different between sparkling vs intellectual




  • (General American) IPA(key): /?sp??kl???/, /?sp??kl??/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /?sp??kl???/, /?sp??kl??/
  • Hyphenation: spark?ling



  1. Present participle and gerund of sparkle.


sparkling (not comparable)

  1. Of an object, reflecting light as if giving off tiny sparks.
  2. Of a beverage, especially an alcoholic beverage, containing dissolved carbon dioxide (either naturally or that has been added) that comes out of solution in the form of many tiny bubbles.
  3. (figuratively) Brilliant and vivacious.


  • (of an object, reflecting light): glistening, twinkling
  • (of a beverage): fizzy, carbonated; see also Thesaurus:effervescent


  • (of a beverage): noncarbonated, still; see also Thesaurus:noneffervescent



sparkling (plural sparklings)

  1. Act or appearance of something that sparkles; a sparkle; a gleam.
    • 1820, Nathaniel John Hollingsworth, The Renegade and Other Poems, "Song"
      Bright are the sparklings that beam from the dew.
  2. A sparkling wine.
    • 2011, Michael Cooper, 100 Must-try New Zealand Wines (page 208)
      Wines like this struggle to stand out on the show circuit, where the judges are more likely to be searching for sparklings designed in the classic Champagne mould.

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Alternative forms

  • intellectuall (obsolete)


From Old French intellectuel, from Latin intellectualis


  • IPA(key): /??nt??l?k(t)???l/


intellectual (comparative more intellectual, superlative most intellectual)

  1. Pertaining to, or performed by, the intellect; mental or cognitive.
    • 1920, Harold Monro, Preface to s:The year's at the spring; an anthology of recent poetry
      Pleasure is various, but it cannot exist where the emotions or the imagination have not been powerfully stirred. Whether it be called sensual or intellectual, pleasure cannot be willed
  2. Endowed with intellect; having a keen sense of understanding; having the capacity for higher forms of knowledge or thought; characterized by intelligence or cleverness
    • 1894, Edgar Wilson Nye, Nye's History of the USA Chapter 30
      The Fenimore Cooper Indian is no doubt a brave and highly intellectual person, educated abroad, refined and cultivated by foreign travel, graceful in the grub dance or scalp walk-around, yet tender-hearted as a girl, walking by night fifty-seven miles in a single evening to warn his white friends of danger.
  3. Suitable for exercising one's intellect; perceived by the intellect
    • 1916, Joseph McCabe, The Tyranny of Shams Chapter IX
    • A good deal of nonsense is written about sport and entertainment. Many of us can, with pleasant ease, suspend a severely intellectual task for a few hours to witness a first-class football match.
  4. Relating to the understanding; treating of the mind.
  5. (archaic, poetic) Spiritual.
    • 1805, William Wordsworth, The Prelude, Book II, lines 331-334 (eds. Jonathan Wordsworth, M. H. Abrams, & Stephen Gill, published by W. W. Norton & Company, 1979):
      I deem not profitless those fleeting moods / Of shadowy exultation; not for this, / That they are kindred to our purer mind / And intellectual life []


  • nonintellectual

Derived terms

Related terms



intellectual (plural intellectuals)

  1. An intelligent, learned person, especially one who discourses about learned matters.
    Synonym: highbrow
    Coordinate terms: egghead, nerd, geek
    • 1991, Stephen Fry, The Liar, pp. 20–21:
      ‘You know I hate intellectuals.’
      ‘You mean you hate people who are cleverer than you are.’
      ‘Yes. I suppose that's why I like you so much, Tom.’
  2. (archaic) The intellect or understanding; mental powers or faculties.
    • 1646, Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica, London: Edw. Dod & Nath. Ekins, 1650, Book I, Chapter 1, p. 2,[1]
      [] although their intellectuals had not failed in the theory of truth, yet did the inservient and brutall faculties control the suggestion of reason []

Derived terms

  • public intellectual


See also

  • intelligentsia


  • intellectual in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.
  • "intellectual" in Raymond Williams, Keywords (revised), 1983, Fontana Press, page 169.

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