Development and growth quotes:

  • It's important to us to see the development and growth. At the end of the day, it's our baby. Genetically it's ours. It's our embryo. We feel very connected. -- Bill Rancic
  • The most meaningful engine of change, powerful enough to confront corporate power, may be not so much environmental quality, as the economic development and growth associated with the effort to improve it. -- Barry Commoner
  • Endings are a part of life, and we are actually wired to execute them. But because of trauma, developmental failures, and other reasons, we shy away from the steps that could open up whole new worlds of development and growth. -- Henry Cloud
  • the idea of a finished human product not only appears presumptuous but even, in my opinion, lacks any strong appeal. Life is struggle and striving, development and growth - and analysis is one of the means that can help in this process. Certainly its positive accomplishments are important, but also the striving itself is of intrinsic value. -- Karen Horney
  • The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. -- Harvey S. Firestone
  • Educating our young girls is the foundation for Nigeria's growth and development. -- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
  • Regional exchange can be a source of growth and development, and of enhancing good governance. -- Anna Lindh
  • And when native man left off this form of development, his humanization was retarded in growth. -- Standing Bear
  • Annexation is probably the most valuable tool a city has to ensure orderly growth and development. -- Jeff Hawkins
  • Economic growth and human development need to go hand in hand. Human values need to be advocated vigorously. -- Kailash Satyarthi
  • All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work. -- Calvin Coolidge
  • Smart development invests in insulation, efficient cars, and ever-renewed sources of energy. Dumb growth crashes around looking for more oil. -- Donella Meadows
  • Population growth and development place additional stress on the Nation's water infrastructure and its ability to sustain hard-won water quality gains. -- Jerry Costello
  • What's in front of you is a whole world of experiences beyond your imagination. Put yourself, and your growth and development, first. -- Phylicia Rashad
  • Openness has been vital to Asia's fast growth in the past and it will continue to be crucial for the area's further development. -- Li Keqiang
  • Growing up in a violent home is a terrifying and traumatic experience that can affect every aspect of a child's life, growth, and development. -- Lucille Roybal-Allard
  • Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit. -- M. Scott Peck
  • For me Christianity is about the Kingdom, not about the Church: it has to do with human growth and development nor church growth and development. -- Michael Taylor
  • As the new endogenous growth theory suggests, TFP growth is closely related to accumulation of the intangible capitals, such as human capital and research and development. -- Toshihiko Fukui
  • We need fundamental change. In the past, national development led to people's happiness but now the link between national growth and improvement in people's lives has been severed. -- Park Geun-hye
  • The growth that we want is one that brings real benefits to the people, raises quality and efficiency of development, and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection. -- Li Keqiang
  • I believe that the United Kingdom can stay at the forefront in leading the world's growth and development and also continue to play an important and even bigger role for regional stability and global peace. -- Li Keqiang
  • Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential. -- Bruce Lee
  • States have the responsibility to create rules and conditions for growth and development, and to channel the benefits to all citizens by providing education and making people able to participate in the economies, and in decision-making. -- Anna Lindh
  • My definition of economic development is economic growth. -- Mark Noble
  • Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical -- Amartya Sen
  • Educating our young girls is the foundation for Nigerias growth and development. -- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
  • The need for growth, for development, for change, is fundamental to life. -- John Dewey
  • The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership -- Harvey S. Firestone
  • The growth and development of the soul is more important than power and glory. -- Henri Frederic Amiel
  • Becoming a millionaire is not the end goal; your growth and development en-route is what matters. -- Mark Victor Hansen
  • It's also the environment that determines a considerable part of the growth and development of children. -- Edward Zigler
  • There is no development of character without resistance, there is no growth of spirituality without overcoming. -- David O. McKay
  • Nature is not a drag on growth. Its protection is an unavoidable prerequisite for sustaining economic development -- Tony Juniper
  • The cost of infrastructure development to host a mega-event can be offset against economic growth over future decades. -- Richard Attias
  • Spiritual growth requires the development of inner knowing and inner authority. It requires the heart, not the intellect. -- Gary Zukav
  • Self government is no less essential to the development, growth, and happiness of the individual than to the nation. -- William H. Douglas
  • Skill development, speed and scale are the 3 important aspects that are relevant to the present-day growth and development module. -- Narendra Modi
  • The systems that fail are those that rely on the permanency of human nature, and not its growth and development. -- Oscar Wilde
  • All humans change. Development is our life. Transition, in labor, is the most painful time. Without change, there's no growth. -- Mimi Kennedy
  • Sustainability is growth based on forms and processes of development that do not undermine the integrity of the environment on which they depend -- Jim MacNeill
  • To sin is to be off the mark, that is, to inhibit development, contracting backward into regression rather than expanding forward into growth. -- Connie Zweig
  • Climate change policies cannot be the frosting on the cake of development; they must be baked into the recipe of growth and social development. -- Robert Zoellick
  • When you have growth and development, you have more work to do in the fire business. Thats going to be the reality in the future. -- Jim Sinclair
  • Education is no longer thought of as a preparation for adult life, but as a continuing process of growth and development from birth until death. -- Stephen Mitchell
  • We work with the people not out of pity but out of respect for their potential for growth and development, both as individuals and as communities. -- Y. C. James Yen
  • I'd like to see an arrested growth of development. You can't stop it, but it's important we do something about the developers having the upper hand. -- John Murray
  • Success is a continuing thing. It is growth and development. It is achieving one thing and using that as a stepping stone to achieve something else. -- John C. Maxwell
  • The years between 1800 and 1825 were distinguished, so far as our domestic development was concerned, by the growth of the Western pioneer Democracy in power and self-consciousness. -- Herbert Croly
  • You have no control over your growth or development. But you have a control on the direction of your growth and development! Go, grow towards impact directions! -- Israelmore Ayivor
  • Our premise is that inclusion leads to growth. So for those who are locked out, they lose development, and those who are in power lose market and growth. -- Jesse Jackson
  • In an adequate social order, the untalented should be able to acquire a sense of usefulness and of growth without interfering with the development of talent around them -- Eric Hoffer
  • . . . the time has also come to identify and preserve free-flowing stretches of our great rivers before growth and development make the beauty of the unspoiled waterway a memory. -- Lyndon B. Johnson
  • We are firmly convinced that private capital, Chinese as well as foreign, must be given liberal opportunities for broad development in postwar China; for China needs industrial growth. -- Mao Zedong
  • I would argue that Asean has been instrumental in driving both economic growth and political development, and that there can be no clearer example than its relations with Myanmar. -- Najib Razak
  • Sustainable development is the pathway to the future we want for all. It offers a framework to generate economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise environmental stewardship and strengthen governance. -- Ban Ki-moon