Deviance quotes:

  • Schoolchildren make up their own rules and enforce their own conformities. They feel safest when leisure time is rationed and dosed. They like to wear uniforms, and they frown on personal idiosyncrasies. Deviance is the mark of an outsider. -- Louise J. Kaplan
  • Normal is the average of deviance. -- Rita Mae Brown
  • Sexual boredom is ousting sexual deviance as the problem. -- Mason Cooley
  • Without deviance from normality, there can be no progress. -- Frank Zappa
  • It's my job to spread deviance to the American youth. -- Rose McGowan
  • Many have attempted unnatural acts, but Nature has always shown the way. -- Mason Cooley
  • I believe that the essence of photography is black and white. Color is but a deviance. -- Sarah Moon
  • Las Vegas is still socially sanctioned deviance. Its brand is just more comfortable to more Americans than it used to be. -- Hal Rothman
  • I think with any characterization there's a point where you empathize, no matter how much of a deviance his or her actions may be from your understanding of humanity. -- Benedict Cumberbatch
  • Hunting Bears is a complex song. A bear, as you know is another term for a chubby chaser. The guitar line is actually the sound of a fat man's thighs rubbing together as he approaches another lardy male for a night of sexual deviance. -- Thom Yorke
  • The sexual deviance - I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss that; but we do have hints of it but in a more psychological way and therefore more human way, arguably. Or certainly to the extent that the animated series takes that sexuality. -- Marton Csokas
  • Positive deviance means doing the right thing for sustainability, despite being surrounded by the wrong institutional structures, the wrong processes and stubbornly uncooperative people. That is what sustainability-literate leadership means today. Surrounded by evidence of rampant unsustainability it is not possible to say 'I did not know' -- Sara Parkin
  • Yeah, well, I'm crazy, but I'm not stupid, hopefully. And I think we're all a bit crazy if we do anything that's deviant. I've studied a great deal on deviance and aberrant behavior. Most of the interesting people I've ever met have been deviant in one form or another. -- Anton Szandor LaVey
  • There is no such thing as a value-free concept of deviance; to say homosexuals are deviant because they are a statistical minority is, in practice, to stigmatize them. Nuns are rarely classed as deviants for the same reason, although if they obey their vows they clearly differ very significantly from the great majority of people. -- Dennis Altman
  • Since the most important element of any concept is that its originating question be appropriately framed, any theory demanding an explanation for homosexuality is a problematic one because it maintains our existence as a category of deviance. I mean, no one is running around trying to figure out why some people like sports, for example. -- Sarah Schulman
  • One thing is to have the protection of human rights for homosexuals and quite something else is this promotion of indecency. It would be immoral and unethical to deny the homosexuals their human rights. But it is also immoral to consider disorders as normal. None of these deviances are biological. They are acquired by fantasizing about them. -- Ali Sina
  • The combination to be on guard for is young and bored, or young and resentful. You can spot them at social gatherings, the grad students or interns who tell you about syndromes, conditions, deviances, and disorders, and they love, love, love to talk. They speak in half-sentences with a knowing smile-squint, watch you falter at the pause, and then keep talking. -- Craig Clevenger
  • Talking about morality can be offensive. Morality is a politically incorrect subject. Many people are genuinely offended if someone speaks of morality and family values. It is okay if you talk about your sexual fantasies and deviances. This is called "liberation". But you would be frowned at if you talk about morality in public. Then you'd be accused of trying to impose your values on others. -- Ali Sina
  • One man's deviance is other man's lunch break. -- Jenn Bennett
  • The first reports of AIDS closely followed the inauguration of President Ronald Reagan, whose 'family values' agenda and alliance with Christian conservatives associated AIDS with deviance and sin. -- Barton Gellman
  • Homophobia's just one form of abjection, and wherever you have a marker of deviance - skin colour, gender, gender identity, disability - you get the same mechanisms of prejudice. -- Hal Duncan