Deteriorating quotes:

  • Many foreclosed homes are neglected or abandoned, as legal proceedings or other factors delay their resale. Deteriorating or vacant properties can, in turn, directly affect the quality of life in a neighborhood, for example, by leading to increases in vandalism or crime. -- Ben Bernanke
  • A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall. -- Vince Lombardi
  • There is tragic evidence to show that the paintings at the French prehistoric art sites are deteriorating. -- Louis Leakey
  • I would say that workers in general, and white workers particularly, are correct that their economic wellbeing is deteriorating. -- Andy Stern
  • The infrastructure, institutions and social fabric of Venezuela are deteriorating, and people realize the Chavez government has been the problem, not the solution. -- Leopoldo Lopez
  • But now with the living conditions deteriorating, and with the sure knowledge that we are slated for destruction, we have been transformed into an implacable army of liberation. -- George Jackson
  • I figured my body always would be able to repair itself. I think all of us believe that - until you begin to age and get hit with deteriorating joints. -- Lee Majors
  • My brain is good, but my body is deteriorating. I probably have another two or three years. Or I can pass tomorrow, but it doesn't make a difference to me. -- Ed Koch
  • When digital technology started becoming the norm, you've got 50, 60, 70 years of recordings on tapes that are just deteriorating. Like, a two-inch reel of recording tape won't last forever. It dissolves. It will disappear. -- Dave Grohl
  • The living world has become impoverished. Species are being lost every day. Energy and other resources are nearing exhaustion. The environment is deteriorating. Pollution is everywhere. Climate is changing. Natural balances are threatened. -- Christian de Duve
  • Too many of the elderly do not have the family or the communal attachments necessary to feel valued; too many are widowed or otherwise alone; too many live in surroundings where they are essentially without the companionship necessary to stimulate a mind in danger of deteriorating. -- Sherwin B. Nuland
  • The quality of American patents has been deteriorating for years; they are increasingly issued for products and processes that are not truly innovative - things like the queuing system for Netflix, which was patented in 2003. Yes, it makes renting movies a snap, but was it really a breakthrough deserving patent protection? -- Robert Pozen
  • What is correct action in a deteriorating world? -- Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • American is deteriorating because it is becoming like other countries -- Dennis Prager
  • The price of freedom keeps going up, but the quality keeps deteriorating. -- Ashleigh Brilliant
  • The whole constitution of property on its present tenures, is injurious, and its influence on persons deteriorating and degrading. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Do I know my lines? As I'm getting older, they're getting harder to learn. The old brain cells are deteriorating. -- Pauline Quirke
  • In our time, when the literature for adults is deteriorating, good books for children are the only hope, the only refuge. -- Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • Things do change. The only question is that since things are deteriorating so quickly, will society and man's habits change quickly enough? -- Isaac Asimov
  • The average condition of the people improving or deteriorating, depends upon whether population is advancing faster than improvement, or improvement than population. -- John Stuart Mill
  • Each venture Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate With shabby equipment always deteriorating In the general mess of imprecision of feeling. -- T. S. Eliot
  • Whenever you face obstacles, crises and dilemmas and your confidence is in your associates more than in God- it is a sign your faith is deteriorating. -- T. D. Jakes
  • The world's deteriorating ecology poses as great a danger to mankind today as did the nuclear standoff between the superpowers at the height of the Cold War. -- Mikhail Gorbachev
  • But now with the living conditions deteriorating, and with the sure knowledge that we are slated for destruction, we have been transformed into an implacable army of liberation -- George Jackson
  • Morale was deteriorating and it was all Yossarian's fault. The country was in peril; he was jeopardizing his traditional rights of freedom and independence by daring to exercise them. -- Joseph Heller
  • One mark of a deteriorating society is when people cannot discern between truth and lies. Another is that they don't care and will believe whatever their itching ears want to hear. -- Cal Thomas
  • Perhaps the singular positive of [Donald] Trump's desire to improve the deteriorating relations between the U.S. and Russia will lead to achieving progress toward a world free of nuclear weapons. -- David Krieger
  • I plan to write more songs of my own, especially on behalf of the animals we needlessly raise for food, at their great expense, and at great expense to our precious, deteriorating planet. -- Susan Schneider
  • There's no shame in losing money on a stock. Everybody does it. What is shameful is to hold on to a stock, or worse, to buy more of it when the fundamentals are deteriorating. -- Peter Lynch
  • The young generation can influence their elders and can make them understand the environmental problems that are faced by us today. The youth can make them see that our environment is deteriorating day by day. -- Oren Lyons