different between widdershins vs circle



Alternative forms

  • withershins


Borrowed from Middle Low German weddersins, weddersinnes, from Middle High German widersinnes, from wider- (wither-, against, opposite) + genitive of sin (direction, way).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /?w?.d?.??nz/
  • (US) IPA(key): /?w?.d?.??nz/


widdershins (not comparable)

  1. (obsolete) The wrong way.
  2. Anticlockwise, counter-clockwise.
    It is unlucky to walk widdershins around a church.
    • 1995, Estelle Daniels, Astrologickal Magick, Weiser Books ?ISBN, page 23
      The next hour wedge in a counterclockwise (or widdershins) direction, between 8 :00 and 7:00 is the 2nd house. The 8:00 line is the cusp of the 2nd house. You continue all around the wheel widdershins until you get to the hour wedge ...
    • 2002, Laura Perry, The Wiccan Wellness Book: Natural Healthcare for Mind, Body, and Spirit, Career Press ?ISBN, page 87
      I like to carry the incense widdershins around the room (widdershins being the direction of banishing) and then also run the incense widdershins around windows, doors, and mirrors. You can also do this type of cleansing with a container of ...
    • 2005, Melissa Roth, The Left Stuff: How the Left-Handed Have Survived and Thrived in a Right-Handed World, Government Institutes ?ISBN, page 29
      They even had a word for it, widdershins, an adaptation of the German word wiederschein, which means “against the sun.” If you walked around a bonfire counterclockwise, or widdershins, you were suspected of harboring a penchant for ...
    • 2005, Michael Ford, Luciferian Witchcraft, Lulu.com ?ISBN, page 98
      Widdershins are movements around the circle in an anti clockwise dance. Some witches may find it useful to recite the Lord's Prayer Backwards while moving widdershins in the beginning of the Sabbat Rite, this allowing or 'giving permission' ...
    • 2007, Ruth Barrett, Women's Rites, Women's Mysteries: Intuitive Ritual Creation, Llewellyn Worldwide ?ISBN, page 88
      In the Dianic tradition, the cast circle is opened in conjunction with valedictions in reverse order, also known as widdershins or counterclockwise, starting with a valediction to earth and moving from north, to west, to south, to east. In the Dianic  ...
    • 2008, Ann Finnin, The Forge of Tubal Cain, Pendraig Publishing ?ISBN, page 55
      The one thing we didn't think of, due in part to our quasi-Gardnerian training, is that one grinds the mill widdershins — counterclockwise, not clockwise. The counterclockwise motion (also called “Moonwise”) churns the energy against ...
    • 2011, Dion Fortune, Psychic Self-Defense: The Classic Instruction Manual for Protecting Yourself Against Paranormal Attack, Weiser Books ?ISBN, page 197
      The contrary way is widdershins, the way in which the witches danced at the Sabbats. The deosil movement affirms the rule of God's law in Nature because it is the Way of the Sun; the widdershins movement repudiates God's rule over Nature ...


  • (anticlockwise): clockwise, deasil, sunwise, deiseal


widdershins From the web:

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  • widdershins what does it mean
  • what do widdershins mean
  • what does widdershins come from
  • what language is widdershins
  • what does the word widdershins mean




From Middle English circle, cercle, from Old French cercle and Latin circulus, diminutive of Latin circus (circle, circus), from Ancient Greek ?????? (kírkos, circle, ring), related to Old English hring (ring). Compare also Old English ?ircul (circle, zodiac), which came from the same Latin source.


  • enPR: sûr?-k?l, IPA(key): /?s??k?l/
    • (UK) IPA(key): [?s??.k??]
    • (US) IPA(key): [?s?.k??]
  • Rhymes: -??(?)k?l
  • Homophone: cercal
  • Hyphenation: cir?cle


circle (plural circles)

  1. (geometry) A two-dimensional geometric figure, a line, consisting of the set of all those points in a plane that are equally distant from a given point (center).
    Synonyms: (not in mathematical use) coil, (not in mathematical use) ring, (not in mathematical use) loop
  2. A two-dimensional geometric figure, a disk, consisting of the set of all those points of a plane at a distance less than or equal to a fixed distance (radius) from a given point.
    Synonyms: disc, (in mathematical and general use) disk, (not in mathematical use; UK & Commonwealth only) round
  3. Any shape, curve or arrangement of objects that approximates to or resembles the geometric figures.
    Children, please join hands and form a circle.
    1. Any thin three-dimensional equivalent of the geometric figures.
    2. A curve that more or less forms part or all of a circle.
  4. A specific group of persons; especially one who shares a common interest.
    Synonyms: bunch, gang, group
    • At half-past nine on this Saturday evening, the parlour of the Salutation Inn, High Holborn, contained most of its customary visitors. [] In former days every tavern of repute kept such a room for its own select circle, a club, or society, of habitués, who met every evening, for a pipe and a cheerful glass.
    • “I don't mean all of your friends—only a small proportion—which, however, connects your circle with that deadly, idle, brainless bunch—the insolent chatterers at the opera, the gorged dowagers, [], the jewelled animals whose moral code is the code of the barnyard—!"
    • 1922, Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit
      The Rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything, for he didn’t know that real rabbits existed; he thought they were all stuffed with sawdust like himself, and he understood that sawdust was quite out-of-date and should never be mentioned in modern circles.
  5. The orbit of an astronomical body.
  6. (cricket) A line comprising two semicircles of 30 yards radius centred on the wickets joined by straight lines parallel to the pitch used to enforce field restrictions in a one-day match.
  7. (Wicca) A ritual circle that is cast three times deosil and closes three times widdershins either in the air with a wand or literally with stones or other items used for worship.
  8. (South Africa) A traffic circle or roundabout.
  9. (obsolete) Compass; circuit; enclosure.
  10. (astronomy) An instrument of observation, whose graduated limb consists of an entire circle. When fixed to a wall in an observatory, it is called a mural circle; when mounted with a telescope on an axis and in Y's, in the plane of the meridian, a meridian or transit circle; when involving the principle of reflection, like the sextant, a reflecting circle; and when that of repeating an angle several times continuously along the graduated limb, a repeating circle.
  11. A series ending where it begins, and repeating itself.
    • Thus in a circle runs the peasant's pain.
  12. (logic) A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other; inconclusive reasoning.
    • 1661, Joseph Glanvill, The Vanity of Dogmatizing
      That heavy bodies descend by gravity; and, again, that gravity is a quality whereby a heavy body descends, is an impertinent circle and teaches nothing.
  13. Indirect form of words; circumlocution.
    • 1610, Ben Jonson, The Alchemist
      Has he given the lie, / In circle, or oblique, or semicircle.
  14. A territorial division or district.
  15. (in the plural) A bagginess of the skin below the eyes from lack of sleep.

Derived terms

Related terms

  • circular
  • circulate
  • circus


  • Pitcairn-Norfolk: sirkil



circle (third-person singular simple present circles, present participle circling, simple past and past participle circled)

  1. (transitive) To travel around along a curved path.
    The wolves circled the herd of deer.
  2. (transitive) To surround.
    A high fence circles the enclosure.
    • 1699, William Dampier, Voyages and Descriptions
      Their heads are circled with a short turban.
    • 1798, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Dungeon
      So he lies, circled with evil.
  3. (transitive) To place or mark a circle around.
    Circle the jobs that you are interested in applying for.
  4. (intransitive) To travel in circles.
    Vultures circled overhead.

Derived terms

  • circle the drain



  • cleric

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