different between launch vs deal



Alternative forms

  • lanch (obsolete)


  • (UK) enPR: lônch, IPA(key): /l??nt??/
  • (some accents) enPR: länch, IPA(key): /l??nt??/
  • (US) enPR: lônch, IPA(key): /l?nt??/
  • (cotcaught merger) IPA(key): /l?nt??/, /l?nt??/
  • Rhymes: -??nt?

Etymology 1

From Middle English launchen (to throw as a lance), Old French lanchier, another form (Old Northern French/Norman variant, compare Jèrriais lanchi) of lancier, French lancer, from lance.


launch (third-person singular simple present launches, present participle launching, simple past and past participle launched or (obsolete) launcht)

  1. (transitive) To throw (a projectile such as a lance, dart or ball); to hurl; to propel with force.
    • 2011, Stephen Budiansky, Perilous Fight: America's Intrepid War with Britain on the High Seas, 1812-1815, page 323
      There they were met by four thousand Ha'apa'a warriors, who launched a volley of stones and spears []
  2. (transitive, obsolete) To pierce with, or as with, a lance.
    Synonyms: lance, pierce
    • 1591, Edmund Spenser, The Teares of the Muses
      And launch your hearts with lamentable wounds.
  3. (transitive) To cause (a vessel) to move or slide from the land or a larger vessel into the water; to set afloat.
    • Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
    • 1725–1726, Alexander Pope, Homer's Odyssey (translation), Book V
      With stays and cordage last he rigged the ship, / And rolled on levers, launched her in the deep.
  4. (transitive) To cause (a rocket, balloon, etc., or the payload thereof) to begin its flight upward from the ground.
    • 1978, Farooq Hussain, "Volksraketen for the Third World" in New Scientist
      A cheap rocket that could launch military reconnaisance satellites for developing countries has become involved in a tangled web of Nazi rocket scientists, Penthouse magazine, KGB disinformation, and a treaty reminiscent of the height of colonialism in Africa.
  5. (transitive) To send out; to start (someone) on a mission or project; to give a start to (something); to put in operation
    • 1649, Eikon Basilike
      All art is u?ed to ?ink Epi?copacy, & lanch Presbytery in England.
  6. (transitive, computing) To start (a program or feature); to execute or bring into operation.
  7. (transitive) To release; to put onto the market for sale
  8. (intransitive) Of a ship, rocket, balloon, etc.: to depart on a voyage; to take off.
  9. (intransitive, often with out) To move with force and swiftness like a sliding from the stocks into the water; to plunge; to begin.
    • 1718, Matthew Prior, Solomon: On the Vanity of the World, Preface
      In our language, Spen?er has not contented him?elf with this ?ubmi??ive manner of imitation : he launches out into very flowery paths []
    • 1969, Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, ch. 23:
      My class was wearing butter-yellow pique dresses, and Momma launched out on mine. She smocked the yoke into tiny crisscrossing puckers, then shirred the rest of the bodice.
  10. (intransitive, computing, of a program) To start to operate.


launch (plural launches)

  1. The movement of a vessel from land into the water; especially, the sliding on ways from the stocks on which it is built. (Compare: to splash a ship.)
  2. The act or fact of launching (a ship/vessel, a project, a new book, etc.).
  3. An event held to celebrate the launch of a ship/vessel, project, a new book, etc.; a launch party.
Derived terms
  • book launch
  • launching (as a noun)
  • pre-launch
Related terms
  • launching ways

Etymology 2

From Portuguese lancha (barge, launch), apparently from Malay lancar (quick, agile). Spelling influenced by the verb above.


launch (plural launches)

  1. (nautical) The boat of the largest size and/or of most importance belonging to a ship of war, and often called the "captain's boat" or "captain's launch".
  2. (nautical) A boat used to convey guests to and from a yacht.
  3. (nautical) An open boat of any size powered by steam, petrol, electricity, etc.
Derived terms
  • captain’s launch

See also

  • barge
  • boat
  • ship’s boat
  • yacht



  • chulan, nuchal

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  • enPR: d?l, IPA(key): /di?l/
  • Rhymes: -i?l

Etymology 1

From Middle English del, dele, from Old English d?l (part, share, portion), from Proto-Germanic *dailiz (part, deal), from Proto-Indo-European *d?ail- (part, watershed). Cognate with Scots dele (part, portion), West Frisian diel (part, share), Dutch deel (part, share, portion), German Teil (part, portion, section), Danish del (part), Swedish del ("part, portion, piece") Icelandic deila (division, contention), Gothic ???????????????????? (dails, portion), Slovene del (part). Related to Old English d?l (portion). More at dole.


deal (plural deals)

  1. (obsolete) A division, a portion, a share, a part, a piece.
  2. (often followed by of) An indefinite quantity or amount; a lot (now usually qualified by great or good).
    • 1851, Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, Ch.32:
      There is a deal of obscurity concerning the identity of the species thus multitudinously baptized.
    Synonyms: batch, flock, good deal, great deal, hatful, heap, load, lot, mass, mess, mickle, mint, muckle, peck, pile, plenty, pot, quite a little, raft, sight, slew, spate, stack, tidy sum, wad, whole lot, whole slew
  • (act of apportioning or distributing): allotment, apportionment, distribution, doling out, sharing, sharing out
Derived terms
  • (indefinite quantity): a great deal, a good deal, big deal, real deal
  • afterdeal
  • foredeal
  • half-deal
  • ordeal

Related terms

  • a deal is a deal

Etymology 2

From Middle English delen, from Old English d?lan (to divide, part), from Proto-Germanic *dailijan? (to divide, part, deal), from Proto-Indo-European *d?ail- (part, watershed). Cognate with West Frisian diele (to divide, separate), Dutch delen, German teilen, Swedish dela; and with Lithuanian dalinti (divide), Russian ??????? (delít?).


deal (third-person singular simple present deals, present participle dealing, simple past and past participle dealt)

  1. (transitive) To distribute among a number of recipients, to give out as one’s portion or share.
    The fighting is over; now we deal out the spoils of victory.
  2. (transitive) To administer or give out, as in small portions.
    • 1820, Sir Walter Scott, The Abbot, ch. 30:
      "Away, proud woman!" said the Lady; "who ever knew so well as thou to deal the deepest wounds under the pretence of kindness and courtesy?"
  3. (transitive, intransitive) To distribute cards to the players in a game.
    I was dealt four aces.
    The cards were shuffled, and the croupier dealt.
  4. (baseball) To pitch.
    The whole crowd waited for him to deal a real humdinger.
  5. (intransitive) To have dealings or business.
    • 1838, Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, ch. 11:
      Mr. Brownlow contrived to state his case; observing that, in the surprise of the moment, he had run after the boy because he saw him running away; and expressing his hope that, if the magistrate should believe him, although not actually the thief, to be connected with thieves; he would deal as leniently with him as justice would allow.
  6. (intransitive) To conduct oneself, to behave.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.ii:
      In Deheubarth that now South-wales is hight, / What time king Ryence raign'd, and dealed right [...].
  7. (obsolete, intransitive) To take action; to act.
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book IV:
      Wel said syr Uwayne go on your waye, and lete me dele.
  8. (intransitive) To trade professionally (followed by in).
    She deals in gold.
  9. (transitive) To sell, especially to sell illicit drugs.
    This club takes a dim view of members who deal drugs.
  10. (intransitive) To be concerned with.
    • 1922, James Joyce, Ulysses, episode 14:
      Science, it cannot be too often repeated, deals with tangible phenomena.
  11. (intransitive) To handle, to manage, to cope.
    • 1897, Bram Stoker, Dracula, chapter 19:
      Then there was the sound of a struggle, and I knew that the attendants were dealing with him.
    I can't deal with this.
    I don't think he wants to go. — Yeah, well, we're going anyway, and he can deal.
  • (distribute among a number of recipients): apportion, divvy up, share, share out, portion out
  • (administer in portions): administer, allot, deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, hand out, lot, mete out, parcel out, shell out
  • (distribute (cards)):
  • (baseball slang: to pitch): pitch, throw
  • (have dealings with):
  • (trade): sell, trade, bargain
  • (sell (illicit drugs)): sell
  • (be handled):
  • (handle, cope):
Derived terms
  • deal with
  • dealer
  • dealth
  • dealy


deal (plural deals)

  1. (archaic in general sense) An act of dealing or sharing out.
  2. The distribution of cards to players; a player's turn for this.
    I didn’t have a good deal all evening.
    I believe it's your deal.
  3. A particular instance of buying or selling; a transaction
    We need to finalise the deal with Henderson by midnight.
    • 2014, Jamie Jackson, "Ángel di María says Manchester United were the ‘only club’ after Real", The Guardian, 26 August 2014:
      The deal, which overtakes the £50m paid to Liverpool by Chelsea for Fernando Torres in January 2011 as the highest paid by a British club, takes United’s summer spend to £130.7m, following the £27m spent on Luke Shaw, the £28m for Ander Herrera and £16m for Marcos Rojo.
  4. Specifically, a transaction offered which is financially beneficial; a bargain.
    • 2009, The Guardian, Virginia Wallis, 22 Jul 2009:
      You also have to look at the kind of mortgage deals available to you and whether you will be able to trade up to the kind of property you are looking for.
  5. An agreement between parties; an arrangement
    • 2009, Jennifer Steinhauer, New York Times, 20 Jul 2009:
      California lawmakers, their state broke and its credit rating shot, finally sealed the deal with the governor Monday night on a plan to close a $26 billion budget gap.
    He made a deal with the devil.
  6. (informal) A situation, occasion, or event.
    What's the deal?
  7. (informal) A thing, an unspecified or unidentified object.
    The deal with four tines is called a pitchfork.
  • (cards held in a card game by a player at any given time): hand
  • (instance of buying or selling): business deal, sale, trade, transaction
  • (a beneficial transaction): steal, bargain
  • (agreement between parties fixing obligations of each): contract, pact
Derived terms

Etymology 3

From Middle English dele (plank), from Middle Low German dele, from Old Saxon thili, ultimately from Proto-Germanic *þilj? (plank, board); cognate with Old English þille. Doublet of thill.


deal (countable and uncountable, plural deals)

  1. (uncountable) Wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or fir).
    • 1722, Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year, London: E. Nutt et al., p. 86,[2]
      Some Houses were [] entirely lock’d up, the Doors padlockt, the Windows and Doors having Deal Boards nail’d over them,
  2. (countable) A plank of softwood (fir or pine board).
  3. (countable, archaic) A wooden board or plank, usually between 12 or 14 feet in length, traded as a commodity in shipbuilding.
  • (wood that is easy to saw, from conifers such as pine or fir):
  • (plank of softwood):


deal (not comparable)

  1. Made of deal.
    A plain deal table
    • 1913, D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, chapter 6
      She glanced round the kitchen. It was small and curious to her, with its glittering kissing-bunch, its evergreens behind the pictures, its wooden chairs and little deal table.
    • 1919, W. Somerset Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence, chapter 47
      Through the open door you see a red-tiled floor, a large wooden bed, and on a deal table a ewer and a basin.


  • ALDE, Adel, Dale, Dela, E.D. La., Leda, adle, dale, lade, lead



Borrowed from English deal.


  • IPA(key): /di?l/
  • Hyphenation: deal


deal m (plural deals, diminutive dealtje n)

  1. (informal) deal, a transaction or arrangement
  2. (informal) a deal, a bargain (a favourable transaction)

Derived terms

  • drugsdeal

Related terms

  • deel
  • delen

Middle English



  1. (Early Middle English) Alternative form of del



From a Slavic language, ultimately from Proto-Slavic *dol?. Compare Serbo-Croatian dol.


deal n (plural dealuri)

  1. hill

Derived terms

  • deluros
  • delu?or



From English deal.


deal m (plural deales)

  1. (business) deal

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