different between support vs shout




  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /s??p??t/, [s??p???t]
  • (General American) IPA(key): /s??p??t/, [s??p???t], [s??p?o?t]
  • (rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /s??po(?)?t/
  • (non-rhotic, without the horsehoarse merger) IPA(key): /s??po?t/
  • Rhymes: -??(?)t
  • Hyphenation: sup?port

Etymology 1

From Middle English supporten, from Old French supporter, from Latin support?. Displaced Old English underwreþian and Old English fultum.


support (third-person singular simple present supports, present participle supporting, simple past and past participle supported)

  1. (transitive) To keep from falling.
  2. (transitive) To answer questions and resolve problems regarding something sold.
  3. (transitive) To back a cause, party, etc., mentally or with concrete aid.
  4. (transitive) To help, particularly financially.
  5. To verify; to make good; to substantiate; to establish; to sustain.
    • 1754, Jonathan Edwards, The Freedom of the Will
      to urge such arguments, as though they were sufficient to support and demonstrate a whole scheme of moral philosophy
  6. (transitive) To serve, as in a customer-oriented mindset; to give support to.
  7. (transitive) To be designed (said of machinery, electronics, or computers, or their parts, accessories, peripherals, or programming) to function compatibly with or provide the capacity for.
  8. (transitive) To be accountable for, or involved with, but not responsible for.
  9. (archaic) To endure without being overcome; bear; undergo; to tolerate.
    • This fierce demeanour and his insolence / The patience of a god could not support.
    • 1881, Robert Louis Stevenson, Virginibus Puerisque:
      For a strong affection such moments are worth supporting, and they will end well; for your advocate is in your lover's heart and speaks her own language []
  10. To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor; to represent or act; to sustain.
  • (to keep from falling): underprop, uphold, stut
  • (to back a cause, party, etc.): oppose
Derived terms
  • supportable
  • supported
  • supportive

Etymology 2

From Middle English support, from Anglo-Norman and Middle French support. Displaced Old English underwreþung.


support (countable and uncountable, plural supports)

  1. (sometimes attributive) Something which supports.
  2. Financial or other help.
  3. Answers to questions and resolution of problems regarding something sold.
  4. (mathematics) in relation to a function, the set of points where the function is not zero, or the closure of that set.
  5. (fuzzy set theory) A set whose elements are at least partially included in a given fuzzy set (i.e., whose grade of membership in that fuzzy set is strictly greater than zero).
  6. Evidence.
  7. (computing) Compatibility and functionality for a given product or feature.
  8. An actor playing a subordinate part with a star.
  9. An accompaniment in music.
  10. (gymnastics) Clipping of support position.
  11. (structural analysis) Horizontal, vertical or rotational support of structures: movable, hinged, fixed. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
  • (mathematics): kernel
  • moral support
  • (answers to questions and resolution of problems regarding something sold): first-level support, second-level support, third-level support
  • (military): combat support
Derived terms
  • support act
  • support group



From the verb supporter.


  • IPA(key): /sy.p??/


support m (plural supports)

  1. support
  2. base
  3. (heraldry) supporter

Further reading

  • “support” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

support From the web:

  • what supports spatial audio
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  • what supports the microscope
  • what support services are offered for families
  • what supports the theory of plate tectonics
  • what supports dogecoin
  • what supports the endosymbiotic theory
  • what supports hbo max




  • IPA(key): /?a?t/
  • (Canada) IPA(key): /???t/
  • Rhymes: -a?t

Etymology 1

From Middle English shouten. Further origin uncertain. Possibly related to Middle English shooten (to shoot (out)) or from or akin to Old Norse skúta (to chide, scold), Old Norse skúti, skúta (a taunt). See also the second, rare sense of the verb scout (to reject with contempt).


shout (plural shouts)

  1. A loud burst of voice or voices; a violent and sudden outcry, especially that of a multitude expressing joy, triumph, exultation, anger, or great effort.
  2. (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, slang) A round of drinks in a pub; the turn to pay the shot or scot; an act of paying for a round of drinks.
    • 1984, Keri Hulme, The Bone People, page 290,
      “I?ll get my wine though,” taking out her wallet.
      “No. This is my shout,” holding up his hand as though to ward her money off.
    • 2006, Lily Allen, Knock 'Em Out
      Cut to the pub on a lads night out,
      Man at the bar cos it was his shout
    • 2008, George Papaellinas, The Trip: An Odyssey, re.press, Australia, page 6,
      It was always my shout down the pub with Theo.
  3. (Britain, Australia, slang) A call-out for an emergency services team.
    • 2017, Dave Boulter, London's Emergency Service Vehicles
      Yet another ambulance on a shout enters Parliament Square.
  4. (informal) A greeting, name-check or other mention, for example on a radio or TV programme.
    Synonym: shout out


shout (third-person singular simple present shouts, present participle shouting, simple past and past participle shouted)

  1. (intransitive) To utter a sudden and loud cry, as in joy, triumph, exultation or anger, or to attract attention, to animate others, etc.
    • c. 1599, William Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar, Act I, Scene II, 1797, George Steevens (editor), The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volume 7, page 15,
      They shouted thrice; what was the last cry for?
  2. (transitive) To utter with a shout; to cry; to shout out
  3. (colloquial) To pay for food, drink or entertainment for others.
    I?ll shout you all a drink.
    He?s shouting us all to the opening night of the play.
    • 1999, Peter Moore, The Wrong Way Home: London to Sydney the Hard Way, page 301,
      After shouting me a plate of noodles and limp vegetables, he helped me change money by introducing me to the stallholder who offered the best exchange rates.
    • 2003, Peter Watt, To Chase the Storm, Pan MacMillan Australia, unnumbered page,
      ‘I have not seen my cousin Patrick in years,’ Martin answered defensively. ‘I doubt that, considering the way our lives have gone, an officer of the King?s army would be shouting me a drink in Mr O?Riley?s pub these days. []
    • 2005, George G. Spearing, Dances with Marmots: A Pacific Crest Trail Adventure, page 32,
      Anyhow, he obviously bore no grudge against Kiwis, for he shouted me a beer and opened another one for himself, punctuating the operation with a spectacular and resounding fart that by all the laws of physical science should have left his trousers flapping in smouldering shreds.
    • 2010, Ivan Dunn, The Legend of Beau Baxter, HarperCollins Publishers, New Zealand, unnumbered page,
      Truth is, I notice the other blokes who have been shouting me nodding among themselves and thinking they?d better get in the queue if I am buying. Not likely. I am out of there.
  4. (Internet) To post a text message (for example, email) in upper case, regarded as the electronic messaging equivalent of oral shouting.
  5. (transitive, obsolete) To treat with shouts or clamor.
    (Can we find and add a quotation of Bishop Hall to this entry?)
  • See also Thesaurus:shout
Derived terms
  • shoutbox
  • shout down
  • shout from the rooftops
  • shouting match
  • shout out

See also

  • yell
  • scream

Etymology 2


shout (plural shouts)

  1. (Britain, dialect) A light flat-bottomed boat used in duck-shooting.


  • Houts, Huots, South, houts, south, thous

shout From the web:

  • what shout did ulfric use
  • what shout out means
  • what shout does ulfric know
  • what shout does miraak use
  • what shout makes dragons land
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  • what shout opens the path to paarthurnax
  • what shout mean

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