different between geometry vs brutalism




From Old French géométrie, from Latin geometria, from Ancient Greek ????????? (ge?metría, geometry, land-survey), from ????????? (ge?métr?s, land measurer), from ?? (, earth, land, country) + -?????? (-metría, measurement), from ?????? (métron, a measure).

Doublet of gematria.


  • (US) IPA(key): /d?i??m?t?i/
  • (UK) IPA(key): /d?i???m?t?i/, /?d??m?t?i/


geometry (countable and uncountable, plural geometries)

  1. (mathematics, uncountable) The branch of mathematics dealing with spatial relationships.
    • 1925, David Eugene Smith, Marcia Latham (translators), René Descartes, The Geometry of Rene Descartes, [1637, La Géométrie], 2007, Cosimo Classics, page 2,
      ANY problem in geometry can easily be reduced to such terms that a knowledge of the lengths of certain straight lines is sufficient for its construction.
  2. (mathematics, often qualified in combination, countable) A mathematical system that deals with spatial relationships and that is built on a particular set of axioms; a subbranch of geometry which deals with such a system or systems.
    • 1975 [Addison-Wesley], Eugene F. Krause, Taxicab Geometry, 1986, Dover, page 64,
      Entire new geometries are also suggested by real-world cities.
    • 2004, Judith Cederberg, A Course in Modern Geometries, Springer, page 1,
      Finite geometries were developed in the late nineteenth century, in part to demonstrate and test the axiomatic properties of completeness, consistency, and independence.
    • 2006, Mark Wagner, The Geometries of Visual Space, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, page ix,
      Previous theorists have often tried to test whether visual space is best described by a small set of traditional geometries, such as the Euclidean geometry most of us studied in High School or the hyperbolic and spherical geometries introduced by 19th-century mathematicians.
  3. (countable) The observed or specified spatial attributes of an object, etc.
    • 2018 March 14, Roger Penrose, 'Mind over matter': Stephen Hawking – obituary, in The Guardian,
      He was extremely highly regarded, in view of his many greatly impressive, sometimes revolutionary, contributions to the understanding of the physics and the geometry of the universe.
  4. (algebraic geometry, countable) A mathematical object comprising representations of a space and of its spatial relationships.


  • mathematics

Derived terms

Related terms

  • gematria
  • geometer
  • geometric
  • geometrical


See also

  • topology

Further reading

  • geometry on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • geometry in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • geometry at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • Geometry on Encyclopedia of Mathematics
  • Geometry on Wolfram MathWorld
  • Geometry on Wikibooks

geometry From the web:

  • what geometry is on the sat
  • what geometry does h2s have
  • what geometry means
  • what geometry is associated with sp hybridization
  • what geometry does h2o have
  • what geometry is on the act
  • what geometry is water




brutal +? -ism


brutalism (countable and uncountable, plural brutalisms)

  1. Brutal, violent behaviour; savagery.
    • 1839, Earl of Clarendon, Speech to House of Lords, recorded in Mirror of Parliament, republished in 1840 January-June, The Eclectic Review, New Series, Volume 7, page 455,
      Their punishments for crimes were of the most savage nature: and the absurdities of the Theodosian Code, together with the ancient customs of Germany, came to be all blended into a singular amalgamation of refinement and meanness,—of brutalism and bravery.
    • 2012, Michael Welker, Creation, the Concept of God, and the Nature of the Human Person in Christianity, Peter Koslowski (editor), The Concept of God, the Origin of the World, and the Image of the Human in the World Religions, Springer, page 87,
      Instances of misguidance like the ones given, and at least recognized in retrospect, in fascism, racism, and ecological brutalism, are also to be sensed by religious communication in other contexts.
    • 2013, Aimee Gasston, Katherine Mansfield, Cannibal, Janet Wilson, Gerri Kimber, Delia da Sousa Correa (editors), Katherine Mansfield and the (Post)colonial, Edinburgh University Press, page 15,
      She revelled at being dubbed the 'little savage from New Zealand' by her principal at Queen's College, London, and as an adult would develop a commitment to brutalism by consistently refusing to represent a falsely civilised world view in her fiction.
  2. (architecture) Alternative letter-case form of Brutalism.
    • 2010, Donna M. DeBlasio, Martha I. Pallante, Images of America: Amherst, Arcadia Publishing, page 75,
      Art deco is one of the first truly modern styles and a precursor to the more streamlined and simpler lines of later styles, such as the international style, art moderne, and even brutalism.
    • 2011, Steve Redhead, We Have Never Been Postmodern: Theory at the Speed of Light, Edinburgh University Press, page 48,
      On the face of it the pair also seemed to plunder much of their muscular brutalism in the building of the church from late Le Corbusier but they have consistently, and independently, rejected any Corbusian or even post-Corbusian label.
    • 2015, Johnny Rogan, Ray Davies: A Complicated Life, Vintage (The Bodley Head), page 375,
      A founder of the Victorian Society in 1958, Betjeman was a celebrated critic of architectural brutalism and an active campaigner against the march of modernism.

Derived terms

  • neobrutalism


  • submitral

brutalism From the web:

  • what brutalism mean
  • what does brutalised mean
  • brutalist architecture
  • brutalist design
  • brutalist art
  • what influenced brutalism
  • brutalist art
  • what influenced brutalism

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