different between going vs passing




  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /??????/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /??o???/, /?????/
  • Hyphenation: go?ing
  • Rhymes: -????


Verb form from Middle English goinge, goynge, gayng, variants of gonde, goonde, gaand, from Old English g?nde, from Proto-Germanic *g?ndz, present participle of Proto-Germanic *g?n?, *g?n? (to go), equivalent to go +? -ing. Cognate with West Frisian geanend (going), Dutch gaand (going), German gehend (going), Danish gående (going), Swedish gående (going).

Noun and adjective from Middle English going, goyng, gaing, gayng, equivalent to go +? -ing. Compare German Gehung, Old English gang (a going). More at gang.



  1. present participle of go
  2. (in combination) Attending or visiting (a stated event, place, etc.) habitually or regularly.
    theatre-going, church-going, movie-going



going (plural goings)

  1. A departure.
    Thy going is not lonely, with thee goes thy Husband
  2. The suitability of ground for riding, walking etc.
    The going was very difficult over the ice.
  3. Progress.
    We made good going for a while, but then we came to the price.
  4. (figuratively) Conditions for advancing in any way.
    Not only were the streets not paved with gold, but the going was difficult for an immigrant.
  5. (obsolete) pregnancy; gestation; childbearing
    • (Can we find and add a quotation of Crew to this entry?)
  6. (in the plural) Course of life; behaviour; doings; ways.
    • His eyes are upon the ways of man, and he seeth all his goings.
  7. (in the phrase "the going of") The whereabouts (of something).
    I can't find my sunglasses; you haven't seen the going of them, have you?



going (not comparable)

  1. Likely to continue; viable.
    He didn't want to make an unsecured loan to the business because it didn't look like a going concern.
  2. Current, prevailing.
    The going rate for manual snow-shoveling is $25 an hour.
  3. (especially after a noun phrase with a superlative) Available.
    He has the easiest job going.
    • 2013, Natalie Dormer, interview on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson:
      Craig: Did you look at Tudor life? did you do a lot of studying about that?
      Natalie: Yeah, I was really geeky about it, I read every single book that was going.



See also

  • going to


  • oggin

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From pass +? -ing.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?p??s??/



  1. present participle of pass


  • Japanese: ????? (passhingu)


passing (comparative more passing, superlative most passing)

  1. That passes away; ephemeral. [from 14th c.]
    • 1814, Lord Byron, Lara, I.15:
      And solace sought he none from priest nor leech, / And soon the same in movement and in speech / As heretofore he fill'd the passing hours []
    • 2010, Marianne Kirby, The Guardian, 21 Sep 2010:
      It might be possible to dismiss #dittowatch as just another passing internet fancy. After all, hashtags are ephemeral.
  2. (now rare, literary) Pre-eminent, excellent, extreme. [from 14th c.]
    • 1835, Washington Irving, The Crayon Miscellany:
      It was by dint of passing strength, / That he moved the massy stone at length.
    • 1847, Robert Holmes, The Case of Ireland Stated:
      That parliament was destined, in one short hour of convulsive strength, in one short hour of passing glory, to humble the pride and alarm the fears of England.
  3. Vague, cursory. [from 18th c.]
    • 2011, Stewart J Lawrence, The Guardian, 14 Jun 2011:
      Ardent pro-lifer Rick Santorum made one passing reference to "authenticity" as a litmus test for a conservative candidate, but if he was obliquely referring to Romney (and he was), you could be excused for missing the dig.
  4. Going past.



passing (not comparable)

  1. (literary or archaic) Surpassingly, greatly. [from 14th c.]
    • 2010 October 30, Simon Hattenstone, The Guardian:
      I find it passing strange that convicts understand honest folk, but honest folk don't understand convicts.

Usage notes

  • This use is sometimes misconstrued as meaning "vaguely" or "slightly" (perhaps by confusion with such phrases as "passing fancy", under Adjective, above), leading to formations such as "more than passing clever" etc.



passing (countable and uncountable, plural passings)

  1. Death, dying; the end of something. [from 14th c.]
  2. The fact of going past; a movement from one place to another or a change from one state to another. [from 14th c.]
    • 1913, Oliver Onions, The Story of Louie
      And since he did not see Louie by the folding door, Louie knew that in his former passings and repassings he could not have seen her either.
  3. (law) The act of approving a bill etc. [from 15th c.]
  4. (sports) The act of passing a ball etc. to another player. [from 19th c.]
  5. A form of juggling where several people pass props between each other, usually clubs or rings.
  6. (sociology) The ability of a person to be regarded as a member of an identity group or category different from their own.
    Coordinate term: pass
    • 1963, Erving Goffman, 'Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity' , Ch.2 at p.57, 58 (page numbers per the Pelican Books 1976 reprint)
      When there is a discrepancy between an individual's actual social identity and his virtual one, it is possible for this fact to be known to us before we normals contact him, or to be quite evident when he presents himself before us. He is a discredited person, and it is mainly he I have been dealing with until now.
      [...] However, when his differentness is not immediately apparent, and is not known beforehand, [...] he is a discreditable, not a discredited person [...]. The issue is [...] that of managing information about his failing. To display or not to display; to tell or not to tell; to let on or not to let on; to lie or not to lie; and in each case, to whom, how, when, and where.
      [...] It is this second general issue, the management of undisclosed discrediting information about self, that I am focusing on in these notes - in brief, 'passing'.




From English passing.


  • IPA(key): /p?.si?/


passing m (uncountable)

  1. (juggling) passing
    Le passing, ou comment jongler à plusieurs. (www.multiloisirs.com)

Further reading

  • “passing” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

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