different between injection vs reinjection




Borrowed from Middle French injection, from Latin iniectio. The mathematical sense is from French injection, introduced by Nicolas Bourbaki in their treatise Éléments de mathématique.


  • IPA(key): /?n.?d??k.??n/
  • Hyphenation: in?jec?tion
  • Rhymes: -?k??n


injection (countable and uncountable, plural injections)

  1. The act of injecting, or something that is injected.
  2. A specimen prepared by injection.
  3. (category theory) A morphism from either one of the two components of a coproduct to that coproduct.
  4. (construction) The act of inserting materials like concrete grout or gravel by using high pressure pumps.
  5. (figuratively) The supply of additional funding to a person or a business.
    The troubled business received a much-needed cash injection.
  6. (mathematics) A relation on sets (X,Y) that associates each element of Y with at most one element of X.
  7. (programming) The insertion of program code into an application, URL, hardware, etc.; especially when malicious or when the target is not designed for such insertion.
    a SQL injection exploit allowing a malicious user to modify a database query
  8. (space science) The act of putting a spacecraft into a particular orbit, especially for changing a stable orbit into a transfer orbit, e.g. trans-lunar injection.
    • 2015, Henry L. Richter, America's Leap Into Space
      It had been determined that one of the whip turnstile antennas had broken off from Explorer 1 shortly after injection into orbit, so these were eliminated.
  9. (set theory) A function that maps distinct x in the domain to distinct y in the codomain; formally, a fX ? Y such that f(a) = f(b) implies a = b for any a, b in the domain.
  10. (specifically, medicine) Something injected subcutaneously, intravenously, or intramuscularly by use of a syringe and a needle.
  11. (steam engines) The act of throwing cold water into a condenser to produce a vacuum.
  12. (steam engines) The cold water thrown into a condenser to produce a vacuum.


Derived terms

Related terms

  • inject


See also


  • injection on Wikipedia.Wikipedia



Borrowed from Latin iniecti?, iniecti?nem.


  • IPA(key): /??.??k.sj??/


injection f (plural injections)

  1. injection

Related terms

  • injecter

Further reading

  • “injection” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

injection From the web:

  • what injection is given at a 90 degree angle
  • what injection is given at a 45 degree angle
  • what injections are given for back pain
  • what injection is given for migraines
  • what injections are used for weight loss
  • what injections do you aspirate
  • what injections are given in the stomach
  • what injections are used for psoriasis




re- +? injection


reinjection (countable and uncountable, plural reinjections)

  1. A second or subsequent injection.

reinjection From the web:

  • what is gas reinjection
  • what is cuttings reinjection

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