different between injudicious vs insensate




in- +? judicious


  • IPA(key): /??nd???d???s/
  • Rhymes: -???s


injudicious (comparative more injudicious, superlative most injudicious)

  1. Showing poor judgement; not well judged.
    • 1748, David Hume, An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, London: A. Millar, Essay 3, p. 45,[1]
      By introducing, into any Composition, Personages and Actions, foreign to each other, an injudicious Author loses that Communication of Emotions, by which alone he can interest the Heart, and raise the Passions to their proper Height and Period.


  • imprudent
  • unwise


  • judicious

Derived terms

  • injudiciously


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From Latin ?ns?ns?tus.


  • IPA(key): /?n?s?n.s?t/


insensate (comparative more insensate, superlative most insensate)

  1. Having no sensation or consciousness; unconscious; inanimate.
    • 1816, Lord Byron, Diodati:
      Since thus divided — equal must it be
      If the deep barrier be of earth, or sea;
      It may be both — but one day end it must
      In the dark union of insensate dust.
    • 1928, Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Moriturus":
      If I might be
      Insensate matter
      With sensate me
      Sitting within,
      Harking and prying,
      I might begin
      To dicker with dying.
  2. Senseless; foolish; irrational.
    • 1818, Sir Walter Scott, Rob Roy, ch. 13:
      [T]he sot, the gambler, the bully, the jockey, the insensate fool, were a thousand times preferable to Rashleigh.
    • 1854, Charles Dickens, Hard Times, ch. 13:
      Stupidly dozing, or communing with her incapable self about nothing, she sat for a little while with her hands at her ears. . . . Finally, she laid her insensate grasp upon the bottle that had swift and certain death in it, and, before his eyes, pulled out the cork with her teeth.
    • 1913, Joseph Conrad, Chance, ch. 6:
      [T]he romping girl teased her . . . and was always trying to pick insensate quarrels with her about some "fellow" or other.
    • 1918, Louis Joseph Vance, The False Faces, ch. 12:
      But in his insensate passion for revenge upon one who had all but murdered him, he had forgotten all else but the moment's specious opportunity.
  3. Unfeeling, heartless, cruel, insensitive.
    • 1847, Anne Brontë, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall,ch. 36:
      I was cold-hearted, hard, insensate.
    • 1904, Frank Norris, A Man's Woman, ch. 6:
      That insensate, bestial determination, iron-hearted, iron-strong, had beaten down opposition, had carried its point.
    • 1917, Frank L. Packard, The Adventures of Jimmie Dale, ch. 8:
      . . . the most cold-blooded, callous murders and robberies, the work, on the face of it, of a well-organized band of thugs, brutal, insensate, little better than fiends.
  4. (medicine, physiology) Not responsive to sensory stimuli.
    • 1958 June, Edward B. Schlesinger, "Trigeminal Neuralgia," American Journal of Nursing, vol. 58, no. 6, p. 854:
      If the ophthalmic branch is cut the patient must be told about the hazards of having an insensate cornea.
    • 2004 Aug. 1, Jeff G. van Baal, "Surgical Treatment of the Infected Diabetic Foot," Clinical Infectious Diseases, vol. 39, p. S126:
      The presence of severe pain with a deep plantar foot infection in a diabetic patient is often the first alarming symptom, especially in a patient with a previously insensate foot.
    • 2005 Feb. 5, "Minerva," BMJ: British Medical Journal, vol. 330, no. 7486, p. 316:
      The innocuous trauma of high pressure jets and bubble massage to the insensate breast and back areas had caused the bruising seen in the picture.


  • (having no sensation or consciousness): sentient



insensate (plural insensates)

  1. One who is insensate.
    • 1873, Thomas Hardy, A Pair of Blue Eyes, ch. 22:
      Here, at any rate, hostility did not assume that slow and sickening form. It was a cosmic agency, active, lashing, eager for conquest: determination; not an insensate standing in the way.


insensate (third-person singular simple present insensates, present participle insensating, simple past and past participle insensated)

  1. (rare) To render insensate; to deprive of sensation or consciousness.
    • 1915, James Oliver Curwood, God's Country And the Woman, ch. 24 (Google preview):
      And this thought, blinding them to all else, insensating them to all emotions but that of vengeance, was thought of Josephine.
    • 2002, Shony A. Braun, My Heart Is a Violin, ?ISBN, p. 60 (Google preview):
      The train moved on again, keeping us prisoners in a stench-filled car, starving, suffocating, insensated.


  • John A. Simpson and Edward S. C. Weiner, editors (1989) , “insensate”, in The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, ?ISBN


  • antisense



insensate f pl

  1. feminine plural of insensato


insensate f pl

  1. plural of insensata


  • annessite




  1. vocative masculine singular of ?ns?ns?tus

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