different between shorten vs subject




From Middle English shortnen, schortenen, equivalent to short +? -en (verbal suffix). In some senses, a continuation (in altered form) of Middle English schorten (to make short, shorten), from Old English s?ortian (to become short), from Proto-Germanic *skurt?n? (to shorten).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /????t?n/
  • (US) IPA(key): /????t?n/


shorten (third-person singular simple present shortens, present participle shortening, simple past and past participle shortened)

  1. (transitive) To make shorter; to abbreviate.
    • 1877, Anna Sewell, Black Beauty Chapter 22[1]
      York came round to our heads and shortened the rein himself, one hole I think; every little makes a difference, be it for better or worse, and that day we had a steep hill to go up.
  2. (intransitive) To become shorter.
  3. (transitive) To make deficient (as to); to deprive (of).
    • Spoiled of his nose, and shorten'd of his ears.
  4. (transitive) To make short or friable, as pastry, with butter, lard, etc.
  5. (transitive) To reduce or diminish in amount, quantity, or extent; to lessen.
    to shorten an allowance of food
    • 1699, John Dryden, Dedication to His Grace the Duke of Ormond
      Here, where the subject is so fruitful, I am shortened by my chain.
    • 1858, George Borrow, The Romany Rye (volume 2, page 128)
      My grandfather, as I said before, was connected with a gang of shorters, and sometimes shortened money, []
  6. (nautical, transitive) To take in the slack of (a rope).
  7. (nautical, transitive) To reduce (sail) by taking it in.


  • See also Thesaurus:shorten


  • extend
  • lengthen



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Etymology 1

From Middle English subget, from Old French suget, from Latin subiectus (lying under or near, adjacent, also subject, exposed), as a noun, subiectus (a subject, an inferior), subiectum (the subject of a proposition), past participle of subici? (throw, lay, place), from sub (under, at the foot of) + iaci? (throw, hurl), as a calque of Ancient Greek ??????????? (hupokeímenon).


  • enPR: s?b?j?kt, IPA(key): /?s?b.d??kt/
  • (also) (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?s?b.d??kt/
  • Hyphenation: sub?ject


subject (comparative more subject, superlative most subject)

  1. Likely to be affected by or to experience something.
    • c. 1678 (written), 1682 (published), John Dryden, Mac Flecknoe
      All human things are subject to decay.
  2. Conditional upon something; used with to.
  3. Placed or situated under; lying below, or in a lower situation.
  4. Placed under the power of another; owing allegiance to a particular sovereign or state.
    • , Book I
      Esau was never subject to Jacob.

Etymology 2

From Latin subiectus (a subject, an inferior), subiectum (the subject of a proposition), past participle of subici? (throw, lay, place), from sub (under, at the foot of) + iaci? (throw, hurl).


  • enPR: s?b?j?kt, IPA(key): /?s?b.d??kt/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?s?b.d??kt/
  • Hyphenation: sub?ject


subject (plural subjects)

  1. (grammar) In a clause: the word or word group (usually a noun phrase) about whom the statement is made. In active clauses with verbs denoting an action, the subject and the actor are usually the same.
  2. An actor; one who takes action.
    The subjects and objects of power.
  3. The main topic of a paper, work of art, discussion, field of study, etc.
    • 1695, John Dryden (translator), Observations on the Art of Painting by Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy
      Make choice of a subject beautifull and noble, which [] shall [] afford [] an ample field of matter wherein to expatiate itself.
  4. A particular area of study.
  5. A citizen in a monarchy.
  6. A person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority.
  7. (music) The main theme or melody, especially in a fugue.
    • 1878, William Smith Rockstro, "Subject" in A Dictionary of Music and Musicians
      The earliest known form of subject is the ecclesiastical cantus firmus, or plain song.
  8. A human, animal or an inanimate object that is being examined, treated, analysed, etc.
    • 1748, Conyers Middleton, Life of Cicero
      Writers of particular lives [] are apt to be prejudiced in favour of their subject.
  9. (philosophy) A being that has subjective experiences, subjective consciousness, or a relationship with another entity.
  10. (logic) That of which something is stated.
  11. (mathematics) The variable in terms of which an expression is defined.
  • (discussion): matter, topic
Derived terms
  • between-subjects
  • subject matter
  • subject title
  • subjective
  • within-subjects
See also
  • object
  • predicate

Etymology 3

From Medieval Latin subiect?, iterative of subici? (throw, lay, place), from sub (under, at the foot of) + iaci? (throw, hurl).


  • enPR: s?b-j?kt?, IPA(key): /s?b?d??kt/, /s?b?d??kt/
  • Rhymes: -?kt


subject (third-person singular simple present subjects, present participle subjecting, simple past and past participle subjected)

  1. (transitive, construed with to) To cause (someone or something) to undergo a particular experience, especially one that is unpleasant or unwanted.
    I came here to buy souvenirs, not to be subjected to a tirade of abuse!
  2. (transitive) To make subordinate or subservient; to subdue or enslave.


  • underbring


Further reading

  • subject in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • subject in The Century Dictionary, New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911.
  • subject at OneLook Dictionary Search

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