Development and change quotes:

  • People are no longer primarily in opposition, nor can they be said to be interacting, rather they are participating in this pool of common meaning which is capable of constant development and change. -- David Bohm
  • We stand united, facing the big responsibility to change our country into a nation of justice, solidarity, humanity and green development. -- George Papandreou
  • Global climate change has a profound impact on the survival and development of mankind. It is a major challenge facing all countries. -- Hu Jintao
  • We need fundamental change. In the past, national development led to people's happiness but now the link between national growth and improvement in people's lives has been severed. -- Park Geun-hye
  • The irony here is this administration is spending more money on climate change research and development than any administration in all the rest of the industrialized world combined. -- Christine Todd Whitman
  • Climate change is destroying our path to sustainability. Ours is a world of looming challenges and increasingly limited resources. Sustainable development offers the best chance to adjust our course. -- Ban Ki-moon
  • The development of a political-economic framework to explore long-run institutional change occupied me during all of the 1980s and led to the publication of Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance in 1990. -- Douglass North
  • The most meaningful engine of change, powerful enough to confront corporate power, may be not so much environmental quality, as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it. -- Barry Commoner
  • The discovery and investigation of life on other planets is likely to change many of our ideas about how life arose on the Earth and even what is life and its natural development. -- George Smoot
  • And it seems to me in that experience may lie at least some of the clues for policy development perhaps constitutional changes as well that Labour will need to make at the national level too. -- Patricia Hewitt
  • New York has always been a city of change and a city about change, and it is a back-leading development. Nobody's going to want to come to New York if it looks like another strip mall. -- Debbie Harry
  • We are a country with great potential. We have the political will to make deep changes in a just and equitable way, to put our country back on a development path, to meet the challenges of a new world. -- George Papandreou
  • The Global Poverty Project's mission is to stand up for the world's poorest people. We fight for the full funding of Millennium Development Goals and advocate meaningful change to government and corporate policies that block progress and entrench injustice. -- Hugh Evans
  • What we need is to think strategically about development, analyzing a country's potential role in its region and the world in search of opportunities for growth. Platforms like the Global Social Business Summit can facilitate the process on bringing about change. -- Muhammad Yunus
  • The Ocean Health Index is like the thermometer of the ocean. It will allow us to take the temperature to know what is going on at the global level, trying to integrate different impacts, including overfishing, invasive species, coastal development, and climate change. -- Enric Sala
  • There were no strategic mistakes that could affect Russia's history and it further development. No, there were no such mistakes. Tactical errors were made in some less significant options, problems and so on. But, on the whole, Russia embarked on a correct path and it changed. -- Boris Yeltsin
  • The hypothesis may be put forward, to be tested by the s subsequent investigation, that this development has been in large part a matter of the reciprocal interaction of new factual insights and knowledge on the one hand with changes in the theoretical system on the other. -- Talcott Parsons
  • A great thing is happening on cable TV. You see characters change in stories over years, like in Tolstoy. That's a whole, thrilling new form that I really enjoy. They are Tolstoy-an in their endless character development and narrative changes... a show like 'Breaking Bad' is astonishing. -- Mike Nichols
  • We will fight against any pro-nuclear power plan. And we will remind people that a change in the German nuclear consensus would stifle the development of sustainable energy and it would cost jobs. The SPD is the strongest among the opposition parties and we must take on this role with vigour. -- Sigmar Gabriel
  • We will not overcome world poverty unless we manage climate change successfully. I've spent my life as a development economist, and it's crystal clear that we succeed or fail on winning the battle against world poverty and managing climate change together. If we fail on one, we fail on the other. -- Nicholas Stern
  • The need for growth, for development, for change, is fundamental to life. -- John Dewey
  • Sustainable development and climate change are two sides of the same coin -- Ban Ki-moon
  • Training and development: The best development programmes change the way people see themselves -- John Bright
  • When the dominant images of a culture are anticipatory, they "lead" social development and provide direction for social change. -- Fred Polak
  • All humans change. Development is our life. Transition, in labor, is the most painful time. Without change, there's no growth. -- Mimi Kennedy
  • Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. -- Kofi Annan
  • The development of quantum mechanics early in the twentieth century obliged physicists to change radically the concepts they used to describe the world. -- Alain Aspect
  • Climate change policies cannot be the frosting on the cake of development; they must be baked into the recipe of growth and social development. -- Robert Zoellick
  • Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family. -- Pope Benedict XVI
  • The fossil-fuel-based development model has not benefitted all people and those who have benefitted least are now suffering great harm in the face of climate change. -- Mary Robinson
  • Solidarity between women can be a powerful force of change, and can influence future development in ways favourable not only to women but also to men. -- Nawal El Saadawi
  • I want us to continue to scale and grow over the coming years in education, professional development and employment to bring about change in people's lives. -- David Batstone
  • As Development Secretary, I have seen in the developing world that climate change there is not a theory, is not a future threat: it is a contemporary crisis. -- Douglas Alexander
  • From the theft of confidential cables to 21st-century protest movements, to development breakthroughs that have the potential to change millions of lives, we are all in uncharted territory. -- Hillary Clinton
  • Melancholia is the beginning and a part of mania. The development of a mania is really a worsening of the disease (melancholia) rather than a change into another disease. -- Aretaeus of Cappadocia
  • Switzerland has no competition. It sits in the middle of Europe, it has the highest technological development, it's legally safe and the political circumstances are never going to change. -- Jean Ziegler