different between mood vs tenor




  • enPR: mo?od, IPA(key): /mu?d/
  • Rhymes: -u?d
  • Homophone: mooed

Etymology 1

From Middle English mood, mode, mod, from Old English m?d (heart, mind, spirit, mood, temper; courage; arrogance, pride; power, violence), from Proto-Germanic *m?d?, *m?daz (sense, courage, zeal, anger), from Proto-Indo-European *moh?-, *meh?- (endeavour, will, temper). Cognate with Scots mude, muid (mood, courage, spirit, temper, disposition), Saterland Frisian Moud (courage), West Frisian moed (mind, spirit, courage, will, intention), Dutch moed (courage, bravery, heart, valor), German Low German Mood (mind, heart, courage), German Mut (courage, braveness, heart, spirit), Danish mod (courage, heart, bravery), Swedish mod (courage, heart, bravery), Icelandic móður (wrath, grief, moodiness), Latin m?s (will, humour, wont, inclination, mood), Russian ????? (smet?, to dare, venture).


mood (plural moods)

  1. A mental or emotional state, composure.
    Synonyms: composure, humor, spirit, temperament
  2. Emotional character (of a work of music, literature, or other art).
    • 1979, Judith Glassman, The Year in Music, 1979 (?ISBN):
      Whatever the mood of her music, funky or romantic, upbeat or blue, sophisticated or simple, her fans get the message. And as long as the word comes from Natalie, they adore it, turning every one of her albums to gold or platinum.
  3. A sullen, gloomy or angry mental state; a bad mood.
    Synonyms: (informal) huff, pet, temper
    Antonyms: good humour, good mood, good spirits
    • 2010, Michelle West, City of Night: A Novel of the House War, Penguin (?ISBN):
      Rath was clearly in a mood, and only Jay could fix that. They found Carver first. Rath was even less amused to see Carver in the drill room than he had been to find Duster. He grabbed Carver with his free hand, and dragged him out.
    • 2018, Catherine Lievens, Beacon in the Darkness, eXtasy Books (?ISBN), page 93:
      Joel was obviously in a mood, and if he was going to start yelling, Alex would rather be alone. “What did I do this time?” “It's more what you didn't do, idiot.”
  4. A disposition to do something, a state of mind receptive or disposed to do something.
    Synonyms: huff, frame of mind
    • 2018, Rebecca Chastain, A Fistful of Frost, Mind Your Muse Books (?ISBN):
      "The Placer SPCA brings by some kittens and puppies, and I do my best to get everyone tipsy and in a donating mood."
  5. A prevalent atmosphere, attitude, or feeling.
    • 1994, Kenneth Fearing, Complete Poems, page xxvi:
      This was the mood that led him to deny to Mainstream, the successor to the New Masses , permission to reprint “Reading, Writing, and the Rackets.” This was the mood that, when he was invited to a meeting to draft a letter of protest []
    • 2010, Richard J. Murnane, John B. Willett, Methods Matter, Oxford University Press (?ISBN), page 8:
      By the early 1970s, more than 50,000 American deaths and the accompanying failed foreign-policy objectives had changed the country's mood.
  6. (very colloquial, slang) A familiar, relatable feeling, experience, or thing.
    Synonym: big mood
    • 2019, Kris Ripper, Runaway Road Trip: (A Definitely-Not-Romantic Adventure):
      “I'm only here for a night. I'm road tripping with a friend and he decided we needed a queer bar, stat.” “Oh, that's a whole mood.”
    • 2020, Birgit Breidenbach, Aesthetic and Philosophical Reflections on Mood: Stimmung and Modernity, Routledge (?ISBN)
      [] For academics, not being familiar with new phrases that your students cofindently wield is a whole mood. []
    • 2020, Cynthia St. Aubin, Love Bites (Oliver-Heber Books):
      He'd drawn a variety of designs on the white rubber toes. “Nice shoes,” I said. “Likewise,” he said, glancing down at my rockabilly-red peep toe pumps. “Those kicks are a whole-ass mood.” Whether Steven liked them on me or might like to []
  7. (obsolete, Northern England and Scotland) Courage, heart, valor; also vim and vigor.
    • 1440, O lord omnipotent?
Usage notes
  • Adjectives often used with "mood": good, bad, foul.
  • The phrase with main and mood means "with all one's might".
Derived terms
See also
  • ambiance, ambience
  • atmosphere
  • Gemütlichkeit
  • The Middle English Dictionary
  • The Dictionary of the Scots Language

Etymology 2

Alteration of mode, from Latin modus.


mood (plural moods)

  1. (grammar) A verb form that depends on how its containing clause relates to the speaker’s or writer’s wish, intent, or assertion about reality.
    Synonyms: grammatical mood, mode
  • See also Thesaurus:grammatical mood
Derived terms
Related terms
See also
  • aspect
  • tense


  • Doom, Odom, doom



From German Mode.


  • IPA(key): /m?o?d??/


mood (genitive moe, partitive moodi)

  1. fashion
  2. tradition
  3. appearance, style
  4. (partitive) style, variety, sort, type


See also

  • moondama




  1. second-person singular of mysh
    about you

Middle English

Etymology 1

From Old English m?d.



  1. Alternative form of mode (intellect, mood, will, courage, nature)

Etymology 2

From Old French mode.



  1. Alternative form of mode (grammatical mood)

mood From the web:

  • what mood is evoked by the valley of ashes
  • what mood is purple
  • what mood is green
  • what mood ring colors mean
  • what mood is created at the close of the parados
  • what mood is blue
  • what mood does purple represent
  • what mood are you today



Alternative forms

  • tenour (archaic)


From Middle English tenour, from Anglo-Norman tenour, from Old French tenor (substance, contents, meaning, sense; tenor part in music), from Latin tenor (course, continuance; holder), from tene? (I hold). In music, from the notion of the one who holds the melody, as opposed to the countertenor.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /t?n?(?)/
  • Homophone: tenner


tenor (countable and uncountable, plural tenors)

  1. (music) A musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto.
  2. A person, instrument, or group that performs in the tenor (higher than bass and lower than alto) range.
  3. (archaic, music) A musical part or section that holds or performs the main melody, as opposed to the contratenor bassus and contratenor altus, who perform countermelodies.
  4. The lowest tuned in a ring of bells.
  5. Tone, as of a conversation.
  6. (obsolete) duration; continuance; a state of holding on in a continuous course; general tendency; career.
    • 1751, Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
      Along the cool sequestered vale of life / They kept the noiseless tenor of their way.
  7. (linguistics) The subject in a metaphor to which attributes are ascribed.
  8. (finance) Time to maturity of a bond.
  9. Stamp; character; nature.
    • This success would look like chance, if it were perpetual, and always of the same tenor.
  10. (law) An exact copy of a writing, set forth in the words and figures of it. It differs from purport, which is only the substance or general import of the instrument.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Bouvier to this entry?)
  11. That course of thought which holds on through a discourse; the general drift or course of thought; purport; intent; meaning; understanding.
    • 1832, Caroline Wilson, The Listener
      He would have learned , by the whole tenor of the divine law , and especially by the example of the absent Lord , whose property he was for a season trusted with , that he was to do as much good to humanity , and win as much glory to God, as was compatible with the measure of his trust, and for the time for which he might retain it.
  12. (colloquial, music) A tenor saxophone.

Coordinate terms

  • (voice types): soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto (female, decreasing in pitch); countertenor, baritone, bass (male, decreasing in pitch)

Derived terms



tenor (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to the tenor part or range.
    He has a tenor voice.
    • 2009, Richard Smith, Can't You Hear Me Calling: The Life of Bill Monroe, Father of Bluegrass, Da Capo Press ?ISBN
      Sometimes Charlie would sing notes that were more tenor than original melody, forcing Bill to sing a high baritone-style line.
    • 2012, Lily George, Captain of Her Heart, Harlequin ?ISBN, page 173
      The door swung open, and a masculine voice—a little more tenor than Brookes's bass tones—called, “Brookes, come in. Do you have your colleague with you?”
    • 2015, Michael J. Senger Sr., The Connection, Lulu Press, Inc ?ISBN
      Kahn was not a big man and he had a voice that was a little more tenor than most preferred.


See also

  • tenor on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • Tenor in the Encyclopædia Britannica (11th edition, 1911)


  • Norte, Toner, Trone, noter, toner, torne, trone



From Latin tenor, ten?rem.


  • (Balearic, Central) IPA(key): /t??no/
  • (Valencian) IPA(key): /te?no?/


tenor m (plural tenors)

  1. tone, tendency
  2. tenor

Related terms

  • tenir

Further reading

  • “tenor” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.



Latin teneo.


  • IPA(key): [?t?nor]


tenor m

  1. tenor (musical range)

Related terms

Further reading

  • tenor in P?íru?ní slovník jazyka ?eského, 1935–1957
  • tenor in Slovník spisovného jazyka ?eského, 1960–1971, 1989



  • IPA(key): /te?no?r/, [te?no???]


tenor c (singular definite tenoren, plural indefinite tenorer)

  1. tenor (musical range, person, instrument or group performing in the tenor range)


Further reading

  • “tenor” in Den Danske Ordbog
  • “tenor” in Ordbog over det danske Sprog



From Middle Dutch tenore, from Medieval Latin tenor or Italian tenore, from Latin tenor.


  • IPA(key): /t??n?r/
  • Hyphenation: nor
  • Rhymes: -?r


tenor m (plural tenoren or tenors)

  1. tenor

Derived terms

  • contratenor




  1. future infinitive of tenar



  • From Dutch tenor, from Italian tenore, from Latin tenor.
  • Semantic loan from English tenor for sense of time to maturity of a bond.


  • IPA(key): [?t?n?r]
  • Hyphenation: tè?nor


tenor (first-person possessive tenorku, second-person possessive tenormu, third-person possessive tenornya)

  1. tenor:
    1. (music) a musical range or section higher than bass and lower than alto.
    2. (music) a person, instrument or group that performs in the tenor (higher than bass and lower than alto) range.
    3. (finance) time to maturity of a bond.

Further reading

  • “tenor” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Daring, Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016.



tene? (to hold) +? -or (abstract noun suffix)


  • (Classical) IPA(key): /?te.nor/, [?t??n?r]
  • (Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /?te.nor/, [?t???n?r]


tenor m (genitive ten?ris); third declension

  1. a sustained, continuous course or movement, a continuity of events, conditions etc. or way of proceeding
  2. a line of reasoning, point, gist of an utterance in so far as it decides legal questions whether individually or generally, a provision (either its wording or its meaning)
  3. a tone (of sound or color); stress (of the voice)
  4. (Medieval Latin) a seisin


Third-declension noun.


Further reading

  • tenor in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • tenor in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • tenor in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)
  • tenor” on page 2118 of the Oxford Latin Dictionary (2nd ed., 2012)
  • Wacke, Andreas (21-08-2020) , “Das Rechtswort: Tenor”, in Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Romanistische Abteilung (in German), volume 137, DOI:10.1515/zrgr-2020-0014

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of tenour

Norwegian Bokmål


From Italian tenore, via French ténor and German Tenor


tenor m (definite singular tenoren, indefinite plural tenorer, definite plural tenorene)

  1. tenor (singing voice or singer; pitch of a musical instrument)


  • “tenor” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk


From Italian tenore, via French ténor and German Tenor


tenor m (definite singular tenoren, indefinite plural tenorar, definite plural tenorane)

  1. tenor (singing voice or singer; pitch of a musical instrument)


  • “tenor” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.

Old French

Alternative forms

  • tenëor
  • tenour (Anglo-Norman)

Etymology 1

From tenir, cf. also Late Latin tentor.


tenor m (oblique plural tenors, nominative singular tenors, nominative plural tenor)

  1. holder; possessor (one who possesses; one who has)


  • French: teneur
    • ? Dutch: teneur
  • ? English: tenor

Etymology 2

Inherited from Latin tenor, ten?rem.


tenor f (oblique plural tenors, nominative singular tenor, nominative plural tenors)

  1. possession
  2. content (of a letter)


  • Godefroy, Frédéric, Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue française et de tous ses dialectes du IXe au XVe siècle (1881) (tenor, feminine noun, possession)
  • tenure on the Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub



Borrowed from Latin tenor, ten?rem, with the sense of "tenor" taken from Italian tenore.


  • IPA(key): /te?no?/, [t?e?no?]


tenor m (plural tenores)

  1. tenor
  2. (formal) sense, meaning

Derived terms

  • a tenor de


  • norte (see for more anagrams)

Further reading

  • “tenor” in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014.

tenor From the web:

  • what tenor means
  • what tenor saxophone to buy
  • what tenor ukulele to buy
  • what tenor singer
  • what tenor means in law
  • what tenor means in spanish
  • what tenor voice of the string family
  • what tenor sax

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