Deviate quotes:

  • I love fashion and am not scared to deviate from the norm. -- Dascha Polanco
  • You have to be careful to react when you start to deviate from your course. -- Carlos Ghosn
  • I wanted to acquire an education, work extremely hard and never deviate from my goal, to make it. -- Taylor Caldwell
  • Life is about making plans from which you deviate, almost always. If you are lucky, you do come up with a plan. -- Kenneth Branagh
  • I think people have come to know me, and I don't deviate too much as an individual. What you see is what you get. -- Rob Mariano
  • I think every album you have to stretch further and further, give people another piece of you. But then I always try to deviate from the norm. -- Ludacris
  • I think everyone has a certain kind of formula in their life. When you deviate from that formula, you're going to fail big or you're gonna win big. -- Sylvester Stallone
  • You know, I did records by myself and I always will say the Isley Brothers, and featuring Ronald. I won't, you know, just, I won't try to deviate from the Isley Brothers, because that's what the family dream was all about. -- Ronald Isley
  • Remember that in every single case in history the process of adaptation has been one of exceeding slowness. Do not look for the impossible, but do not let your path deviate from the quiet and steadfast insistence on full opportunities for your powers. -- Franz Boas
  • Personally, I don't see old economics and behavioural economics as opposed. It is useful to assume people are rational as a good approximation to their long term behaviour, but it would be unwise not to think how in practice their behaviour may deviate from that simplifying assumption. -- Evan Davis
  • Most of the people you see me working for me are actually with me. And I'm proud to say that I've known them for 20 years almost. I've written songs with, produced songs with them a lot of times. I don't deviate form my comfort zone. I feel like when God brings people to you, it's good to keep 'em around. -- Maxwell
  • The great Way is very straight, but people prefer to deviate. -- Laozi
  • You've got to be able to copy things faithfully before you can deviate. -- Damien Hirst
  • Somedays the line I walk turns out to be straight - Other days the line tends to deviate. -- Ani DiFranco
  • Scholars today are under increasing pressure to publish. Consequences of this pressure are incentives to deviate from the truth -- Bruno Frey
  • Love is who we are, and when we deviate from that love we're deviating from our ultimate, essential, eternal reality. -- Marianne Williamson
  • Remember that basketball is a game of habits. If you make the other guy deviate from his habits, you've got him -- Bill Russell
  • Although we deal with probabilities and expectations, the actual results can deviate substantially from such expectations, particularly on a short-term basis. -- Warren Buffett
  • The art of stone in a Japanese garden is that of placement. Its ideal does not deviate from that of nature. -- Isamu Noguchi
  • The chicken that we eat is chock-full of feminine hormones. So, when men eat these chickens, they deviate from themselves as men. -- Evo Morales
  • In order to deviate successfully, one has to have at least a passing acquaintance with whatever norm one expects to deviate from. -- Frank Zappa
  • Keep on adding, keep on walking, keep on progressing: do not delay on the road, do not go back, do not deviate. -- Saint Augustine
  • We have no excuse to deviate from the paths of righteousness. If we hold fast to the iron rod, we cannot be deceived. -- William Grant Bangerter
  • It's important to have a plan, a big picture. You can deviate from it or change it completely, but it gives you something to work for. -- Shannon Miller
  • Those whose abilities or knowledge incline them most to deviate from the general round of life are recalled from eccentricity by the laws of their existence. -- Samuel Johnson
  • The Roman Pontiffs have always...held that all those rites should be preserved which deviate neither from accuracy in matters of faith, nor from what is fitting. -- Pope Pius IX
  • Every event, or appearance, or accident, which seems to deviate from the ordinary course of nature has been rashly ascribed to the immediate action of the Deity. -- Edward Gibbon
  • Whether I'm writing about plumbers or psychics or psychic plumbers, I want to find a creative space that imprisons me usefully, so I can deviate with purpose. -- Heidi Julavits
  • Good-fellowship, unflagging, is the prime requisite for success in our society, and the man or woman who smiles only for reasons of humor or pleasure is a deviate. -- Marya Mannes
  • We know that passion, prejudice, party, and even good-will, tempt many who preserve a fair character with the world to deviate from truth in the laxity of conversation. -- Laurence Fishburne
  • So often feminism is built up as this thing where you have to be perfect. You have to be consistent and you can't ever deviate. That's just not realistic. -- Roxane Gay
  • Be always displeased with what you are if you wish to be what you are not. Always add, always walk, always proceed. Neither stand still nor go back nor deviate. -- Saint Augustine
  • I want to be able to write, that's my first love and I don't want to deviate from it even though I probably could have made a lot more money. -- Robert Greene
  • Great minds had rather deserve contemporaneous applause without obtaining it, than obtain without deserving it. If it follow them it is well, but they will not deviate to follow it. -- Charles Caleb Colton
  • From the days of old, those who walk in the way have replaced those who deviate therefrom; those who lack virtue have fallen before those who possess it. Can one escape fate? -- Luo Guanzhong
  • When singing, you need performing skills and a bit of imagination. You have to treasure the emotions, and to not deviate from the colour of the song while pouring your heart into it. -- Kim Tae-yeon
  • It is not enough that you can form nay, and follow, the most excellent rules for conducting yourself in the world. You must also know when to deviate from them, and where lies the exception. -- Sir Fulke Greville
  • In Islam, democracy is included and people are free in Islam, both in expressing their opinions and their actions, until there is no conspiracy and they don't bring up ideas which would deviate Iranian generation. -- Ruhollah Khomeini