Deteriorated quotes:

  • I suffered from severe depression for over a decade. My condition deteriorated steadily. I was suicidal. -- Byron Katie
  • A healthy degree of party unity among Democrats and Republicans has deteriorated into bitter partisan warfare. -- Thomas E. Mann
  • Egypt under Hosni Mubarak had deteriorated to the status of a failed state. We must wipe the slate clean and start again. -- Mohamed ElBaradei
  • The political health of Britain has deteriorated very sharply. The Conservative Party must do something about it. I am the man to do it. -- Kenneth Clarke
  • I love kite surfing and mountain bike riding. It's kind of interesting; my kite surfing ability has probably deteriorated with the rate of Kaggle's success. -- Anthony Goldbloom
  • I was so fanatical about trying to save wildlife... I was unable to accept that we couldn't solve this problem of thousands of years, of wherever humans operated, the environment deteriorated. -- Allan Savory
  • In Egypt, every family is suffering from the deteriorated schooling and university system of the Mubarak regime. What families want most of all is to secure a good education for their children. -- Ahmed Zewail
  • You just have this freedom when you're younger - this lack of concern to fail or do anything wrong. It comes with an ease that I've found has kind of deteriorated over time. -- Hayden Panettiere
  • It is very disappointing to see the Punjabi music scene of today. The lyrical quality has deteriorated; it is only people like Sartaaj and Gurdas Maan Ji who are sticking to their roots. -- Harbhajan Singh
  • That is what has happened to the United States in the international economic scene. We have deteriorated into a debtor status so that we are now dependent upon the kindness of strangers. That is not where the world's leading power should find itself. -- Paul Sarbanes
  • Yes, I don't believe that the inter-Korean relationship has, quote, 'deteriorated' since I assumed office. Rather I believe that the relationship between the two Koreas is entering into a new phase - a time of transition. And so I think that the North Koreans are trying to see what they can build with this, with my new administration. -- Lee Myung-bak
  • America's criminal justice system has deteriorated to the point that it is a national disgrace. -- Jimmy Webb
  • It can be demonstrated from history that no society has ever survived after its family life deteriorated. -- Caitlin Flanagan
  • You know a relationship has deteriorated past the point of salvage when one person detests another's gestures. -- Josephine Humphreys
  • Mitch's take on humanity had deteriorated to the point where he assumed someone was lying if her lips were moving. -- Jennifer Crusie
  • It is said that there is a principle of conflict which originated with the single cell and has never deteriorated. -- Frank Herbert
  • There are few pains so grievous as to have seen, divined, or experienced how an exceptional man has missed his way and deteriorated -- Friedrich Nietzsche
  • In the study, 89 percent of Americans said that they interrupted their last social encounter by looking at a phone. And 82 percent of them said that it deteriorated the conversation. -- Judy Woodruff
  • I can't believe that I changed so little. I expected to look old and hollow and gray, but I guess it's only me on the inside that has shriveled and deteriorated. -- Beatrice Sparks
  • The Cuban public is hugely cinephile. It's a shame that most of the movie theaters are so deteriorated. The sense of spectacle has been lost a little, but even so, people continue to go. -- Fernando Perez
  • The most positive policy proposal [Donald] Trump will bring to the table as president is his desire to improve and strengthen relations between the U.S. and Russia, which have deteriorated badly in recent years. -- David Krieger