Detectives quotes:

  • Well I think that the mind of a serial killer and the mind of the detectives represent the duality we face as people. -- Paul Guilfoyle
  • You're right on the money with that. We're all like detectives in life. There's something at the end of the trail that we're all looking for. -- David Lynch
  • Personally I had the opportunity to go on several ride alongs with the LA County Sheriff's Department with some amazing detectives, who were invaluable to me. -- Nancy McKeon
  • The goal of 'Data Detectives' is to spark the imagination of students around the globe by making them think about new technologies that will impact humanity in ways similar to language and art. -- Rick Smolan
  • Yes, and many times it's frustrating, because I'm simply part of the show, and I'm not in the creative end of it, who goes out with detectives and tries to find these things out. -- Robert Stack
  • The cops picked me up for attempted murder. I can still see the detectives, licking their chops. Thought they had me. Two weeks later, the cat came out of a coma and told the truth. I was innocent. -- Barry White
  • I know when I was here prosecuting homicides in the District of Columbia, one of the most effective units here was the cold case squad, which had on it FBI agents, as well as Metropolitan Police Department homicide detectives working together. -- Robert Mueller
  • A really good detective never gets married. -- Raymond Chandler
  • To read of a detective's daring finesse or ingenious stratagem is a rare joy. -- Rex Stout
  • What the detective story is about is not murder but the restoration of order. -- P. D. James
  • Every man at the bottom of his heart believes that he is a born detective. -- John Buchan
  • A detective sees death in all the various forms at least five times a week. -- Ed McBain
  • Certainly going back to Sherlock Holmes we have a tradition of forensic science featured in detective stories. -- Jeffery Deaver
  • make no mistake about it, the detective-story is part of the literature of escape, and not of expression. -- Dorothy L. Sayers
  • As a professional writer of detective stories, I string along with the ballplayers. I love a ball game. -- Rex Stout
  • My family are police officers, detectives. My brother Mitch is FBI. Mitch is like that - a stern enforcer. -- Bernie Mac
  • I am a writer. I could not afford to take 15 months off from my writing career to play detective. -- James Ellroy
  • It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story. -- Agatha Christie
  • In the 1970s, there was a trend for all detectives on TV to have some quirk or gimmick, and this was often physical. -- Mark Billingham
  • In ordinary detective novels you never see the consequences of what happens in a story in the next book. That you do in mine. -- Stieg Larsson
  • There certainly does seem a possibility that the detective story will come to an end, simply because the public will have learnt all the tricks. -- Dorothy L. Sayers
  • When I first started writing the books in the 1980s, all of the female detectives were flawed in some way because they were based on noir characters. -- Kerry Greenwood
  • They say that genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains," he remarked with a smile. "It's a very bad definition, but it does apply to detective work. -- Arthur Conan Doyle
  • I went to the premiere of The Detective with Sinatra, and perhaps people jumped to conclusions. He was very protective towards me and never came on to me sexually. -- Jacqueline Bisset
  • I think these days an SF connection would be a boost to other books; I'm sure more people have read my two little detective puzzles because of the SF connection. -- John Thomas Sladek
  • Eventually I would like to touch all the genres. I would like to do some detective stories, and I want to do a Western. I would want to do humorous Westerns. -- Sergio Aragones
  • I know what kind of things I myself have been irritated by in detective stories. They are often about one or two persons, but they don't describe anything in the society outside. -- Stieg Larsson
  • What is interesting, as well, is how much power homicide detectives have and how much respect. They are kind of rock stars, especially in New York. There are not that many of them. -- Theo James
  • It means that no matter what you write, be it a biography, an autobiography, a detective novel, or a conversation on the street, it all becomes fiction as soon as you write it down. -- Guillermo Cabrera Infante
  • I remember when I was 12, talking with my friends about what we wanted to do with our lives, astronauts, forensic detectives, all these different jobs. And the only thing I could think was an actor. -- Tony Revolori
  • The kind of issues that we face as detectives are similar to what the other married couples out there are facing, or the brother and sister, or the brother and brother are facing. Relationships are universal. -- Michael Ealy
  • I understood right from the start that every set of library doors were the sort of magic portals that lead to other lands. My God, right within reach there were dinosaurs and planets and presidents and girl detectives! -- Deb Caletti
  • If I'm home with no chore at hand, and a package of books has come, the television set and the chess board and the unanswered mail will have to manage without me if one of the books is a detective story. -- Rex Stout
  • It's a very, very fascinating story for me, cause it's about a man who's been doing bad; bad things. And he's a father of four children in parochial school, he's a lieutenant of detectives, but he's in conflict with himself and with trying to do what's right. -- Harvey Keitel
  • My strongest hope is for a cameo as a band playing in a club visited by the detectives on 'Law & Order: SVU' during the course of an investigation, maybe during sound check, or something, so they can force us to stop playing while they question the sound guy. -- John Darnielle
  • I think we take for granted police officers and detectives that walk into some pretty heinous situations, and they really have to be very brave. So I love playing a character that's very brave - someone that kind of dives in the fire to figure out what's happened. -- George Eads
  • I want my job to include a little adventure, a little more of a heightened reality than what I'm actually living. And 'Castle' has that. He gets this opportunity to tail these homicide detectives, and he's driven by that. He's a little immature, but he's obviously loving life. -- Nathan Fillion
  • I think TV has been a little bit irresponsible in how they portray these people because homicide detectives are not brooding, tortured souls who are stained with the stink of the city and who have blood on their hands. They are real, live people that are incredibly entertaining. -- Nathan Fillion
  • The world domination plan goal is that I would love Veronica Mars to become a brand like Sherlock Holmes is a brand, like Nancy Drew, in a way, is a brand. When people start listing who are the great fictional detectives, I want Veronica Mars to make that list. That would be the dream scenario. -- Rob Thomas
  • I love soap operas - the stories, the plots! And I love the game shows and the courtroom dramas and the detectives - Jessica Fletcher, 'Columbo,' 'Perry Mason,' 'L.A. Law.' Any sense of guilt appeals to me in a television program - a sense of guilt, or a sense of making a lot of money. -- Peter Ackroyd
  • Yes. I did more research than I ever wanted to and saw some things I wish I didn't. I went on ride-alongs, spent time with Homicide, Cold Case, and SVU detectives, hung out in subways learning how to spot pervs and pick-pockets, viewed an autopsy, went to a police firing range, and witnessed court cases and I read, read, read. -- Mariska Hargitay
  • With 'Black Rain,' I spent a lot of time with homicide detectives, and I spent a lot of time with different brokers on 'Wall Street.' It helps get the rhythm of the piece and the tone, and how overplayed or underplayed it might be. That's also the magic of movies: You get to hang out and live these different lives. -- Michael Douglas
  • Literary critics make natural detectives. -- A. S. Byatt
  • The criminal is a creative artist; detectives are just critics. -- Hannu Rajaniemi
  • Grace shivered even though it was hot out, because that's what detectives do in detective books. -- Ella Minster
  • Women always find you out when you lie. Always. No matter what, they always find out. They're like detectives. -- Usain Bolt
  • I love people, studying people. That's the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out. -- James Van Praagh
  • I think of writers as explorers, not necessarily as detectives. So there is certainly detecting that is going on, but they're explorers. -- Walter Mosley
  • Investigation?" Isabelle laughed. "Now we're detectives? Maybe we should all have code names." "Good idea," said Jace. "I shall be Baron Hotschaft Von Hugenstein. -- Cassandra Clare
  • A woman went so far as to hire private detectives to contact me to help bring her out of what she called a hypnotic trance. -- Charley Pride
  • I've played lots of law enforcement agents, and I do have friends that are in the bureau, in the DEA, and who are detectives and captains. -- Malik Yoba
  • Well, when you have an opportunity to build a show around one of the greatest detectives in all of literature, you're going to jump at that opportunity. -- Nina Tassler
  • I don't take much stock of detectives in novels - chaps that do things and never let you see how they do them. That's just inspiration: not business. -- Arthur Conan Doyle
  • So that's the way you scientific detectives work. My god! for a fat, middle-aged, hard-boiled, pig-headed guy, you've got the vaguest way of doing things I ever heard of. -- Dashiell Hammett
  • Personally, I like those mystery shows. Ever since I was a kid I've been crazy about blood and detectives and murder. Maybe I was born with a silver knife in my back. -- Jack Paar
  • Spinach and champagne. Going back to the kitchens at the old Waldorf. Dancing on the kitchen tables, wearing the chef's headgear. Finally, a crash and being escorted out by the house detectives. -- Zelda Fitzgerald
  • Professional philosophers are usually only apologists: that is, they are absorbed in defending some vested illusion or some eloquent idea. Like lawyers or detectives, they study the case for which they are retained. -- George Santayana