
    • 1900, Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications (page 75)
      This communication between the tank and pump is controlled by a float valve in the tanks and a cock in the pipe, while a poppet valve prevents the undrawn liquor going into the waste tank.
  7. (anatomy) A connection between two tissues, organs, or cavities.
    • 1855, William Stokes, The Diseases of the Heart and the Aorta Page 617
      ...and here a free communication had been established between the aorta and the vena cava.
  8. (obsolete) Association; company.
    • Evil communications corrupt good manners.
  9. Participation in Holy Communion.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Bishop Pearson to this entry?)
  10. (rhetoric) A trope by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says "we" instead of "I" or "you".
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Beattie to this entry?)


  • anticommunication


Derived terms

  • excommunication


  • ? Japanese: ????????? (komyunik?shon)

Related terms



  • communication at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • communication in Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary, edited by The Keywords Project, Colin MacCabe, Holly Yanacek, 2018.
  • "communication" in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 72.
  • communication in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.

Further reading

  • communication on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


Alternative forms

  • communicaison


From Old French communicacion, borrowed from Latin comm?nic?ti?, comm?nic?ti?nem (sharing, communication).


  • IPA(key): /k?.my.ni.ka.sj??/


communication f (plural communications)

  1. communication

Derived terms

  • chargé de communication

Related terms

  • communiquer

Further reading

  • “communication” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

communication From the web:

  • what communication mean
  • what communication style are you
  • what communication style is most effective
  • what communication skills are important
  • what communication skills
  • what communication barrier is described in this situation
  • what communication innovations came about
  • what communication skills are needed for nursing




From Anglo-Norman aquaintaunce, aqueintance, Old French acointance (friendship, familiarity), from Old French acointer (to acquaint). Compare French accointance.

Morphologically acquaint +? -ance.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /??kwe?nt?ns/
  • (US) IPA(key): /??kwe?n.t?ns/


acquaintance (countable and uncountable, plural acquaintances)

  1. (uncountable) A state of being acquainted with a person; originally indicating friendship, intimacy, but now suggesting a slight knowledge less deep than that of friendship; acquaintanceship. [from 12th c.]
    I know of the man; but have no acquaintance with him.
    • 1799, William Jones (translator), Hito'pade'sa, in The Works, Volume 6, page 22:
      Contract no friend?hip, or even acquaintance, with a guileful man : he re?embles a coal, which when hot burneth the hand, and when cold blacketh it.
  2. (countable) A person or persons with whom one is acquainted. [from 14th c.]
  3. (uncountable) Such people collectively; one's circle of acquaintances (with plural concord). [from 15th c.]
    • 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Penguin 2004, p. 230:
      Their mother […] was busy in the mean time in keeping up her connections, as she termed a numerous acquaintance, lest her girls should want a proper introduction into the great world.
  4. Personal knowledge (with a specific subject etc.). [from 16th c.]

Usage notes

  • Synonym notes: The words acquaintance, familiarity, and intimacy now mark different degrees of closeness in social intercourse. Acquaintance arises from occasional intercourse or interaction; as, "our acquaintance has been a brief one". We can speak of a slight or an intimate acquaintance. Familiarity is the result of continued acquaintance. It springs from persons being frequently together, so as to wear off all restraint and reserve; as, "the familiarity of old companions". Intimacy is the result of close connection, and the freest interchange of thought; as, "the intimacy of established friendship".


  • familiarity, fellowship, intimacy, knowledge
  • See also Thesaurus:acquaintance

Derived terms

  • nodding acquaintance
  • renew acquaintances

Related terms

  • acquaint



  • acquaintance in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • acquaintance at OneLook Dictionary Search

acquaintance From the web:

  • what acquaintance mean
  • what acquaintances does stanley have
  • what acquaintances see on facebook
  • what's acquaintances on facebook
  • what acquaintances can see on facebook
  • what acquaintanceship mean
  • what's acquaintance party
  • what acquaintance mean in french

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