different between occasionally vs periodic




From occasional +? -ly.


  • IPA(key): /??ke???n?li/, /??ke??n?li/, /??ke???nli/
  • Hyphenation: oc?ca?sion?al?ly, oc?casi?onal?ly, oc?casion?ally


occasionally (comparative more occasionally, superlative most occasionally)

  1. (obsolete) On the occasion of something else happening; incidentally, by the way. [15th–18th c.]
    • 1619, John Richardson, John Toland, The canon of the New Testament Vindicated, page 30
      I think it is plain, that Origen, whatever Character he may have occa?ionally given of this Book, did not judge it any part of the Canon...
  2. From time to time; sometimes; at relatively infrequent intervals. [from 15th c.]
    Synonyms: now and then, once in a while
    • 1639, Henry Ainsworth, Annotations Upon the Five Books of Moses, the Book of the Psalmes and the Song of Songs, page 177.
      God ?etteth no houres for the morning or evening ?acrifice because they may occa?ionally be changed.
    • 1855, Horace Mann, "On the Statistical Position of Religious Bodies in England and Wales," Journal of the Statistical Society of London, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 152,
      Some perhaps worship only on alternate Sundays; others still more occasionally.
    • 1978, Stephen R. Graubard, "Twenty Years of 'Daedalus'," Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 18,
      The journal, more occasionally, has turned to what might be called "fashionable" themes.
    • 2007, Matt Gouras/AP, "Wildfires Rage in Montana," Time, 17 Aug,
      Flames could still be seen from town flaring up occasionally on a hill dotted with emergency vehicles.
      depends, QC Gang, How occasionally is ur dog?
  3. (obsolete) By chance; accidentally. [17th–18th c.]
    • 1748, Samuel Richardson, Clarissa, Letter 161:
      Mr Tourville occasionally told his age; just turned of thirty-one.
    • 1751, Tobias Smollett, The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, vol. III, ch. 81:
      [N]othing gave him so much joy in conversation, as an opportunity of giving the company to understand, how well he was with persons of distinguished rank and character: he would often (for example) observe, as it were occasionally, that the duke of G— was one of the best natured men in the world [] .
    • 1790, James Boswell, in Danziger & Brady (eds.), Boswell: The Great Biographer (Journals 1789–1795), Yale 1989, p. 103:
      I had met Lord Ossory in the forenoon, who had come to town occasionally.


  • on occasion, sometimes, at times, now and then


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Alternative forms

  • periodick (obsolete)

Etymology 1

From French périodique, from Medieval Latin periodicus (cyclical), from Latin periodus (complete sentence, period, circuit), from Ancient Greek ???????? (períodos, cycle, period of time).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?p??i??d?k/, /?p??-/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /?p??i??d?k/
  • Rhymes: -?d?k
  • Hyphenation: pe?ri?od?ic


periodic (not comparable)

  1. Relative to a period or periods.
  2. Having repeated cycles.
    Synonym: cyclic
  3. Occurring at regular intervals.
    Synonyms: cyclic; see also Thesaurus:periodic
  4. Periodical.
  5. (astronomy) Pertaining to the revolution of a celestial object in its orbit.
    Antonym: non-periodic
  6. (mathematics, stochastic processes, of a state) For which any return to it must occur in multiples of k {\displaystyle k} time steps, for some k > 1 {\displaystyle k>1} .
    Antonym: aperiodic
  7. (rhetoric) Having a structure characterized by periodic sentences.
Derived terms
Related terms

Etymology 2

From per- +? iodic.


  • enPR: "pûr??d'?k, IPA(key): /?p???a???d?k/


periodic (not comparable)

  1. Relating to the highest oxidation state of iodine; of or derived from a periodic acid.
Derived terms


  • poricide



periodic m pl

  1. plural of periodich

periodic From the web:

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