Determined spirit quotes:

  • With determined spirit you can overpower any difficulty. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Great achievement requires personal force, determined spirit and self-confidence. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Personal force, determined spirit and self confidence are your greatest self. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Confidence, courage and determined spirit are vital for surviving hard times. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • With persistent focus and determined spirit, you can achieve the God-given goals. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Nothing great could ever be achieved, without personal force, determined spirit and self-confidence. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history. -- Mahatma Gandhi
  • The miracle or the power that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application and perseverance under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit. -- Mark Twain
  • At home and abroad, military men and women are showing purpose and dedication in defending American ideas. They are performing in our country's best traditions under circumstances both difficult and complex. Thanks to their determined spirit of patriotism and professionalism, our country has a powerful and unified defense team, employing its forces in the constant quest for peace and freedom. -- Melvin Laird
  • Our spiritual attitude is determined by our conception of our relation to infinite spirit. -- Paul Twitchell
  • For women, we intend to do something in a noble and missionary spirit... We mean to appeal to their intellects... and we hereby announce ourselves as determined and bigoted feminists. -- Frank Crowninshield
  • Poetry criticism at its worst today is mean in spirit and spiteful in intent, as if determined to inflict the wound that will spur the artist to new heights if it does not cripple him or her. -- David Lehman
  • We have been filled with grief as we have witnessed the decline of the North American Church that was once filled with missionary zeal and yet now seems determined to bury itself in a deadly embrace with the spirit of the age. -- Peter Akinola
  • My father once told me when I was a young girl that I was destined to do great things. His belief in my abilities and ambition is rooted deeply in the spirit of Malawians; resilient and determined for a better Malawi and a better Africa. -- Joyce Banda
  • In designing the scenery and costumes for any of Shakespeare's plays, the first thing the artist has to settle is the best date for the drama. This should be determined by the general spirit of the play more than by any actual historical references which may occur in it. -- Oscar Wilde
  • Determined spirit is unstoppable. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • A willing spirit, a determined effort. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Hope is that great spirit that grant us courage to stay determined. -- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits. -- Bruce Lee
  • The depth of revival will be determined exactly by the depth of the spirit of repentance. -- Frank Bartleman
  • Come to the Word with a spirit of longing with devotion and humble expectation. Be determined to know God. -- Aiden Wilson Tozer
  • At least 80 percent of the success of the football team is determined by the fight and spirit that they put into their play. -- George Halas
  • I know the human spirit. I haven't found a wall that can be built that a determined human being can't get over, under or around. -- Chris Christie
  • The more we see the unconscionable ends to which the human spirit can descend when it is determined to remain autonomous, the more our confidence in human methods diminishes. -- Ravi Zacharias