different between hower vs bower




hower (plural howers)

  1. Obsolete spelling of hour
    • 1880-1881: Clements R Markham (editor), The Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-1622
      [O]ur men receaued no other recreation from work and sleep, but onlie the time of eateing their meat, whereof they had sufficient, thrice in every twenty-four howers; and besides, some of them had alowed aquauitæ at ech four hower's end.


  • how're, who're, whore

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  • Etymologies 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7:
    (UK) IPA(key): /ba?.??/, /ba???/
    Rhymes: -a?.?(?), -a??(?)
  • Etymologies 5 and 6:
    (UK) IPA(key): /b??.??/, /b????/
    Rhymes: -???(?)

Etymology 1

From Middle English bour, from Old English b?r, from Proto-Germanic *b?raz (room, abode). Cognate with German Bauer (birdcage), Old Norse búr (Danish bur, Norwegian Bokmål bur, Swedish bur (cage).


bower (plural bowers)

  1. A bedroom or private apartments, especially for a woman in a medieval castle.
    • c. 1572, George Gascoigne, A Lady being both wronged by false suspect, and also wounded by the durance of hir husband, doth thus bewray hir grief.
      Give me my lute in bed now as I lie, / And lock the doors of mine unlucky bower.
  2. (literary) A dwelling; a picturesque country cottage, especially one that is used as a retreat.
    • 1748, William Shenstone, to William Lyttleton Esq.
      While friends arrived in circles gay,
      To visit Damon's bower
  3. A shady, leafy shelter or recess in a garden or woods.
    • 1599, William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, Act 3 Scene 1
      [] say that thou overheard'st us,
      And bid her steal into the pleached bower,
      Where honey-suckles, ripen'd by the sun,
      Forbid the sun to enter; []
  4. (ornithology) A large structure made of grass, twigs, etc., and decorated with bright objects, used by male bower birds during courtship displays.
  • boudoir


bower (third-person singular simple present bowers, present participle bowering, simple past and past participle bowered)

  1. To embower; to enclose.
  2. (obsolete) To lodge.

Etymology 2

From Middle English boueer, from Old English b?r, ?eb?r (freeholder of the lowest class, peasant, farmer) and Middle Dutch bouwer (farmer, builder, peasant); both from Proto-Germanic *b?raz (dweller), from Proto-Indo-European *b??w- (to dwell). Cognate with German Bauer (peasant, builder), Dutch boer, buur, and Albanian burrë (man, husband). See boor, neighbor.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. A peasant; a farmer.

Etymology 3

From German Bauer.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. Either of the two highest trumps in euchre.
    • 1870, Bret Harte, Plain Language from Truthful James
      Yet the cards they were stocked / In a way that I grieve, / And my feelings were shocked / At the state of Nye's sleeve, / Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers, / And the same with intent to deceive.
Derived terms
  • best bower
  • left bower
  • right bower

Etymology 4

From the bow of a ship +? -er.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. (nautical) A type of ship's anchor, carried at the bow.
Derived terms
  • best bower
  • small bower

Etymology 5

From bow (verb) +? -er.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. One who bows or bends.
  2. A muscle that bends a limb, especially the arm.

Etymology 6

From bow (noun) +? -er.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. One who plays any of several bow instruments, such as the musical bow or diddley bow.
Derived terms
  • diddley bower

Etymology 7

From bough, compare brancher.


bower (plural bowers)

  1. (obsolete, falconry) A young hawk, when it begins to leave the nest.

See also

  • Bower Ashton


bower in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.


  • bowre

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