different between pederasty vs pedophilia



Alternative forms

  • paederasty (British)
  • pæderasty (British, dated)


Borrowed from Ancient Greek ??????????? (paiderastía, love of boys), from ??????????? (paiderast?s, pederast), from ???? (paîs, child, son, boy) + ??????? (erast?s, lover), from ?????? (éramai, to l?ve).


  • (UK): IPA(key): /?p?d.?.??s.ti/
  • (US): IPA(key): /?p?d.?.?æs.ti/, /?pi.d?.?æs.ti/


pederasty (usually uncountable, plural pederasties)

  1. Erotic love, sexually expressed or chaste, between a man and an adolescent boy.
    Antonym: (erotic love between a woman and a girl) korephilia
  2. (archaic) Anal intercourse in general, usually between a man and an adolescent boy.

Usage notes

  • Originally referred to formal practices mandated by Greek customs and laws. Often used in a modern sense for either lawful or transgressive inter-generational love relationships.
  • Often used colloquially to describe sexual abuse that is perpetrated by adults on pre-pubescent boys (see pedophilia).


  • boylove (euphemistic)

Related terms

  • pederast
  • pederastic
  • pedophile


pederasty From the web:

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  • what pederasty means in spanish
  • what's pederasty in spanish
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  • what does pederasty mean in english
  • what was pederasty in ancient greece
  • what does pederasty mean in spanish
  • what does pederasty



Alternative forms

  • paedophilia (British)
  • pædophilia (British, dated)


An adaptation of the German Pädophilie, bringing its spelling into conformity with pedo- +? -philia. Compare the Byzantine Greek ?????????? (paidophilía, love of children).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?pi?.d??f?.li.?/
  • (General Australian) IPA(key): /?pe.d??f?.li.?/
    Rhymes: -?li?
  • (US) IPA(key): /?p?.d??fi.li.?/
  • Hyphenation: ped?o?phil?i?a


pedophilia (countable and uncountable, plural pedophilias) (American spelling)

  1. Sexual attraction to children by adults.
    Synonyms: (euphemistic) childlove, pederosis
    Antonyms: teleiophilia, pedophobia
    Coordinate terms: hebephilia, ephebophilia, korephilia, teleiophilia
    Hypernym: paraphilia
    • 2007, Margaret Mary Wright, Judicial decision making in child sexual abuse cases, page 122:
      As noted earlier, pedophilia was cited as both an aggravating and a mitigating circumstance by trial judges, as was the absence of pedophilia.
    • 2009, Ann Kring, Sheri Johnson, Gerald C. Davison, Abnormal Psychology:
      Sometimes a man with pedophilia is content to stroke the child's hair, but he may also manipulate the child's genitalia, [...]
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:pedophilia.
  2. Sexual activity between adults and children.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:pedophilia.

Usage notes

  • Many psychologists recommend against using the term pedophilia to denote sexual activities with children, because not all people with a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children (i.e., pedophilia) commit such acts, and child molesters often lack a strong sexual interest in prepubescent children. Furthermore, psychological texts define pedophilia as a primary or exclusive attraction towards specifically prepubescent children; primary attraction towards pubescent children is known as hebephilia and towards post-pubescent adolescents as ephebophilia. See Wikipedia for more information.


  • (psychiatry): pedophilic disorder (a clinical diagnostic classification) (American Psychiatric Association)

Derived terms

  • pedophile

Related terms



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