different between impress vs outline




From Middle English impressen, from Latin impressus, perfect passive participle of imprimere (to press into or upon, stick, stamp, or dig into), from in (in, upon) + premere (to press).


  • (verb) enPR: ?mpr?s?, IPA(key): /?m?p??s/
    Rhymes: -?s
  • (noun) enPR: ?m?pr?s, IPA(key): /??mp??s/
  • Hyphenation: im?press


impress (third-person singular simple present impresses, present participle impressing, simple past and past participle impressed)

  1. (transitive) To affect (someone) strongly and often favourably.
  2. (intransitive) To make an impression, to be impressive.
  3. (transitive) To produce a vivid impression of (something).
  4. (transitive) To mark or stamp (something) using pressure.
  5. To produce (a mark, stamp, image, etc.); to imprint (a mark or figure upon something).
  6. (figuratively) To fix deeply in the mind; to present forcibly to the attention, etc.; to imprint; to inculcate.
    • impress the motives and methods of persuasion upon our own hearts, till we feel the force and power of them.
  7. (transitive) To compel (someone) to serve in a military force.
  8. (transitive) To seize or confiscate (property) by force.
    • the second £5,000 imprest for the service of the sick and wounded prisoners


  • (transitive: affect strongly and often favourably): make an impression on
  • (intransitive: make an impression, be impressive): cut a figure
  • (produce a vivid impression of):
  • (mark or stamp (something) using pressure): imprint, print, stamp
  • (compel (someone) to serve in a military force):: pressgang
  • (seize or confiscate (property) by force):: confiscate, impound, seize, sequester



impress (plural impresses)

  1. The act of impressing.
  2. An impression; an impressed image or copy of something.
    • 1908, Arthur Conan Doyle, The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans, Norton 2005, p. 1330:
      We know that you were pressed for money, that you took an impress of the keys which your brother held []
  3. A stamp or seal used to make an impression.
  4. An impression on the mind, imagination etc.
    • 2007, John Burrow, A History of Histories, Penguin 2009, p. 187:
      Such admonitions, in the English of the Authorized Version, left an indelible impress on imaginations nurtured on the Bible []
  5. Characteristic; mark of distinction; stamp.
    • we have God surveying the works of the creation, and leaving this general impress or character upon them
  6. A heraldic device; an impresa.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Cussans to this entry?)
  7. The act of impressing, or taking by force for the public service; compulsion to serve; also, that which is impressed.


Derived terms

  • impressed
  • impression
  • impressive
  • impressively

Further reading

  • impress in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • impress in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • impress at OneLook Dictionary Search


  • Persism, mispers, permiss, premiss, simpers

impress From the web:

  • what impression mean
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  • what impresses you
  • what impression does the graph create
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  • what impressions mean on instagram
  • what first impression mean




out +? line


  • IPA(key): /?a?tla?n/


outline (plural outlines)

  1. A line marking the boundary of an object figure.
  2. The outer shape of an object or figure.
  3. A sketch or drawing in which objects are delineated in contours without shading.
    • 1695, John Dryden (translator), Observations on the Art of Painting by Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy
      Painters, by their outlines, colours, lights, and shadows, represent the same in their pictures.
  4. A general description of some subject.
  5. A statement summarizing the important points of a text.
  6. A preliminary plan for a project.
  7. (film industry) A prose telling of a story intended to be turned into a screenplay; generally longer and more detailed than a treatment.
  8. (fishing) A setline or trotline.


See also

  • silhouette


outline (third-person singular simple present outlines, present participle outlining, simple past and past participle outlined)

  1. (transitive) To draw an outline of.
  2. (transitive) To summarize.
    • At her invitation he outlined for her the succeeding chapters with terse military accuracy?; and what she liked best and best understood was avoidance of that false modesty which condescends, turning technicality into pabulum.



  • elution, line out, line-out, lineout

outline From the web:

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  • what outlines the powers of the presidency
  • what outlines our civil liberties
  • what outlines the national judiciary of the us
  • what outlined the government of the republic of texas
  • what outlines the goals of the constitution
  • what outlines the problem in clear terms

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