Deviations quotes:

  • Digressions are part of harmony, deviations too. -- Dejan Stojanovic
  • With graceful deviations in which caprice is blended with virtuosity -- Marcel Proust
  • Tact is the discrimination of differences. It consists in conscious deviations. -- Theodor Adorno
  • Regardless of any deviations, it was clear I was supposed to end up in math and physics. -- Edward Witten
  • There are values of humanity, culture, beauty, community that may require deviations from the cold logic of market theory. -- Anthony Lewis
  • Salaries and wages must reflect the reality of the enterprise's economic performance; deviations from the planned performance should be reflected in pay. -- Samora Machel
  • Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not. Are deviations from full employment a social problem? Obviously. -- Janet Yellen
  • But Maine is a special place: there's something about untold acres of natural beauty in concert with an underachieving public school system that leads to deviations from the customary and commonsensical. -- William Giraldi
  • Chance is commonly viewed as a self-correcting process in which a deviation in one direction induces a deviation in the opposite direction to restore the equilibrium. In fact, deviations are not "corrected" as a chance process unfolds, they are merely diluted. -- Amos Tversky
  • He's a Sentinel. An angel created to hunt and punish other angels. He was designed and built to feel no emotion, to function almost like a machine. One mission, one purpose, no deviations. But he's deviated a lot over the years. Now more so than ever before. And he's paid the price. He's paying it even now. -- Sylvia Day
  • Are deviations from full employment a social problem? Obviously. -- Janet Yellen
  • Gardens... should be like lovely, well-shaped girls: all curves, secret corners, unexpected deviations, seductive surprises and then still more curves. -- H. E. Bates
  • Conventions which camouflage a man's true feelings are a spiritual lie which help him adapt himself to the organized deviations of society ... -- Maria Montessori
  • It turns out umpires and judges are not robots or traffic cameras, inertly monitoring deviations from a fixed zone of the permissible. They are humans. -- Eric Liu
  • I think that people are entitled to be amused, and entertained. If they see deviations from this classical norm, it's probably good for their mental health. -- Frank Zappa
  • The right constitutions, three in number- kingship, aristocracy, and polity- and the deviations from these, likewise three in number - tyranny from kingship, oligarchy from aristocracy, democracy from polity. -- Aristotle
  • In most languages, 'control' is the first synonym for the word 'manage.' Control is about spotting and correcting deviations from pre-defined standards; thus to control, one must first constrain. -- Gary Hamel
  • My great longing is to make those very incorrectnesses, those deviations, remodellings, changes in reality, so that they may become, yes, lies if you like - but truer than the literal truth. -- Vincent Van Gogh
  • No formula in finance tells you that the moat is 28 feet wide and 16 feet deep. That's what drives the academics crazy. They can compute standard deviations and betas, but they can't understand moats. -- Warren Buffett
  • Temporary deviations from fundamental principles are always more or less dangerous. When the first pretext fails, those who become interested in prolonging the evil will rarely be at a loss for other pretexts. -- James Madison
  • I have supported my deviations with reasons; I did not stop at mere doubt; I have vanquished, I have uprooted, I have destroyed everything in my heart that might have interfered with my pleasure. -- Marquis de Sade