different between univocal vs univocally




From Late Latin ?nivocus + -al.


  • (UK) IPA(key): /ju?n??v??k?l/, /ju??n?v?k(?)l/
  • (US) IPA(key): /ju?n??vo?k?l/, /ju??n?v?k(?)l/


univocal (not comparable)

  1. Having only one possible meaning.
    • 1999, Karen Armstrong, The Case for God, Vintage 2010, p. 146:
      There were, he argued, some words, such as ‘fat’ or ‘exhausted’, that could not apply to God, but if such terms as ‘being’, ‘goodness’ or ‘wisdom’ were not univocal of God and creatures, ‘one could not naturally have any concept of God – which is false.’
  2. Containing instances of only one vowel; univocalic.
    • 2000, Gail Scott, Robert Glück, Camille Roy, Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative
      Eunoia is a univocal lipogram — an anomalous narrative, in which each vowel appears by itself in its own chapter, telling a story in its own voice.
    • 2002, Brick (issues 69-70, page 118)
      I read through the dictionary five times to extract an extensive lexicon of univocal words containing only one of the five vowels.
    • 2012, Lauren Elkin, Scott Esposito, The End of Oulipo?: An attempt to exhaust a movement
      The book's main conceit is to make poetry from univocal words (words containing just one vowel) []
  3. Having unison of sound, as the octave has in music.
  4. Having always the same drift or tenor; uniform; certain; regular.
    • 1890, Sir Thomas Browne, The Works of Sir Thomas Browne, volume I, George Bell and Sons, London, p. 258
      It is not indeed impossible, that from the sperm of a cock, hen, or other animal, being once in putrescence, either from incubation or otherwise, some generation may ensue; not univocal and of the same species, but some imperfect or monstrous production []
  5. Unequivocal; indubitable.
    • 1673, Jeremy Taylor, Heniaytos: A Course of Sermons for All the Sundays of the Year []
      There is no blessed soul goes to heaven but he makes a general joy in all the mansions where the saints do dwell, and in all the chapels where the angels sing ; and the joys of religion are not univocal, but productive of rare and accidental and preternatural pleasures ; for the music of holy hymns delights the ear and refreshes the spirit, and makes the very bones of the saints to rejoice.


  • (having only one possible meaning): definite, monosemous, unambiguous, unequivocal; see also Thesaurus:explicit
  • (indubitable): undoubtable, self-evident


  • ambiguous
  • equivocal
  • polysemous
  • polysemic



univocal (plural univocals)

  1. A word having only one meaning.
  2. A document containing instances of only one vowel.


  • vacuolin

univocal From the web:

  • univocal meaning
  • what is univocal terms in logic
  • what is univocal language
  • what is univocal terms
  • what does univocal
  • what does univocal mean in english
  • what is univocal terms and equivocal terms
  • what is univocal reading




univocal +? -ly


univocally (not comparable)

  1. In a univocal manner.


  • expressly, unambiguously; see also Thesaurus:explicitly

univocally From the web:

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  • what does univocal mean
  • what does univocally
  • what does unequivocally mean in english
  • what does unequivocally
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  • what do unequivocally means

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