different between owly vs lowly




owl +? -y


owly (comparative owlier, superlative owliest)

  1. Resembling or characteristic of an owl.
    • 2010, Tracy Chevalier, Remarkable Creatures, Dutton (2010), ?ISBN, page 48:
      In the picture Miss Elizabeth showed me the croc had little piggy eyes, not huge owly ones.
  2. In a bad mood; cranky.
    • 1988, Janette Oke, Winter Is Not Forever, Bethany House Publishers (2010), ?ISBN, page 16:
      I had no right to be owly and disagreeable with Willie.
  3. Seeing poorly.
    • 1908, Vernon L. Kellogg, "The Vendetta", in Insect Stories, Henry Holt and Company (1908), page 55:
      Perhaps nice isn't the best word for him, but he certainly was an unusually imposing and fluffy-haired and fierce-looking brute of a tarantula. He had rather an owly way about him, as if he had come out from his hole too early and was dazed and half-blinded by the light.


  • (like an owl): owlish, owllike, strigine
  • (in a bad mood): crabby, cranky, grumpy, ornery, out of sorts

Derived terms

  • owliness
  • owly-eyed


  • T. K. Pratt, Dictionary of Prince Edward Island English, University of Toronto Press (1988), ?ISBN, pages 107-108
  • The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, The Century Co. (1897), Volume 5, page 265


  • Lowy, yowl

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From low +? -ly; compare Middle English lowly.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?l??li/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /?lo?li/
  • Rhymes: -??li


lowly (comparative lowlier, superlative lowliest)

  1. Not high; not elevated in place; low.
  2. Low in rank or social importance.
  3. Not lofty or sublime; humble.
    • 2010, David Dondero, Just a Baby in Your Momma's Eyes
      Where our apt used to be they built a fancy condominium high-rise.
      Which at a lowly income none of us could ever really quite afford.
  4. Having a low esteem of one's own worth; humble; meek; free from pride.
    • 1769, Bible (King James Version), Matthew xi. 29
      Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.

Derived terms

  • lowliness



lowly (comparative more lowly, superlative most lowly)

  1. In a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly.
  2. In a low condition; meanly.
  3. At low pitch or volume.
    He muttered lowly.



  • wolly

Middle English



  1. in a low manner; humbly; meekly; modestly
    • And there was none of these other knyghtes but they redde in bookes and holpe for to synge Masse, and range bellys, and dyd lowly al maner of servyce.

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  • what does lowly mean in the bible
  • what does lowly in spirit mean
  • what does lowly in heart mean in the bible
  • what does lowly jesus mean

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