Determines quotes:

  • Between Peaks There Are Always Valleys. How You Manage Your Valley Determines How Soon You Reach Your Next Peak. -- Spencer Johnson
  • Attitude determines the altitude of life. -- Edwin Louis Cole
  • Fate determines many things, no matter how we struggle. -- Otto Weininger
  • Your actions, and your action alone, determines your worth. -- Evelyn Waugh
  • Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. -- John N. Mitchell
  • Our attitude towards others determines their attitude towards us. -- Earl Nightingale
  • In all our deeds, the proper value and respect for time determines success or failure. -- Malcolm X
  • It is not the quantity but the quality of knowledge which determines the mind's dignity. -- William Ellery Channing
  • It is the unseen and the spiritual in people that determines the outward and the actual. -- Oswald Chambers
  • I don't ever really feel that wearing my wedding ring is what determines me being married or not. -- Jessica Simpson
  • I think how you start the day many times determines what kind of day you're going to have. -- Joel Osteen
  • Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -- Lou Holtz
  • It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go. -- Jim Rohn
  • Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall. -- Stephen Covey
  • It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it. -- Oscar Wilde
  • What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. -- Wayne Dyer
  • What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are. -- George Eastman
  • Since belief determines behavior, doesn't it make sense that we should be teaching ethical, moral values in every home and in every school in America? -- Zig Ziglar
  • Every person has free choice. Free to obey or disobey the Natural Laws. Your choice determines the consequences. Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices. -- Alfred A. Montapert
  • An idealist believes the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or left undone in the short run determines the long run. -- Sydney J. Harris
  • When we are really honest with ourselves we must admit our lives are all that really belong to us. So it is how we use our lives that determines the kind of men we are. -- Cesar Chavez
  • No student ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him: it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required, that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction. -- Charles Kendall Adams
  • The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don't play together, the club won't be worth a dime. -- Babe Ruth
  • But once you are in that field, emotional intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job. -- Daniel Goleman
  • Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are. -- Norman Vincent Peale
  • Indeed, the existence of class, of social hierarchy, is as old as man himself. It prevails in the jungle where strength determines hierarchy; among men, it has also been savagely the same, whereby rulers vested with power through personal combat, or through lineal heritage as in the case of royalty, ravage their subjects. -- F. Sionil Jose
  • As a multisport athlete, I was always fascinated with competition and how to win. At HBS and later at the Harvard Department of Economics, I was drawn to the field of competition and strategy because it tackles perhaps the most basic question in both business management and industrial economics: What determines corporate performance? -- Michael Porter
  • Outlook determines outcome. -- Warren W. Wiersbe
  • Perception determines insanity... -- Phil Collins
  • Attitude determines effort. -- Anthony Pettis
  • Priority determines capacity. -- Andy Stanley
  • Direction determines destination. -- Jim Rohn
  • Practice structure determines success. -- Bobby Knight
  • Political technology determines political success. -- Morton Blackwell
  • Attitude, not Aptitude, determines Altitude. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Attitude, not ability, determines destiny -- Anonymous
  • What holds attention determines action. -- William James
  • Your attitude determines your aptitude! -- Emmitt Smith
  • Choice, not chance, determines destiny. -- Charles E. McKenzie
  • Our attitude determines our altitude. -- Paul H. Dunn
  • My lifestyle determines my deathstyle. -- James Hetfield
  • Custom determines what is agreeable. -- Blaise Pascal
  • your glory determines your haters -- Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  • A societies needs determines their ethics -- Maya Angelou
  • Breathing determines emotion. Emotion determines breathing. -- Linda Stone
  • Direction, not intention determines your destination. -- Andy Stanley
  • Self interest determines loyalty or betrayal. -- James Cook
  • One's desire, not ability, determines success. -- Vince Lombardi
  • They say your attitude determines your latitude ... -- Kanye West
  • Faith determines your destiny, not your reality. -- Pooja Ruprell
  • Your thinking today determines your performance today. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Your gratitude attitude determines your life altitude. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Always remember, your focus determines your reality. -- George Lucas
  • They say ya additude determines ya laditude... -- Kanye West
  • Attitude determines how the inner battleis won. -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • Our attitude determines our approach to life. -- John C. Maxwell
  • A wise one determines his own fate. -- Janet Morris
  • Our integrity determines what we really are. -- Joseph B. Wirthlin
  • Only the moment counts. It determines life. -- Franz Kafka
  • What we value determines what we do. -- Craig Groeschel
  • Attitude determines how well you do it. -- Lou Holtz
  • Race determines everything in the criminal justice system -- Mark Geragos
  • The degree of your desire determines your dedication. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • The quality of our attention determines our experience. -- Deepak Chopra
  • Control of consciousness determines the quality of life. -- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • I'm from where your hustle determines your salary. -- Rick Ross
  • The Life of Christ determines everything about us. -- David Platt
  • What you feed your mind determines your appetite. -- Zig Ziglar
  • Our response to an offense determines our future. -- John Bevere
  • Leadership ability determines a person's level of effectiveness. -- John C. Maxwell
  • Whatever we focus on determines what we become. -- E. Stanley Jones
  • That which holds our attention determines our action. -- Prince William
  • What you do daily determines what you become permanently -- Mike Murdock
  • What determines your altitude in life is your attitude. -- Tavis Smiley
  • --
  • Your intention rules your life and determines the outcome. -- Oprah Winfrey
  • Your character determines how many followers you will have. -- Sunday Adelaja
  • Your attitude towards failure determines your altitude after failure. -- John C. Maxwell
  • War doesn't determine who's right, it determines who's left -- Bertrand Russell
  • Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us -- John N. Mitchell
  • Your capacity to grow determines your capacity to lead. -- Mark Millar
  • A good bassist determines the direction of any band. -- Ron Carter
  • Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. -- Isabel Allende
  • The yoke you wear determines the burden you bear. -- Edwin Louis Cole
  • What a person thinks about determines what he is. -- Charles L. Allen
  • For Time calls only once, and that determines all. -- Sophocles
  • Your heart determines if you are rich or poor -- Sonya Withrow
  • Momentum is whatever your attitude determines it to be. -- Lou Holtz
  • Democracy is not theater - it determines life and death! -- Mimi Kennedy
  • The way people get their living determines their social outlook. -- Karl Marx
  • War determines not who is right but who is left. -- Sidney Greenberg
  • My attention determines the depth and quality of my experience. -- Karen Kingston
  • Your mind, more than your actions, determines your net worth. -- Robert Kiyosaki
  • You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow. -- Laozi
  • Attitude determines Altitude.Winners never quit.No venture, No gain. -- Stella Oladiran
  • Our self image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become. -- Maxwell Maltz
  • What you do today determines who you will be tomorrow. -- John Spence
  • It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny. -- Jean Nidetch
  • Your field of focus determines what you find in life. -- T. Harv Eker
  • The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. -- A. R. Bernard
  • Impression, not oppression determines the real life of a real person. -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • What you habitually think largely determines what you will ultimately become. -- Bruce Lee
  • The nature of our motivation determines the character of our work. -- Dalai Lama
  • The depth of your struggle determines the height of your success. -- R. Kelly
  • The quality of our expectations determines the quality of our action. -- Jean-Baptiste Andre Godin
  • The structure of language determines not only thought, but reality itself. -- Noam Chomsky
  • The deep of your maturity determines the height of your marriage. -- Matthew Ashimolowo
  • Your attitude determines your actions, and your actions determine your accomplishment. -- John C. Maxwell
  • In life, one's habits determines one's habitation in the long run -- Constance Chuks Friday
  • Politics determines who has the power, not who has the truth. -- Paul Krugman
  • The pace of a leader determines the pace of his follower. -- Sunday Adelaja
  • How you imagine the world determines how you live in it. -- David Suzuki
  • It is the man determines what is said, not the words. -- Henry David Thoreau
  • The quality of the team determines the speed of the dream. -- Mark Victor Hansen
  • It is our action that determines the viability of our dream. -- Steve Maraboli
  • Our mental attitude is the x factor that determines our fate. -- Dale Carnegie
  • The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. -- Babe Ruth
  • The speed of the leader determines the rate of the pack. -- D. Wayne Lukas
  • The awful importance of this life is that it determines eternity. -- William Barclay
  • It is our relation to circumstances that determines their influence upon us. -- Christian Nestell Bovee