different between stick vs snap




  • (Received Pronunciation, General American) enPR: st?k, IPA(key): /st?k/
  • Homophone: stich
  • Rhymes: -?k

Etymology 1

From Middle English stikke (stick, rod, twig), from Old English sticca (rod, twig), from Proto-Germanic *stikkô, from Proto-Indo-European *(s)teyg- (to pierce, prick, be sharp). Cognate with Saterland Frisian Stikke (stick), West Flemish stik (stick).


stick (countable and uncountable, plural sticks)

  1. An elongated piece of wood or similar material, typically put to some use, for example as a wand or baton.
    1. A small, thin branch from a tree or bush; a twig; a branch.
      Synonyms: branch, twig, (dialectal) rice, kindling, (uncountable) brush
    2. A relatively long, thin piece of wood, of any size.
    3. (US) A timber board, especially a two by four (inches).
      Synonym: two by four
    4. A cane or walking stick (usually wooden, metal or plastic) to aid in walking.
      Synonyms: cane, walking stick
    5. A cudgel or truncheon (usually of wood, metal or plastic), especially one carried by police or guards.
    6. (carpentry) The vertical member of a cope-and-stick joint.
    7. (nautical) A mast or part of a mast of a ship; also, a yard.
    8. (figuratively) A piece (of furniture, especially if wooden).
      Synonyms: piece, item
  2. Any roughly cylindrical (or rectangular) unit of a substance.
    1. (chiefly Canada, US) A small rectangular block, with a length several times its width, which contains by volume one half of a cup of shortening (butter, margarine or lard).
    2. A standard rectangular strip of chewing gum.
    3. (slang) A cigarette (usually a tobacco cigarette, less often a marijuana cigarette).
      Synonyms: joint, reefer
  3. Material or objects attached to a stick or the like.
    1. A bunch of something wrapped around or attached to a stick.
    2. (archaic) A scroll that is rolled around (mounted on, attached to) a stick.
    3. (military) The structure to which a set of bombs in a bomber aircraft are attached and which drops the bombs when it is released. The bombs themselves and, by extension, any load of similar items dropped in quick succession such as paratroopers or containers.
      Synonym: train
  4. A tool, control, or instrument shaped somewhat like a stick.
    1. (US, colloquial) A manual transmission, a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, so called because of the stick-like, i.e. twig-like, control (the gear shift) with which the driver of such a vehicle controls its transmission.
      Synonyms: stickshift, gearstick
      1. (US, colloquial, uncountable) Vehicles, collectively, equipped with manual transmissions.
    2. (aviation) The control column of an aircraft; a joystick. (By convention, a wheel-like control mechanism with a handgrip on opposite sides, similar to the steering wheel of an automobile, can also be called the "stick", although "yoke" or "control wheel" is more commonly seen.)
    3. (aviation, uncountable) Use of the stick to control the aircraft.
    4. (computing) A memory stick.
    5. (slang) A handgun.
      • Dropkick Murphys, Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ya (song)
        A stick in the hand, a drop in the eye
    6. (dated, letterpress typography) A composing stick, the tool used by compositors to assemble lines of type.
    7. (jazz, slang) The clarinet.
      Synonyms: licorice stick, liquorice stick
  5. (sports) A stick-like item:
    1. (sports, generically) A long thin implement used to control a ball or puck in sports like hockey, polo, and lacrosse.
    2. (horse racing) The short whip carried by a jockey.
    3. (boardsports) A board as used in board sports, such as a surfboard, snowboard, or skateboard.
    4. (golf) The pole bearing a small flag that marks the hole.
      Synonyms: pin, flagstick
    5. (US, slang, uncountable) The cue used in billiards, pool, snooker, etc.
      1. The game of pool, or an individual pool game.
  6. (sports, uncountable) Ability; specifically:
    1. (golf) The long-range driving ability of a golf club.
    2. (baseball) The potential hitting power of a specific bat.
    3. (baseball) General hitting ability.
    4. (field hockey or ice hockey) The potential accuracy of a hockey stick, implicating also the player using it.
  7. (slang, dated) A person or group of people. (Perhaps, in some senses, because people are, broadly speaking, tall and thin, like pieces of wood.)
    1. A thin or wiry person; particularly a flat-chested woman.
    2. (magic) An assistant planted in the audience.
      Synonyms: plant, shill
    3. A stiff, stupidly obstinate person.
    4. (military aviation, from joystick) A fighter pilot.
    5. (military, South Africa) A small group of (infantry) soldiers.
  8. Encouragement or punishment, or (resulting) vigour or other improved behavior.
    1. A negative stimulus or a punishment. (This sense derives from the metaphor of using a stick, a long piece of wood, to poke or beat a beast of burden to compel it to move forward. Compare carrot.)
    2. (slang, uncountable) Corporal punishment; beatings.
    3. (slang) Vigor; spirit; effort, energy, intensity.
      = he threw himself into the task of digging
      = she berated him (this sense melts into the previous sense, "punishment")
    4. (slang) Vigorous driving of a car; gas.
  9. A measure.
    1. (obsolete) An English Imperial unit of length equal to 2 inches.
    2. (archaic, rare) A quantity of eels, usually 25.
      Synonyms: stich, broach
Usage notes
  • (furniture): Generally used in the negative, or in contexts expressive of poverty or lack.
  • See also Thesaurus:stick
Derived terms

Note: Terms derived from the verb are found further below.



stick (third-person singular simple present sticks, present participle sticking, simple past and past participle sticked)

  1. (carpentry) To cut a piece of wood to be the stick member of a cope-and-stick joint.
  2. (transitive, printing, slang, dated) To compose; to set, or arrange, in a composing stick.
    to stick type
  3. (transitive) To furnish or set with sticks.

Etymology 2

From Middle English stiken (to stick, pierce, stab, remain embedded, be fastened), from Old English stician (to pierce, stab, remain embedded, be fastened), from Proto-Germanic *stik?n? (to pierce, prick, be sharp) (compare also the related Proto-Germanic *stikan?, whence West Frisian stekke, Low German steken, Dutch steken, German stechen; compare also Danish stikke, Swedish sticka), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)tig-, *(s)teyg- (to pierce, prick, be sharp).

Cognate with the first etymology (same PIE root, different paths through Germanic and Old English), to stitch, and to etiquette, via French étiquette – see there for further discussion.


stick (uncountable)

  1. (motor racing) The traction of tires on the road surface.
  2. (fishing) The amount of fishing line resting on the water surface before a cast; line stick.
  3. A thrust with a pointed instrument; a stab.


stick (third-person singular simple present sticks, present participle sticking, simple past and past participle stuck or (archaic) sticked)

  1. (intransitive) To become or remain attached; to adhere.
  2. (intransitive) To jam; to stop moving.
  3. (transitive) To tolerate, to endure, to stick with.
  4. (intransitive) To persist.
  5. (intransitive) Of snow, to remain frozen on landing.
  6. (intransitive) To remain loyal; to remain firm.
  7. (dated, intransitive) To hesitate, to be reluctant; to refuse (in negative phrases).
    • 1609, William Shakespeare, Sonnet 10,[2]
      For thou art so possess’d with murderous hate
      That ’gainst thyself thou stick’st not to conspire.
    • 1712, John Arbuthnot, Law is a Bottomless Pit, London: John Morphew, Chapter 1,[3]
      Some stick not to say, that the Parson and Attorney forg’d a Will, for which they were well Paid []
    • 1716, Thomas Browne, Christian Morals, 2nd edition edited by Samuel Johnson, London: J. Payne, 1756, Part I, p. 12,[4]
      Though a cup of cold water from some hand may not be without its reward, yet stick not thou for wine and oil for the wounds of the distressed []
    • 1740, James Blair, Our Saviour's divine sermon on the mount [...] explained, volume 3, page 26:
      And so careful were they to put off the Honour of great Actions from themselves, and to centre it upon God, that they stuck not sometimes to depreciate themselves that they might more effectually honour him.
    • 1742, Samuel Richardson, Pamela, Volume 3, Letter 37, p. 375,[5]
      For he that sticks not at one bad Action, will not scruple another to vindicate himself: And so, Devil-like, become the Tempter, and the Accuser too!
    • 1743, Thomas Stackhouse, A Compleat Body of Speculative and Practical Divinity, edition 3 (London), page 524:
      The First-fruits were a common Oblation to their Deities; but the chief Part of their Worship consisted in sacrificiing Animals : And this they did out of a real Persuasion, that their Gods were pleased with their Blood, and were nourished with the Smoke, and Nidor of them; and therefore the more costly, they thought them the more acceptable, for which Reason, they stuck not sometimes to regale them with human Sacrifices.
  8. (dated, intransitive) To be puzzled (at something), have difficulty understanding.
    • 1706, John Locke, Of the Conduct of the Understanding, Cambridge: J. Nicholson, 1781, pp. 48-49,[6]
      He that has to do with young scholars, especially in mathematics, may perceive how their minds open by degrees, and how it is exercise alone that opens them. Sometimes they will stick a long time at a part of a demonstration, not for want of perceiving the connection of two ideas; that, to one whose understanding is more exercised, is as visible as any thing can be.
  9. (dated, intransitive) To cause difficulties, scruples, or hesitation.
    • 1708, Jonathan Swift, The Sentiments of a Church-of-England-Man, with respect to Religion and Government, in The Works of Jonathan Swift, 7th edition, Edinburgh: G. Hamilton et al., 1752, Volume I, Miscellanies in Prose, p. 73,[7]
      [] this is the Difficulty that seemeth chiefly to stick with the most reasonable of those, who, from a mere Scruple of Conscience, refuse to join with us upon the Revolution Principle [] .
  10. (transitive) To attach with glue or as if by gluing.
  11. (transitive) To place, set down (quickly or carelessly).
  12. (transitive) To press (something with a sharp point) into something else.
    to stick a needle into one's finger
    • The points of spears are stuck within the shield.
    1. (transitive, now only in dialects) To stab.
      • circa 1583, John Jewel, in a sermon republished in 1847 in The Works of John Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, portion 2, page 969:
        In certain of their sacrifices they had a lamb, they sticked him, they killed him, and made sacrifice of him: this lamb was Christ the Son of God, he was killed, sticked, and made a sweet-smelling sacrifice for our sins.
      • 1596-97, William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Act III Scene 1
        Thou stickest a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold again: fourscore ducats at a sitting! fourscore ducats!
      • 1809, Grafton's chronicle, or history of England, volume 2, page 135:
        [] would haue [=have] sticked him with a dagger []
      • 1908, The Northeastern Reporter, volume 85, page 693:
        The defendant said he didn't shoot; "he sticked him with a knife."
  13. (transitive) To fix on a pointed instrument; to impale.
    to stick an apple on a fork
  14. (transitive, archaic) To adorn or deck with things fastened on as by piercing.
  15. (transitive, gymnastics) To perform (a landing) perfectly.
  16. (botany, transitive) To propagate plants by cuttings.
  17. (transitive, joinery) To run or plane (mouldings) in a machine, in contradistinction to working them by hand. Such mouldings are said to be stuck.
  18. (dated, transitive) To bring to a halt; to stymie; to puzzle.
    to stick somebody with a hard problem
  19. (transitive, slang, dated) To impose upon; to compel to pay; sometimes, to cheat.
  20. (intransitive, US, slang) To have sexual intercourse with.
  21. (intransitive, blackjack, chiefly Britain) To stand pat: to cease taking any more cards and finalize one's hand.
Usage notes

In Early Modern English, the past participles stucken and sticken are occasionally found; they are not known in the modern language, even as archaisms.

  • (to adhere): cleave, cling; see also Thesaurus:adhere
  • (to stop moving): jam, stall; see also Thesaurus:stop
  • (to tolerate): live with, put up with; See also Thesaurus:tolerate
  • (persist): abide, carry on; see also Thesaurus:persevere
  • (to remain loyal): stand by, stick by
  • (to hesitate): falter, waver; see also Thesaurus:hesitate
  • (to be puzzled at): puzzle
  • (to attach with glue): agglutinate, conglutinate, glue, gum, paste
  • (to place): pop, set down
  • (to press into with a sharp point): pierce, prick, puncture
  • (to fix on a pointed instrument): fix, impale, stake, run through, transfix
  • (to bring to a halt): stump, thwart
  • (to have sexual intercourse): have sex; see also Thesaurus:copulate
Derived terms

Note: Terms derived from the noun are found above.

See also


stick (comparative sticker, superlative stickest)

  1. (informal) Likely to stick; sticking, sticky.
    A non-stick pan. A stick plaster.
    A sticker type of glue. The stickest kind of gum.
Usage notes
  • The adjective is more informal than nonstandard due to the prevalence of examples such as "non-stick pan" or "stick plaster".
  • The comparative and superlative remain nonstandard (vs. stickier and stickiest) and are sometimes seen inbetween quotation marks to reflect it.
Derived terms

Etymology 3

Possibly a metaphorical use of the first etymology ("twig, branch"), possibly derived from the Yiddish schtick.


stick (plural sticks)

  1. (Britain, uncountable) Criticism or ridicule.


  • ticks

Chinook Jargon


Borrowed from English stick.



  1. stick
  2. wood, firewood
  3. tree, forest



Borrowed shortenings from several English compounds, in all cases equivalent to a borrowing from English stick.


  • IPA(key): /st?k/
  • Hyphenation: stick
  • Rhymes: -?k


stick m (plural sticks, diminutive stickje n)

  1. A hockey stick.
  2. A joystick, stick-shaped control device.
  3. A memory stick to store IT data.



  • IPA(key): /?t?k/
  • Rhymes: -?k



  1. singular imperative of sticken
  2. (colloquial) first-person singular present of sticken




stick n

  1. a sting; a bite from an insect
  2. (card games) a trick



  • ? Finnish: tikki



  1. imperative of sticka.


  • ticks

stick From the web:

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  • what sticks to silicone
  • what sticks to stucco
  • what sticks to concrete
  • what sticks to magnets
  • what sticks to felt
  • what sticks to aluminum
  • what sticks to concrete walls




From Dutch snappen (to bite; seize) or Low German snappen (to bite; seize), ultimately from Proto-Germanic *snapp?n? (to snap; snatch; chatter), intensive form of *snap?n? ("to snap; grab"; > Old Norse snapa (to get; scrounge)), from Proto-Indo-European *ksnew- (to scrape; scratch; grate; rub). Cognate with West Frisian snappe (to get; catch; snap), German schnappen (to grab), Swedish snappa (to snatch).


  • IPA(key): /snæp/
  • Rhymes: -æp


snap (countable and uncountable, plural snaps)

  1. A quick breaking or cracking sound or the action of producing such a sound.
  2. A sudden break.
  3. An attempt to seize, bite, attack, or grab.
  4. The act of making a snapping sound by pressing the thumb and an opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm.
  5. A fastening device that makes a snapping sound when used.
  6. (informal) A photograph; a snapshot.
    We took a few snaps of the old church before moving on.
  7. The sudden release of something held under pressure or tension.
  8. A thin circular cookie or similar baked good.
    a ginger snap
  9. A brief, sudden period of a certain weather; used primarily in the phrase cold snap.
  10. A very short period of time (figuratively, the time taken to snap one's fingers), or a task that can be accomplished in such a period.
    It'll be a snap to get that finished.
    I can fix most vacuum cleaners in a snap.
  11. A snap bean such as Phaseolus vulgaris.
  12. (American football) A backward pass or handoff of a football from its position on the ground that puts the ball in play; a hike.
  13. (somewhat colloquial) A rivet: a scrapbooking embellishment.
  14. (Britain, regional) A small meal, a snack; lunch.
    • 1913, D H Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, Penguin 2006, page 89:
      When I went to put my coat on at snap time, what should go runnin' up my arm but a mouse.
  15. (uncountable) A card game, primarily for children, in which players cry "snap" to claim pairs of matching cards as they are turned up.
  16. (obsolete) A greedy fellow.
  17. That which is, or may be, snapped up; something bitten off, seized, or obtained by a single quick movement; hence, a bite, morsel, or fragment; a scrap.
    • He's a nimble fellow, / And alike skill'd in every liberal science, / As having certain snaps of all.
  18. briskness; vigour; energy; decision
  19. (slang, archaic) Any circumstance out of which money may be made or an advantage gained. used primarily in the phrase soft snap.
    • 1920, Cornell Forester (volumes 1-6)
      The Profs they lead a jolly life, jolly life, / They're free from every care and strife, care and strife. / They make the studes, poor studes fall into line; / I wish the Profs' soft snap were mine.
  20. (slang) Something that is easy or effortless.
    • 2003, Clive Selwood, All the Moves (but None of the Licks) (page 33)
      The job was a snap. I travelled the country averaging a thousand miles a week and, since the previous incumbent had been a lazy bugger, managed to treble the business. It was a cinch.
  21. A snapper, or snap beetle.
  22. (physics, humorous) jounce (the fourth derivative of the position vector with respect to time), followed by crackle and pop
  23. A quick offhand shot with a firearm; a snap shot.
  24. (colloquial) Something of no value.
    not worth a snap
  25. (Internet) A visual message sent through the Snapchat application.
    • 2014, Newton Lee, Facebook Nation: Total Information Awareness, p. 51:
      By April 2014, over 700 million snaps are shared per day on Snapchat — more than Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social networks.
    • 2015, Suse Barnes, Like, Follow, Share: Awesome, Actionable Social Media Marketing to Maximise Your Online Potential, p. 238:
      The oldest snaps will be deleted after 24 hours, and to keep the story going you'll have to add new content regularly.
    • 2015, Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Privacy and Fame: How We Expose Ourselves across Media Platforms, p. 120:
      While Snapchat bases its whole product marketing on the auto-deletion of the snaps (images and videos) so that they are not stored, recent reports indicate otherwise.
  26. (uncountable) A crisp or pithy quality; epigrammatic point or force.
  27. A tool used by riveters.
  28. A tool used by glass-moulders.
  29. (slang, dated) A brief theatrical engagement.
  30. (slang, dated) A cheat or sharper.
  31. A newsflash.
    • 2013, Paul Chantler, ?Peter Stewart, Basic Radio Journalism (page 159)
      A 'snap' usually becomes a 'newsflash' on air. Keep snaps short, only run them when news is really 'hot', and try not to break a story within a few minutes of the bulletin unless it is top priority.

Derived terms

  • bang snap
  • snapless
  • snappish
  • snappy
  • snap roll



snap (third-person singular simple present snaps, present participle snapping, simple past and past participle snapped or (obsolete) snapt)

  1. (intransitive, transitive) To fracture or break apart suddenly.
    He snapped his stick in anger.
    If you bend it too much, it will snap.
    • 1790, Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
      But this weapon will snap short, unfaithful to the hand that employs it.
  2. (intransitive) To give forth or produce a sharp cracking noise; to crack.
    Blazing firewood snaps.
  3. (intransitive) To attempt to seize or bite with the teeth, beak, etc.
    A dog snaps at a passenger. A fish snaps at the bait.
  4. (intransitive) To attempt to seize with eagerness.
    She snapped at the chance to appear on television.
  5. (intransitive) To speak abruptly or sharply.
  6. (intransitive) To give way abruptly and loudly.
  7. (intransitive) To suffer a mental breakdown, usually while under tension.
    She should take a break before she snaps.
  8. (intransitive) To flash or appear to flash as with light.
  9. (intransitive) To fit or fasten together with a snapping sound.
  10. (intransitive, computing, graphical user interface) To jump to a fixed position relative to another element.
    The floating toolbar will snap to the edge of the screen when dragged towards it.
  11. (transitive) To snatch with or as if with the teeth.
    • He, by playing too often at the mouth of death, has been snapped by it at last.
  12. (transitive) To pull apart with a snapping sound; to pop loose.
  13. (transitive) To say abruptly or sharply.
  14. (transitive, dated) To speak to abruptly or sharply; to treat snappishly; usually with up.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Granville to this entry?)
  15. (transitive) To cause something to emit a snapping sound, especially by closing it rapidly.
    to snap a fastener
    to snap a whip
  16. (transitive) To close something using a snap as a fastener.
  17. (transitive) To snap one's fingers: to make a snapping sound, often by pressing the thumb and an opposing finger of the same hand together and suddenly releasing the grip so that the finger hits against the palm; alternatively, by bringing the index finger quickly down onto the middle finger and thumb.
  18. (transitive) To cause to move suddenly and smartly.
  19. (transitive) To take a photograph; to release a camera's shutter (which may make a snapping sound).
  20. (transitive, American football) To put (a football) in play by a backward pass or handoff from its position on the ground; to hike (a football).
    He can snap the ball to a back twenty yards behind him.
  21. To misfire.
    The gun snapped.
  22. (cricket, transitive) To catch out sharply (a batsman who has just snicked a bowled ball).

Derived terms




  1. The cry used in a game of snap when winning a hand.
  2. (Britain, Australia) By extension from the card game, "I've got one the same!", "Me too!"
    Snap! We've both got pink buckets and spades.
  3. (Britain) Ritual utterance of agreement (after the cry in the card game snap).
  4. (Canada, US) Used in place of expletive to express surprise, usually in response to a negative statement or news; often used facetiously.
    "I just ran over your phone with my car." "Oh, snap!"
  5. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand) Ritual utterance used after something is said by two people at exactly the same time.
    "Wasn't that John?" "Wasn't that John?" "Snap!"


  • (used after simultaneous utterance): jinx



snap (not comparable)

  1. (informal, attributive) Done, made, performed, etc., quickly and unexpectedly, or without deliberation.
    • 1889, The Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet, volume 10, issue 8:
      Now I should consider it a very snap judgment or a snap diagnosis for anybody to come into a medical society

Derived terms

  • snap election

See also

  • Snap (game) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • snap at OneLook Dictionary Search


  • ANPs, NPAS, NSPA, PANs, PNAS, PNAs, Pans, SPAN, naps, pans, span





  1. first-person singular present indicative of snappen
  2. imperative of snappen


  • span

Scottish Gaelic


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


snap m (genitive singular snaip, plural snapan)

  1. trigger (of a gun)
  2. morsel

Derived terms

  • snapach (having a trigger; that misses fire; that fires; that strikes fast)


snap (past snap, future snapaidh, verbal noun snapadh, past participle snapta)

  1. pull a trigger
  2. misfire

Derived terms

  • snapaireachd (snapping, snapping sound, as that caused by pulling the trigger of a gun)


  • “snap” in Edward Dwelly, Faclair Gàidhlig gu Beurla le Dealbhan/The Illustrated [Scottish] Gaelic–English Dictionary, 10th edition, Edinburgh: Birlinn Limited, 1911, ?ISBN.



snap m (plural snaps)

  1. snap (photograph)

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  • what snap means
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