Developing Character quotes:

  • Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness. -- Yousuf Karsh
  • Character develops itself in the stream of life. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • I like to take a character and develop it. -- Alison Lohman
  • There are a lot of techniques for developing a character. -- David Walton
  • Characters do not change. Opinions alter, but characters are only developed. -- Benjamin Disraeli
  • By constant self-discipline and self-control you can develop greatness of character. -- Grenville Kleiser
  • I love seeing a story evolve over several books and watching characters develop. -- Marie Rutkoski
  • Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • You've got to learn to survive a defeat. That's when you develop character. -- Richard M. Nixon
  • I've been allowed to develop my own character, which I'm still working on. -- Rue McClanahan
  • Actually, I find it great fun to develop family series with lots of characters. -- Nora Roberts
  • We all lose our looks eventually. Better develop your character and interest in life. -- Jacqueline Bisset
  • It pays to cultivate popularity. It doubles success possibilities, develops manhood, and builds up character. -- Orison Swett Marden
  • When you do films that have multiple sequels, you develop a character for a film. -- Warwick Davis
  • I would defy people to find a more beautifully developed character than Seven of Nine. -- Jeri Ryan
  • Noble character is best appreciated in those ages in which it can most readily develop. -- Tacitus
  • Even though I was theatrically trained, learning to develop a character was an awesome experience. -- Corin Nemec
  • People become more interesting from about 25 - they develop character and their personalities come out. -- Helen Mirren
  • I think wardrobe is a really important part of making a movie and developing the character. -- Elisha Cuthbert
  • Just as we develop our physical muscles through overcoming opposition - such as lifting weights - we develop our character muscles by overcoming challenges and adversity. -- Stephen Covey
  • God is more interested in developing your character than keeping you comfortable. -- Tommy Tenney
  • Real religion is about, developing real character; character of compassion, character of humility, the character of determination to grow in all circumstances. -- Radhanath Swami
  • When both you and your spouse actively focus on developing godly character qualities, the foundation of your marriage will be twice as strong. -- Elizabeth George
  • Good character is more important than wealth, good looks, popularity and even education. These things do not guarantee happiness and often they become obstacles to developing good character. -- Michael Josephson
  • Choose to be good and kind and tolerant regardless of the situation or who's involved, because life is more a matter of developing character than of dishing out just rewards. -- Richelle E. Goodrich
  • When you are developing a character you have to bring so much of yourself to the role. -- Lori Loughlin
  • Understanding character is a vital part of the process of finding a relationship partner and developing a strong and vibrant relationship together. -- Susanne M. Alexander
  • In the process of developing a character, you do, in fact, start to take him on as a personality. It's part of my job. -- Richard Gere
  • I really am a character actor, in my heart of hearts, because I really do like developing characters and painting a past for them. -- Dylan McDermott
  • No being incapable of controlling their own mind or developing ethics and a loving character can ever be a Master. First we must have accomplishment. -- Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo
  • Taking on an iconic character is difficult, sure, people associate different actors with a character that you're playing, but there's something in rehearsing and developing a new character. -- Kathryn Hahn