different between divers vs sundry



Etymology 1

See diver.


  • IPA(key): /?da?v?(?)z/



  1. plural of diver

Etymology 2

See diverse.

Alternative forms

  • diuers (obsolete)


  • IPA(key): /?da?v??(?)z/, /?da?v?(?)z/


divers (comparative more divers, superlative most divers)

  1. Archaic spelling of diverse, in the sense of various or assorted.
    • And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.
    • 1831, Letitia Elizabeth Landon, Romance and Reality, Volume 1, p.8.
      But to-night, the third rainy evening of three rainy days, every flower in the divers china bowls, cups, vases, was withered; the harp was out of tune with the damp; and Emily betook herself to the leafy labyrinth of a muslin flounce, la belle alliance of uselessness and industry.
    • 1919, P. G. Wodehouse, My Man Jeeves:
      Shortly after this I had to go out of town. Divers sound sportsmen had invited me to pay visits to their country places, and it wasn't for several months that I settled down in the city again.



  1. (archaic or literary) An indefinite number (at least two).
    • Tubal: There came divers of Antonio’s creditors in my company to Venice that swear he cannot choose but break.

Usage notes

When used as a pronoun, divers functions as a plural and takes a plural verb.


  • drives



From Latin d?versus.


divers (feminine diversa, masculine plural diversos, feminine plural diverses)

  1. diverse
  2. (in the plural) several

Related terms

  • diversificar
  • diversitat

Further reading

  • “divers” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
  • “divers” in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana.
  • “divers” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
  • “divers” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.



From Middle Dutch divers, from Old French divers, from Latin d?versus.


  • IPA(key): /di?v?rs/
  • Hyphenation: di?vers
  • Rhymes: -?rs


divers (comparative diverser, superlative meest divers or diverst)

  1. diverse
  2. (in the plural) several


Derived terms

  • diversiteit



Borrowed from Latin diversus.


  • IPA(key): /di.v??/


divers (feminine singular diverse, masculine plural divers, feminine plural diverses)

  1. various; varying


  • différent

Derived terms

  • fait divers

Related terms

  • diverger
  • diversement
  • diversifier
  • diversité


  • “divers” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

Further reading

  • “divers” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).


  • verdis



From Latin diversus.


divers (comparative diverser, superlative am diversesten)

  1. various, diverse, miscellaneous


Related terms

  • Diversität

Further reading

  • “divers” in Duden online

Middle French


Latin diversus.


divers m (feminine singular diverse, masculine plural divers, feminine plural diverses)

  1. various; varying; different



Borrowed from French divers, from Latin diversus.


  • IPA(key): /di?vers/


divers m or n (feminine singular divers?, masculine plural diver?i, feminine and neuter plural diverse)

  1. various, diverse, varied
    Synonyms: variat, felurit, diferit


Related terms

  • diversitate

divers From the web:

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  • what diversity and inclusion means to me
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  • what diversity means to me essay
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  • what diversified means



Alternative forms

  • sindry (dialectal)
  • sondry (obsolete)


From Middle English sundry, sondry, sindry, from Old English syndri? (separate, single; sundry, various, distinct; special, private, peculiar, exceptional, particular; characteristic; (distributive) one each), from sundor (asunder, apart, separately); equivalent to sunder +? -y. Cognate with Low German sunderig (single, special), Middle High German sunderig (separate, special, private), Swedish söndrig (broken, tattered), Dutch zonderlijk (separate) and more common Dutch afzonderlijk (separate).


  • (US) IPA(key): /?s?n.d?i/



  1. (obsolete) Separate; distinct; diverse.
  2. (obsolete) Individual; one for each.
  3. Several; diverse; more than one or two; various.
    • 14th century, Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales
      Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages / And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes / To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
    • 1886-88, Richard F. Burton, The Supplemental Nights to the Thousand Nights and a Night:
      Thereupon, quoth he, "O woman, for sundry days I have seen thee attend the levée sans a word said; so tell me an thou have any requirement I may grant."
  4. Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds; miscellaneous.


  • (separate): detached, loose; See also Thesaurus:separate
  • (one for each): individual, personal, single
  • (more than one or two): diverse, various; See also Thesaurus:heterogeneous
  • (consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds): See also Thesaurus:assorted

Derived terms

  • all and sundry
  • sundrily
  • sundriness

Related terms

  • sunder


sundry (plural sundries)

  1. (usually in the plural) A minor miscellaneous item.
    • 1865, Frances Freeling Broderip, Crosspatch, the Cricket, and the Counterpane, page 16,
      Here she kept her scarlet cloak, her Sunday shoes, her best cap and apron, and her steeple-crowned hat; but down at the very bottom, underneath her new checked petticoat, she found a little bag of sundries, which might serve her purpose, and which she sat down to examine at her leisure.
    • 1924 March, Advertisement, Popular Mechanics, page 192,
      Our big free catalog illustrates and describes parts, equipment and sundries that our more than a million riders may need.
    • 1931 June, Advertisement, Boys? Life, page 54,
      It pays you to buy from Bicycle Specialists We have been in business 40 years, and can offer you positively the lowest prices for high-grade bicycles, tires and sundries.
  2. (in the plural, accounting) A category for irregular or miscellaneous items not otherwise classified.
    • 1905, William Mott Steuart (United States Bureau of the Census), Special Reports: Mines and quarries 1902, page 476,
      Miscellaheous expenses,—This item includes rent and royalties of all descriptions, “taxes, insurance, interest, advertising, office supplies, law expenses, injuries and damages, telegraph and telephone service, gas, and all other sundries not reported elsewhere.”
    • 1910, William Mott Steuart, Thomas Commerford Martin (United States Bureau of the Census), Street and Electric Railways 1907, page 181,
      In 1902 franchise values were largely carried as sundries, but it is a very common practice to charge these values to cost of construction and equipment.
    • 2009, Neville Box, VCE Accounting Units 3 & 4, 4th Edition, unnumbered page,
      Any payment listed in the Sundries column must be posted individually to the appropriate ledger account.
    • 2011, Robert Rodgers, Peter Lucas, Bookkeeping and Accounting Essentials, page 105,
      The petty cash book classifies payments as petrol and oils, postage, office, sundries and GST paid.
  3. (usually in the plural, cricket, chiefly Australia) An extra.
    • 1954, Percy Taylor, Richmond?s 100 years of cricket: The Story of the Richmond Cricket Club, 1854-1954, unidentified page,
      The wicketkeeper for Williamstown had a bad day, as sundries topped the score with 30.
    • 1998, Donald Bradman, The Art of Cricket, page 167,
      In the modern era I sometimes feel the emphasis has erroneously shifted towards placing unwarranted importance on how few sundries are recorded.
    • 1999, Ashok Kumar, DPH Sports Series: Cricket, Discovery Publishing House, India, page 145,
      As for sundries, these are very often caused by erratic bowling or a nasty pitch.

Derived terms

  • sundryman

sundry From the web:

  • what sundry means
  • what sundry debtors
  • what sundry creditors
  • what's sundry expenses
  • what sundry creditors in balance sheet
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  • what's sundry shop
  • what sundry mean in the bible

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