different between muster vs find



Etymology 1

From Middle English musteren, borrowed from Anglo-Norman mostrer, Middle French monstrer, moustrer (whence the noun monstre, which gave the English noun), from Latin m?nstr?re (to show), from monere (to admonish). Cognate with French montrer (to show), Italian mostrare (to show), Spanish mostrar (to show). See also monster.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?m?s.t?/
  • (US) IPA(key): /?m?s.t?/
  • Rhymes: -?st?(?)


muster (plural musters)

  1. Gathering.
    1. An assemblage or display; a gathering, collection of people or things. [from 14th c.]
      • 1743, Richard Steele & Joseph Addison, The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.:
        She seems to hear the Repetition of his Mens Names with Admiration; and waits only to answer him with as false a Muster of Lovers.
      • 1920, Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, Issue 13,
        The figures from 1788 to 1825 inclusive, as already mentioned, are based on the musters taken in those years; those for subsequent years are based upon estimates made on the basis of Census results and the annual [] .
    2. (chiefly military) An assembling or review of troops, as for parade, verification of numbers, inspection, exercise, or introduction into service. [from 15th c.]
      • 1598, William Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part 1:
        Come, let vs take a muster speedily: / Doomesday is neere; dye all, dye merrily.
      • 1663, Samuel Pepys, Diary, 4 Jul 1663:
        And after long being there, I 'light, and walked to the place where the King, Duke &c., did stand to see the horse and foot march by and discharge their guns, to show a French Marquisse (for whom this muster was caused) the goodness of our firemen []
      • 2010, Ohtar, "Enthroned", Slechtvalk, A Forlorn Throne.
    3. The sum total of an army when assembled for review and inspection; the whole number of effective men in an army.
      • 1594, Richard Hooker, Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie
        Ye publish the musters of your own bands, and proclaim them to amount of thousands.
    4. (Australia, New Zealand) A roundup of livestock for inspection, branding, drenching, shearing etc. [from 19th c.]
      • 2006, John Gilfoyle, Bloody Jackaroos!, Boolarong Press:
        McGuire took the two of them out to Kidman's Bore on the Sylvester River where about two dozen stockmen from different stations had gathered to tend the muster along the edge of the Simpson Desert.
  2. Showing.
    1. (obsolete) Something shown for imitation; a pattern. [15th-19th c.]
    2. (obsolete) An act of showing something; a display. [15th-17th c.]
      • 1590, Sir Philip Sidney, Arcadia, Book III:
        Thus all things being condignely ordered, will an ill favoured impatiencie he waited, until the next morning he might make a muster of him selfe in the Iland [...].
      • 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher, The Queen of Corinth, Act 2:
        And when you find your women's favour fail, / 'Tis ten to one you'll know yourself, and seek me, / Upon a better muster of your manners.
    3. A collection of peafowl (an invented term rather than one used by zoologists). [from 15th c.]
Derived terms
  • pass muster
  • bangtail muster


muster (third-person singular simple present musters, present participle mustering, simple past and past participle mustered)

  1. (transitive, obsolete) To show, exhibit. [15th-17th c.]
  2. (intransitive) To be gathered together for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like (especially of a military force); to come together as parts of a force or body. [from 15th c.]
  3. (transitive) To collect, call or assemble together, such as troops or a group for inspection, orders, display etc. [from 15th c.]
    • 12 July 2012, Sam Adams, AV Club Ice Age: Continental Drift
      With the help of some low-end boosting, Dinklage musters a decent amount of kid-appropriate menace—although he never does explain his gift for finding chunks of ice shaped like pirate ships—but Romano and Leary mainly sound bored, droning through their lines as if they’re simultaneously texting the contractors building the additions on their houses funded by their fat sequel paychecks.
  4. (transitive, US) To enroll (into service). [from 19th c.]
  5. (transitive, Australia, New Zealand) To gather or round up livestock.
  • (gather, unite, especially troops): rally
Derived terms
  • muster in
  • muster out
  • muster up

Etymology 2


muster (plural musters)

  1. Synonym of mustee
    • 1825, The Gentleman's Magazine, page 4:
      The next, the Quadroon, from the white and mulatto woman. The third descent, from a white and quadroon, is called a muster; from the fourth, between a white and a muster, springs the musteephinas and the fifth descent, viz. from a white and musteephina, is white by law, and of free birth; indeed the two latter classes are as white as a European.
    • 1925, Charles Spurgeon Johnson, Elmer Anderson Carter, Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life, page 291:
      Mixed bloods, they are suspended between two races, — mulattoes, quadroons, musters, mustafinas, cabres, griffies, zambis, quatravis, tresalvis, coyotes, saltatras, albarassados, cambusos, — neither white nor black, but Negroes.


  • muster in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • muster in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.


  • Sumter, estrum, mustre, muters, stumer, turmes





  1. singular imperative of mustern



Borrowed from German Muster.


muster m

  1. design, pattern

muster From the web:

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  • what muster in the navy
  • what's muster bts
  • what's muster point
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  • what's muster list




From Middle English finden, from Old English findan, from Proto-West Germanic *finþan, from Proto-Germanic *finþan? (compare West Frisian fine, Low German finden, Dutch vinden, German finden, Danish finde, Norwegian Bokmål finne, Norwegian Nynorsk and Swedish finna), a secondary verb from Proto-Indo-European *pent- (to go, pass; path bridge), *póntoh?s (compare English path, Old Irish étain (I find), áitt (place), Latin p?ns (bridge), Ancient Greek ?????? (póntos, sea), Old Armenian ???? (hun, ford), Avestan ????????????????????? (pa?t??), Sanskrit ?? (pathá, path)).


  • enPR: f?nd, IPA(key): /fa?nd/
  • Rhymes: -a?nd
  • Homophone: fined


find (third-person singular simple present finds, present participle finding, simple past found or (dialectal) fand, past participle found or (archaic) founden)

  1. (transitive) To encounter or discover by accident; to happen upon.
    • a. 1667, Abraham Cowley, The Request
      Among the Woods and Forests thou art found.
  2. (transitive) To encounter or discover something being searched for; to locate.
  3. (ditransitive) To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end.
  4. (transitive) To gain, as the object of desire or effort.
  5. (transitive) To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.
  6. (transitive) To point out.
  7. (ditransitive) To decide that, to discover that, to form the opinion that.
    • 1647, Abraham Cowley, The Request
      The torrid zone is now found habitable.
  8. (transitive) To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish.
  9. (transitive, archaic) To supply; to furnish.
  10. (transitive, archaic) To provide for
    • 1871, Charles Kingsley, At Last: a Christmas in the West Indies
      Nothing a day and find yourself.
    • 1892, W. E. Swanton, Notes on New Zealand
      the pay is good, the musterer receiving ten shillings a day, and all found, all the time he is engaged on the "run," even should he be compelled to remain idle on account of rain or mist.
  11. (intransitive, law) To determine or judge.
  12. (intransitive, hunting) To discover game.
    • 1945, Nancy Mitford, The Pursuit of Love, Penguin 2010, page 57:
      They found at once, and there was a short sharp run, during which Linda and Tony, both in a somewhat showing-off mood, rode side by side over the stone walls.


  • See also Thesaurus:deem


  • lose

Derived terms

  • befind
  • findable
  • finder
  • hard-to-find
  • viewfinder
  • unfindable

Related terms

See also finding and found



find (plural finds)

  1. Anything that is found (usually valuable), as objects on an archeological site or a person with talent.
  2. The act of finding.
    (Can we add an example for this sense?)


  • (anything found): discovery, catch


Further reading

  • find in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • find in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.


  • NFID



  • IPA(key): /fend/, [fen?]
  • Rhymes: -end



  1. imperative of finde

Middle English


find (plural findes)

  1. Alternative form of feend

find From the web:

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  • what finding nemo character are you
  • what finding is most characteristic of shingles
  • what finding indicates mild hypothermia
  • what finding dory character are you
  • what finding is consistent with a status migrainous

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