different between ribaldry vs ribald




From Middle English ribaldrie, from Old French ribaulderie, ribauderie, equivalent to ribald +? -ry.


ribaldry (countable and uncountable, plural ribaldries)

  1. Joking or humorous language or behaviour used in a vulgar or lewd fashion.
    • about 1900, O. Henry, Hygeia at the Solito
      His jargon of slang was a continuous joy and surprise to them. His gestures, his strange poses, his frank ribaldry of tongue and principle fascinated them.

Related terms

  • ribald

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Alternative forms

  • ribauld (rare)


From Middle English ribald, from Old French ribaud, ribauld (rogue, scoundrel) ( > English ribaud), from Old French riber (to be licentious), from Frankish *r?ban (to copulate, be in heat, literally to rub), from Proto-Germanic *wr?ban? (to turn, twist, writhe), from Proto-Indo-European *werp-, *werb- (to turn, twist) + Old French -aud, from Frankish *-wald.

Related to Old High German r?ban (to rub), German reiben (to rub), Dutch wrijven (to rub). Compare also Old High German hr?ba (prostitute). See also English wrap.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /???b.?ld/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /???b.?ld/, /??a?.b?ld/


ribald (comparative more ribald, superlative most ribald)

  1. Coarsely, vulgarly, or lewdly amusing; referring to sexual matters in a rude or irreverent way.
    • 1693, Thomas Urquhart and Peter Anthony Motteux (Trans.), François Rabelais' Gargantua an Pantagruel, The Third Book, Chapter XXVII:
      [L]et no zealous Christian trust the rogue,—the filthy ribald rascal is a liar.
    • 1875, May 15, Anonymous, "Mr. Carl Schurz and the Democratic Party", Harper's Weekly:
      But when he died the "Reform Democracy" instinctively returned to its vomit of ribald insult.
    • 1888, Ambrose Pierce, "A Fruitless Assignment", Can Such Things Be? (Pub. 1893):
      [T]he curious crowd had collected in the street [] , with here and there a scoffer uttering his incredulity and courage with scornful remarks or ribald cries.
    • 1997 Chuck Eddy, The Accidental Evolution of Rock 'n' roll: A Misguided Tour Through Popular Music (p.22)
      Anyway up against Reba McEntire, '60s-rock-bred big city escapee K.T. Oslin comes off both more ribald ("Younger Men") and prouder of the bras and bridges she used to burn ("'8s Ladies") in her best country hits.



ribald (plural ribalds)

  1. An individual who is filthy or vulgar in nature.
    • 1483 [1900 edition], William Caxton (Trans.), Jacobus de Voragine, "Life of S. Paul the first Hermit", The Golden Legend:
      After, he made an harlot, a ribald, come to him alone for to touch his members and his body, to move to lechery.

Related terms

  • ribaldry



Further reading

  • Ribald in the Encyclopædia Britannica (11th edition, 1911)


  • bridal, labrid

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