Develop talents quotes:

  • I had a talent for scoring films. I just developed it. -- John Carpenter
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  • Talent develops in quiet places, character in the full current of human life. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Talent is a faculty that is highly developed, but genius commands all the faculties. -- Francis Herbert Hedge
  • Worried about being a dull fellow? You might develop your talent for being irritating. -- Mason Cooley
  • God gave me a talent to draw. I 'owed' it to him to develop the talent. -- Annie Dillard
  • A person has the right, and I think the responsibility, to develop all of their talents. -- Jessye Norman
  • I had a unique privilege to have a good start in life and a chance to develop my talents. -- Novak Djokovic
  • Generating ideas isn't some mystical talent that you have to be born with: it's a skill you can develop. -- Charles Stross
  • I believe it is in the world's interest to develop environments that fully engage women and leverage their natural talents. -- Weili Dai
  • I look for something unique, and I look for people who haven't reached their potential. I think I'm pretty good at developing talent. -- Roger Ailes
  • The truth won't set us free - until we develop the skills and the habit and the talent and the moral courage to use it. -- Margaret Heffernan
  • My chief gifts are - naturally good at all sports with a raw talent for pretty much everything, which if nurtured could develop into improper talent. -- Michael Sheen
  • A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals. -- Larry Bird
  • I am an ordinary man who worked hard to develop the talent I was given. I believed in myself, and I believe in the goodness of others. -- Muhammad Ali
  • Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance. -- Susan Wiggs
  • My main job was developing talent. I was a gardener providing water and other nourishment to our top 750 people. Of course, I had to pull out some weeds, too. -- Jack Welch
  • I grew up using hearing aids, and I had speech therapy and so forth, and that helped me to develop a passion for music and helped me to develop my drumming talents. -- Sean Berdy
  • We have to put in our time every day to try and achieve and learn so that we can develop our talents and each of you, thank goodness, have special talents; each of you are special persons. -- Bruce Vento
  • There is a human capital crisis in the federal government. Not only are we losing the decades of talent as civil servants retire, we are not doing enough to develop and nurture the next generation of public servants. -- Daniel Akaka
  • If you are too busy to develop your talents, you are too busy. -- Julia Cameron
  • Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision & perseverance to develop their talents. -- Orrin Woodward
  • Few lack talent, but most people lack the vision and perseverance to develop their talents. -- Orrin Woodward
  • Empowering means helping teams develop their skills and knowledge and supporting them to use their talents. -- Ken Blanchard
  • One of the greatest talents of all is the talent to recognize and to develop talent in others. -- Colin Powell
  • As you train and as you develop your talents, you do get better, hopefully, or you get out of the business. -- Debbie Reynolds
  • Are we allowing individuals to develop their talents with our current teaching methods? Is there more or maybe less we should be doing? -- Adele Devine
  • [E]very man, everywhere, should be free to develop his talents to their full potential - unhampered by arbitrary barriers of race or birth or income. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Children can be disgusting, and often they can develop extraordinary talents, but IĆ¢??m yet to meet any child who can stimulate his carotid arteries inside his ribcage. -- Ben Goldacre
  • The average American watches more than four hours of television per day. What would happen if we spent more time developing our talents than watching others develop theirs? -- John Bytheway