different between jollity vs hilarity




From Middle English jolyfte, from Old French joliveté (gaity, cheerfulness; amorous passion; life of pleasure), from jolif (see jolly).


jollity (countable and uncountable, plural jollities)

  1. (uncountable) The state of being jolly; cheerfulness.
    • 1841, Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, ch. 18:
      The Jolly Sandboys was a small road-side inn of pretty ancient date, with a sign, representing three Sandboys increasing their jollity with as many jugs of ale and bags of gold.
  2. (countable) Revelry or festivity; a merry or festive gathering.
    • 2006, Rupert Cornwell, "You'd think it was the Thirties all over again," Independent (UK), 4 Sept. (retrieved 21 Sept. 2009):
      Across the US, candidates traditionally attend rallies, barbecues and similar jollities in their states and districts.
  3. (countable) Things, remarks, or characteristics which are enjoyable.
    • 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, ch. 11:
      Add to this picture a jolly, crackling, rollicking fire, going rejoicingly up a great wide chimney,—the outer door and every window being set wide open, and the calico window-curtain flopping and snapping in a good stiff breeze of damp raw air,—and you have an idea of the jollities of a Kentucky tavern.


  • joltily

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From Latin hilaritas, "cheerfulness", from adjective hilaris, "cheerful", ultimately from Greek, + noun of state suffix -tas.


  • IPA(key): /h??læ??.ti/


hilarity (countable and uncountable, plural hilarities)

  1. (uncountable) A great amount of amusement, usually accompanied by laughter.
  2. (countable) Something that induces laughter.
    • 1999, Vincent Canby, Janet Maslin and Peter M. Nichols, The New York times guide to the best 1000 movies ever made,
      Think it not curious if we don't seem to be as sidesplittingly impressed with the hilarities in this picture as its promotion might lead you to expect. Hilarity is in it—hilarity at its best—as would be almost mandatory in any film with Miss Holliday.
    • 2005, Library journal, Volume 130, Issues 8-13, Page 122,
      Many other Latin imports have become staples of our diet, like the burrito, which in Spanish means "little donkey." What other food-related hilarities are we missing out on?


  • cheerfulness
  • buoyancy
  • delight
  • gaiety
  • glee
  • jauntiness
  • merriment
  • mirth

Related terms

  • hilarious


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