Deterred quotes:

  • The last of Summer is Delight - Deterred by Retrospect. 'Tis Ecstasy's revealed Review - Enchantment's Syndicate. To meet it - nameless as it is - Without celestial Mail - Audacious as without a Knock To walk within the Veil. -- Emily Dickinson
  • We are often deterred from crime by the disgrace of others. -- Horace
  • States can be deterred by the fear of retaliation; non-state organisations cannot by deterred at all. -- John Bruton
  • But by all this I am not deterred, for I have seen, I have heard, I have felt. -- Emanuel Swedenborg
  • Lack of encouragement never deterred me. I was the kind of person who would not be put down. -- Constance Baker Motley
  • There are some people that will be deterred by the fact that we have nuclear weapons... But those people are the folks we can deal with anyway. -- Charles Horner
  • I remember people - not my family - always asking, 'Oh, so are you going to make movies when you're older?' I felt pressured, and that always kind of deterred me. -- Gia Coppola
  • Even the Soviet Union, with its huge nuclear arsenal, was a threat that could be deterred by the prospect of retaliation. But suicide bombers cannot be deterred. They can only be annihilated - preemptively and unilaterally, if necessary. -- Thomas Sowell
  • I would say trust your own judgment and develop your own style that is true in your heart and don't be deterred from that. Just develop that something that's unique to you that you feel you can give. Be true to yourself, trust your own judgment; that's all. -- Justin Hayward
  • My family was Jehovah's Witnesses, which is a really tough religion. It kind of deterred me from religion for a long time. They still practice, but I don't. But I always remained spiritual, and had a belief that there is a God. I'm trying to find my way, you know? -- Ja Rule
  • Dictators can be deterred, they can be crushed-but they can never be appeased. -- Margaret Thatcher
  • Believe in what you can do and be not deterred by what others say. -- Jacob Gelt Dekker
  • Start marching forward, even when into the new and unknown, and don't be deterred by obstacles. -- Daphne Koller
  • My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me. -- Steve Maraboli
  • I hope I shall never be deterred from detecting what I think a cheat, by the menaces of a ruffian. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Concerning no subject would [George Bernard] Shaw be deterred by the minor accident of total ignorance from penning a definitive opinion. -- Roger Scruton
  • Goals are to be set clear without frills. Do not be deterred and take reality as it is, not as it should be. -- Jacob Gelt Dekker
  • Don't. Tell me when, then. And before you say never, take a good look at me and tell me if you see a man who's easily deterred. -- Sylvia Day
  • If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. -- John F. Kennedy
  • We have now learned that rashness and imprudence will not be deterred from taking credit; let us try whether fraud and avarice may be more easily restrained from giving it. -- Samuel Johnson
  • Things are picking up...It's not going to make this thing go away... don't think you're going to find anybody deterred...There's a lot of people willing to die for the cause. -- Jerry Vlasak
  • Animation requires a great deal of concentration, and I preferred to work alone because then I'm not deterred by somebody asking me if I want coffee, or the phone ringing or something. -- Ray Harryhausen