Developing thick skin quotes:

  • You have to develop a very thick skin. -- Gabrielle Union
  • Having been a journalist for thirty-nine years, I've developed a pretty thick skin. -- Pete Earley
  • As an actor, you have to get used to being told no, develop a thick skin, and just keep persevering. -- Emun Elliott
  • In this business you have to develop a thick skin, but I'm always going to feel everything. It's my nature. -- Taylor Swift
  • I might have to stumble a little bit more in public than others, but that's fine, I don't mind, I've developed a thick skin. -- James Franco
  • If you're going to succeed, then you just have to be thick-skinned. It's something I developed early in my career, and it just goes with the territory. -- Gracia Martore
  • I've always been really, really aware of my insecurities - really, really aware. I never developed that thick skin that keeps you from letting things get to you. -- Taylor Swift
  • I've learned to develop a thick skin, but you're bound to be affected when you read something bad about yourself in the paper and it's rubbed in your face over and over. -- Freida Pinto
  • When you live in the Philippines or a country like that, you develop something of a very thick skin because you're confronted every day with all of the problems all around you. -- Miguel Syjuco
  • When I was in first grade, the kids called me 'fatso.' It hurt, but the way I overcame it was to outrun every kid in the class. So I developed a thick skin, and athletics became my way of performing and being accepted. -- Billy Casper
  • I think this industry can be tough on everyone. You have to surround yourself with supportive people and know when to put your foot down and do what's best for you and your family. The first few years in the music industry can be a steep learning curve, and I've definitely developed a thicker skin! -- Rebecca Ferguson
  • Freud was the son of a Jewish merchant who had to move his whole family to Vienna because he couldn't get work. He, as a boy, had to watch his father be mocked and abused on the street for being Jewish... You develop a thick skin and you develop a certain kind of wit to defend yourself. -- Viggo Mortensen
  • My biggest advice for girls - and this is something that I wish I could have known when I was younger - is to have thick skin. It's something that you definitely develop when you get older, but when I first started, I was so obsessed with pleasing everybody. I wanted everybody to like me and to like my songs. -- Kate Voegele